
Sunday, January 29, 2023



I'm now in

Section Two:


Last week, I read #4 and I really believe more strongly in the BREAD of Life needed for our journey. I'm not sure any of the rest of these will be as impactful. But for this week, I am in "LIGHT in a Dark Place" and since one of the years, my One Word was LIGHT, I definitely am acquainted with the Light of the World - JESUS; and the need of being the Light in this dark world, especially now, as light truly does need to shine more brightly into every dark place. Here are the different aspects of this second section, I'll call Chapters:

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

[I will be posting this box in every blog post, so you can see where we've been & where we're going. The one in BOLD type will be the focus for that week]

"I AM the Bread of Life"

Just as last week, where JESUS declared, "I AM the Bread of Life" - this week JESUS spoke in John 8:12 "I AM the Light of the world ...". He did not say a Light among many, but THE Light. He did not say that He is the Light, for some but for the whole entire world! I'm getting ahead of myself because I right away need to make this distinction. A and an in the English language are indefinite articles, a determiner referring to something nonspecific; whereas the is a definite article, indicating the specific identity of the noun that follows, in this case - Light. JESUS is definitely the Light! JESUS is at His Brightest when life is at its darkest! And so should we be, as bearers of JESUS' Light! (Matthew 5:14) JESUS is the Light of the world, our world, and in the world. Like God is Omnipresent, so JESUS is Light.

This Chapter "Light in a Dark Place" is divided into the following segments: 
(or subtitles, which I called them last week) 

"In Deep Darkness" ...
"Light is Absolutely Essential" ...
"A Land of Deep Darkness" ...
"Come into the Light" ...
"We must Shine the Light to People in Dark Places" 

You may want to read some of what Lysa TerKeurst shares in

"Finding I AM"

(sample at You Version)



 the Light of the World

[Lysa includes a good quote from Charles Spurgeon also]


Finding our way out of the darkness

for me, means out of sin,

but we're truly

not done






until JESUS comes

and as the Holy Spirit works

in us and convicts us of our sin

we just don't change

hopefully we

sin less


the darkness 

no longer keeps us

out of the


the more of JESUS in us

the more light we

can shine to

others in



"Lord, shine into my heart and my life. And where there is darkness, let me bear Your Light to the ones You love." ~ 52 Weeks with Jesus, James Merritt


I'm not sure that I will be back with more blog posts like last week, 
unless I'm inspired😉
so if not, I'll see you back here next Sunday at 6 p.m. with #6.

Have you ever thought about JESUS as the Light in your dark moments?

How can JESUS, as the Light, be the Answer?

Imagine those living in the darkness,

never seeing the




we did not shine

the Light of JESUS nor

show them the way

out of the dark

to the


Help let JESUS Light

shine even



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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy