
Sunday, April 23, 2023


Section Three: 

Jesus, the Miracle Worker

11. A Man of Marvels
12. Crisis Manager
13. Captain of My Ship
14. A Miraculous Multiplier
15. A Leader Worth Following

16. The Great Empathizer
17. The Divine Ophthalmologist
18. Spiritually Sovereign

#17 The Divine Ophthalmologist

Just in case, you wondered ... & wanted it confirmed

"Optometrists examine, diagnose, and treat patients' eyes. Ophthalmologists are eye doctors who perform medical and surgical treatments for eye conditions." 

"Jesus gives sight to those who chose to see who He is.
Those who refuse remain in darkness."

[Sidenote: Interesting to find out that there are a few churches
who have done
52 Weeks with JESUS
here's one on this chapter - start at 23:00 for just the sermon]

Ophthalmologist & Optometrist
but always

He is known also as

The God Who Sees Me

When I read this title, The Divine Ophthalmologist, that was the first thing that came to my mind, as well as the old adage "seeing is believing" (which you'll notice in the segment/ subtitles reversed). More and more I appreciate how precious all of our senses are, yet sight truly seems to be the one I am so thankful to have (even with glasses), but more importantly just how wonderful God created us to see with our physical eyes yet how much more important it is to see with our spiritual eyes. Most of the time, we are particularly thankful when God sees us, when we feel He has His eye watching over us ... and I'm sure if we are truthful that there are times that we wouldn't want God to see, yet He still does. I really believe that God wants us to notice Him daily, to take the time and see Him, in everything around us. God desires to be seen through us and to us in our daily interactions & intimately see Him in our lives.

This week, we see JESUS, the Miracle Worker in these scriptures:

John 9:1-41; John 3:16-21; Matthew 4:12-16;
 Acts 26:12-18; John 1:1-18

The segments/subtitles in The Divine Ophthalmologist are the following:

"Spiritual Blindness" *
"What Did He Do to Deserve This?" John 9:2-3
"Believing is Seeing"
"Receive What Jesus Has" John 9:8,10
"Conceive Who Jesus Is" John 9:35-38,11,17,31-33) 

* "... If you don't have Jesus, you are living in spiritual darkness." 
...  (maybe you have) perfect 20/20 vision but (are) spiritually blind...

"People who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ 
don't have a physical problem, they have a spiritual problem." 

 It is my personal opinion that sadly there are Christians, right now that are spiritually blind to JESUS & being true followers. They seem to be wearing "blinders" like race horses. The purpose for the race horses is to keep the horse focused on what is in front of them, encouraging them to pay attention to the race and not be distracted by the crowds of people or be spooked. Blinders reduce their field of vision. Horses rely on their instincts to take flight when they perceive a threat. Horses survive this way, and believe to avoid harm depends on their ability to put distance between themselves and perceived dangers; seems similar to some Christians with unfounded fears being stoked in our current society with many "lies" being pushed unnecessarily & put into motion to instill a defensiveness. Blinded by the real truths, deceived by the father of lies, they seek to divide to conquer & seem to have lost sight - blinded rather than focused on JESUS & running a good race {and my how we all need to focus to run a good race & avoid the many distractions} too many are distracted by the crowds & spook easily; unwilling to seek unity & compassion for others different from them; they no longer listen and are quick to bullying in words & actions, triggered to attack, confront & oppose with violence. Definitely, this is a spiritual problem in our nation caused by spiritual blindness and in much need of spiritual warfare to pull down all spiritual principalities waging war and not extending the peace of JESUS to others. Their spiritual vision has been reduced to very one-sided and at times - purely selfish for their own goals; not those of JESUS at all. They might profess that they believe in Jesus Christ but their fear causes their actions & words to do the exact opposite of what JESUS came to teach us & show us, which has now spiraled into an outrage of evil and injustices against 'others' & done in the name of JESUS (falsely). Perhaps you might have been caught up in this, take off your spiritual blinders & ask JESUS to reveal His truth, His will, His way to resolve & bridge the enormous gap evolving.

There are good YV plans that touch on this & "How to Love People You Disagree With" (in case you read my opinion above & happen to disagree with me), "Culture Wars", "How Not To Save the World" and some others ...


is the
who is in the business of healing still

Blind eyes & Deaf ears
are opened by the One who sees us
our true color and motives
need to line up with His
May He open yours
heart, eyes, ears & mind!

"Oh, El Roi, You are the God who sees me. When I feel ushered to the sidelines or forgotten by friends, family, or coworkers, I know You’re working behind the scenes. God, as I review over past weeks, even years, I’ve witnessed You working in miraculous ways. I know You have seen me in the past, when no one else did. And so I can fully trust that You will continue to care for me, even when I’ve entered the darkest valley."

Lord Jesus, I am desperate for You. Shine Your light in my heart so that I may shine as a witness that You are the Light of the world
{a world filled more & more with such darkness, that needs You to penetrate the darkness and breakthrough with Your Light; a world that needs to cry out for Your mercy & grace, forgiveness & power to overcome evil; pierce the darkness with Your Light; & heal the sight of Your people to see You & only hear You as the Savior of this world. Deliver us & fill us with Spirit of love & compassion.}

God gives us eyes to see Him!

Let us see God in our neighbors throughout our nation!

God created ALL in His Image!

Take off whatever is blocking your vision of truly SEEING this in others.


Brandon Heath

...Give me Your eyes for just one secondGive me Your eyes so I can seeEverything that I keep missin'Give me Your love for humanityGive me Your arms for the broken-heartedThe ones that are far beyond my reachGive me Your heart for the ones forgottenGive me Your eyes so I can see...



filled with


for one another

(certainly not the hate and fear I see)

It's time to get your eyes checked by

The Divine Ophthalmologist

to surgically remove what's hindering them

from seeing





preventing others from seeing





just as important

blocking your vision of God

Day by Day










Wishing a heavenward sent Anniversary wish to my Mom & Dad on this day!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy