
Sunday, August 6, 2023


In Section Five, 



we will be continuing with lessons through these:

31. Flying Standby 7/30
32. A Prayer Warrior          8/6
33. Focused on the Father  8/13
34. The One Who Provides 8/20
35. The Treasure Principle  8/27
36. A Marriage Counselor   9/3
37.Can One Become Two? 9/10
38. Love: Can Two Stay One? 9/17
39. The Number One Priority   9/24

Since last week, JESUS dazzled our minds with the "Flying Standby", 

His teaching this week jumps right into a very necessary lesson 

to be




is the best teacher on



clearly knows much on being a "warrior"

He constantly is fighting for you and me!

He is our Advocate before the Father.

So "simply put, a Prayer Warrior is an advocate, who feels themselves called to the ministry of reconciliation between God and man. The Prayer Warrior's heart is one after God's own heart: selfless, with an ability to look at situations from a place beyond them and truly seek after God's will in them." 4 Prayer Warriors to Emulate... : David, Hannah, Daniel, Jesus - the One who taught us how to pray to the Father ... (Matthew 6) 

Being a Prayer Warrior is one lesson that I keep on learning about and developing in my personal spiritual life & will continue to grow in, I pray for the rest of my life. Being a prayer warrior, one "senses the spiritual battle and intercedes in prayer at the prompting of the Holy Spirit."["How to Know if You are a Prayer Warrior"] and another article "10 Powerful Characteristics of a Prayer Warrior" I found helpful (but there are many available in a simple search of "prayer warrior", I just chose these two. Prayer warriors are needed, especially for our families. In the day in which we live, we need people committed to praying. So we need to pray scriptures, cry out for our nation - our world, and learn how to commit to praying unceasingly. Now is the time. We need to cry out for revival and hearts turned toward God like never before. I'm looking forward to this devotional lesson from Jesus, the Teacher - truly a lesson worth learning!

Scriptures for this week:

Matthew 6:5-8; Romans 8:26-30; James 5:13-18;
Psalm 141:1-2; Psalm 4:1-5

as we read the devotional divided into these segments/subtitles:

"Hear Me Now?"
"Lesson Worth Learning"
"Pray Secretly"
"Pray Sincerely"
"Pray Specifically"

"... prayer is not primarily about getting things from God; it's about spending time with God."

"Lord, ignite my passion to grow in intimacy with You.💖 This week I bring You my heart. I bring You my love. I bring You my undivided attention."

"Jesus makes the point that

it is not how much You say to God that causes Him to hear your prayer:

but it is how you say what you say that gets His attention."

While I was preparing this blog post, I received an email I signed up to get the ebook download from Proverbs 31 Ministries "50 Biblical Prayers for Hard Moments" [I hope that this link works so if you want, you too can sign up and receive. If not, try their Resource Library.] This is not connected to my 52 Weeks but an additional resource I find helpful to pray for others (and myself). 

[and there are many other YV Prayer plans]

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy