
Sunday, October 29, 2023

"Jesus, the Helper" for October

{Actually JESUS is our Helper all the time, not just for October}
*Moved the post forward*


the Helper

This is for 

Section 6 which includes 
(weeks 40-44) 
Jesus, the Helper

followed by
 Jesus, the Leader
(weeks 45-48)
in November

and then finally
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)
in December

 October - Section Six: Jesus, the Helper

40. The Thirst Quencher
41. A Most Valuable Treasure
42. A Gracious Judge
43. Always Available, Always Accessible
44. Our Best Friend

[please GO BACK to this blog post for my overall post and explanation, thank you]

All the rest of the content (Scripture readings, segments, prayers) is back there.

I will highlight in bold RED each week the one I'm doing here & there



is my very best Friend.

Of course, He is much more, but a relationship should start with a friendship.

With an acquaintance, I would not say, I have a relationship (but it could become one)

With a friend, I know it's the beginning of our relationship.

A friendship can come & go through the years, 
yet once it's been developed initially 
into a relationship, 
you can return and pick up 
right where you left off.

If you stay in touch, then that relationship is maintained, freshened & remains.

If you loose touch, but were friends, you usually can pick up the time lost & continue.

The same is true with Jesus, once you establish your relationship & stay connected.


I'm sure to gain more insights during this week with

JESUS, the Helper


Our Best Friend


"Jesus is our model for friendship—because He loved without limits— and He makes it possible for us to live a life of friendship—because we have been transformed by everything He shared with us. Through friendship we come to know God and through friendship we enact the love of God."~Baylor University


*I have moved this post from October 8 to October 22nd, but last week it would not allow me to move it ahead for October 15 #42 A Gracious Judge. So the previous post for #41, #42 & #43 no longer exist, because I have made the changes and just moved the same post ahead. However, I'm pretty sure if you subscribe, you will still get emailed this, as if it's new. {sorry} It's not. Just the portion at the end, and the part that I highlight in bold red. 

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy