
Sunday, December 17, 2023


This blog post features


the Overcomer

 for December

Section 8 is
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)

December - 
Section Eight: Jesus, the Overcomer:
49. The Passion of the Christ—the Rest of the Story
50. His Grace, My Place
51. The Warrior Rises
52. Dead Man Walking





51. Matthew 27:32-54; Genesis 3:14-15; Romans 3:21-26; Luke 24:13-27; John 20:1-10

These are the subtitles/segments of each devotional in Chapters 49-52 
(listed after the title of that devotional)

51.The Warrior Rises: "Waiting for the Bruiser"; "An Unexpected Hero"; "Jesus Sacrificed His Life for Me"; "Jesus Substituted His Death for Me"; "Jesus Satisfied God's Justice for Me"






All for Me


51. "God, thank You for sending the Warrior who dies and rises to free the ones You love {that love You} from the grip of sin and death." 

"A Promise to Those Who are Overcoming"

by Rick Renner

[a portion below]

"...Today I want us to look at what it means to “overcome.” The word “overcometh” comes from the Greek word nikao. It refers to a victor, a champion, or one who possesses some type of superiority, and it can be translated to conquer, to defeat, to master, to overcome, to overwhelm, to surpass, or to be victorious. This word was often used in Greek literature to portray athletes who had mastered their sport and ultimately reigned supreme as champions in the games. It could also describe a military victory of one foe against the other.

The word nikao denotes a complete victory over the opposition that Christians were facing on all fronts. By using this word, Jesus was calling upon those early believers to rise up like a mighty spiritual army to defeat the enemies that threatened them on every side."... Rick Renner


Warriors, Rise Up

now is the time

that God is calling us 

to be in tune with Him

to know our Father's Heart & Will

to rise up above the enemy

  "The Eternal is a warrior; the Eternal is His name."
Exodus 15:3 (The Voice)

to Rise up, we must Rest in Him

W.A.R.R.I.O.R – (acronym)
Wear Armor of God, Resist the devil, be Righteous, and In all Occasions pray and Read the Word of God.~from a WordPress "Jesus is the Answer" site 

We, too, are Overcomers in Christ Jesus!
(1 John 5:4-5; Romans 8:37; John 16:33)

Hebrews 12 Endurance


Next week's post & the last one from

"52 Weeks With Jesus"

will post a day ahead on Dec. 23rd

rather than on

CHRISTmas Eve or CHRISTmas Day

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy