
Sunday, February 4, 2024

STILL UNSURE of my ONE WORD for 2024

* "Trade Your Cares for Calm" (2017)

{... that's what I'd like to do (if it was 2022)}

Instead I'll be



in 2024

but also I'm thinking that I'm 

Called to be in His


MORE in '24

so it looks like

God would like to CALM me in His PRESENCE

but which One Word should I focus on?



perhaps there's another ONE God's speaking and 

I'm just not HEARING Him right

Anyways, I really do hope to "trade my cares for CALM"

When we love others, we know we belong to the truth, and we feel at ease in the Presence of God.
1 John 3:19 CEV

the LORD, your God,
is in the midst of you,
a Mighty One who will save.
He will rejoice over you with joy.
 He will CALM you in His love.
He will rejoice over you with singing
Zephaniah 3:17 WEB

[in Zephaniah 3:17 NLT says "CALM all your fears"]


I recall when I read the following words
in "THE CALM" - a short 3 day reading plan,
that one word CALM just continued 
to reverberate in my heart & mind 

"...Can we learn to find calm by faith amidst the waves of sin and the storms of emotion within our hearts? It may seem impossible, but there is hope, and there is comfort to be found.

First, know that you are not alone and that this is not any surprise to your Lord. He is with you in it all, and He loves you.

Second, know that you are not a failure in His sight because you struggle with this. It is an age-old challenge for all of God's people. Even the great. The Lord told Joshua, a valiant leader in Israel who followed the Lord fully, to not be afraid.

Finally, remember that with Christ nothing is impossible. He is able. When we understand that we are weak and learn how to look to Christ and cling to Him, we will begin to experience Christ as our calm."

"... We must keep our minds fixed on the truth of God's Word. When we do, we will begin to experience the calm of Christ."~Thistlebend 

I thought that I was sure this was the Word for me!


Earlier in 2023, I had read and participated in the best online Bible study of Wendy Blight's newest book, "Rest for Your Soul" and I benefited greatly from the beginning to the end, but even now I go back and reread so many parts & her prayers, making them mine. Through her writings, we joined in a spiritual journey in learning three holy habits ("spiritual disciplines") of solitude, silence and prayer. Without detailing all the wonderful help this excellent teaching of Wendy's does for the reader (me & others), let me just recommend this book highly! So, I was thinking either Rest or Peace might be possible choices for me, but I already had done Peace for a One Word (in 2013) and Rest is beautiful yet at this point, far from reality in my life (maybe some year soon). However, reading "Rest for Your Soul" certainly did bring my soul some much needed rest. It just didn't seem right for me as my One Word, especially since 2023 was filled with too many "rest in peace" for people close that I knew and loved dearly. So not Rest, & not Peace, but possibly some word that was closely related and meaningful that I truly may need as 2024 will close another decade of life for me, so I began thinking of the word "aging" as a possibility. Then I decided that I wasn't quite ready to deal with either "aging" or "resting in peace" so I placed those words on the back burner & waited for Jesus to impress upon me that One Word for me to focus.

It was in those quiet moments with Jesus (since that was my 2023 One Word) that I realized how important His sweet Presence was & is to me! PRESENCE - maybe I needed to be more aware of His Presence every day around me & "Experiencing God's Presence" and finding more of Him in my "Life in His Presence" - from two devotional books I had set aside to read later. Perhaps 2024 was the time for that 'later'... I began with one of these in January. And I am enjoying every moment & every page of reading this one year devotional. It definitely is bringing me closer to Him and a good follow-up from 2023 with Jesus! Yet I still was (& am) not convinced that THIS would be my One Word for 2024. 

There is a need for me to "experience the CALM of Christ" Jesus in me ... and "experience Christ as my CALM" for so many reasons. Because I know Jesus is my Peace, and I need more Peace & more Rest & more Jesus, so I trust that I'll continue to experience the CALM in His Presence!

There were a few other ebooks or reading plans that spoke the one word CALM to me during last year and the holiday season in particular from Rachel Wojo (The Calming Collection) prayers; and of course, one of my favorites and go-to pastor & author Max Lucado "Calm Moments..." and a few others by him. Max's acronym for C.A.L.M. is what began my peace & rest seeking journey by following this format for Philippians 4:4-8 (a powerful passage from Paul and a pathway of prayer) to follow & find CALM. However, it wasn't until Rachel shared her Calming Prayers & somehow led me to a book by Ruth Schwenk with this title: "Jesus, Calm my Heart" that I was drawn to the CALM that I need and hope to have in 2024. My dearest sister & friend gifted me the ebook of this so I have been reading it prayer by prayer & will every day in 2024, rewording many of the prayers for particular people or myself, and experiencing Christ as my CALM (sleeping better at night hopefully). I've also added a few other books to aide in this endeavor, so my next favorite is from Julie K. Guilles that has been on my wish list since 2020: "Prayers to Calm Your Anxious Heart" (YV has a sample of this in their reading plans) & a new one (2023) from Dayspring "Sleep Psalms..." by pray (dot) com

All of these are great if you need help praying or sleeping 😉 or like me (all of the above) and being CALM - experiencing Christ as my CALM, knowing the sweet CALM in His PRESENCE

As you can see, I have much reading to do again for 2024!

"... we know we must silence the chatter in our heads

and trust the One who CALMS our hearts" 

from "Be Still..." by Cleere Cherry

{I definitely needed this part in italics as a reminder }


I guess for now

I will choose to be


in His


{with my emphasis on CALM}



SIDENOTE: from the first image 

* I added this book too ... to my reading list,

I couldn't resist the "blues" in Max's book cover of "Trade Your Cares for Calm".

I read that the color blue means CALM, trust, serenity ... and it produces a

CALMING effect. No wonder why blue is my favorite color!

I'm so in need of the CALM, so I surround myself in BLUE

I'm trading my ...

Cares for CALM with Jesus

{maybe I've found my One Word after all}

I plan to focus on CALM in everything in 2024

so in the night, I can sleep peacefully

in God's PRESENCE and live

a Life in His Presence


I continue AGING & maybe next year

I'll have wisdom on that😏👵


How about you?

What's your One Word?


favorite color?



I wrote this ahead because the "If I Will ... then He Will" prayers continue until February 20th and I didn't want to wait to publish this until after that - most churches finished their prayer & fasting in January. I miss all my friends online, but 2024 really needs to be saturated in prayer throughout all 50 states for Revival. The Church and our Nation desperately needs to pray!

And also LENT will be starting on February 14th through March 28th, 2024. Valentine's Day is Ash Wednesday ... no greater LOVE than God's! ... but still seems odd. Michele Cushatt shared a Lenten Experience last year - "Lamenting the Unexpected" (Week 1); and Week 2 "The Purpose of Lament", taken from her new book "A Faith that Will Not Fail"...more HERE

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy