
Sunday, March 10, 2024


My One Word for this Week is:

2 Corinthians 10:5

{although that Scripture verse does not have the One Word AUTHORITY in it}

but 2 Corinthians 10:8 does

However, there are two verses that come to my mind & the third one, I don't like much:

Matthew 28:18
(spoken by Jesus to His disciples)

Luke 10:19
(again Jesus speaking)

Romans 13:1-2
(written by Paul to Gentile believers in Rome)

I guess I don't really like "snakes and scorpions" either, nor what the represent.

And I agree what Paul has written, I just think too many are misusing this in recent times.

Yet, it is meant to describe that we, as Christians live under the 

AUTHORITY of our government authorities.

Here in our country, that used to make more sense. 

But think about if you live in another country, not governed fairly.

A dictatorship, for example. A corrupt governing body.

I guess this is when we use Luke 10:19. (lol)

This is not so far fetched right now in our own country 

- our democracy is in great peril -

I am greatly saddened by the direction of our governing bodies 

or lack of direction and the AUTHORITY that they think they now have or will;

I can't even begin to get into this, but I really should.

Believe me, I am praying relentlessly to God

and for God's AUTHORITY over these governing authorities

here and in other countries, especially those persecuting Christians.

I am sure that we never even imagined ourselves living under persecution.

Too many of us have taken for granted the freedoms we have been afforded; 

so blessed to be given and have, just because of where we were born.

I beg God to have mercy on us!


This was not the topic of the devotion, but I can't stop myself from those above thoughts.

I love this statement at the end of this devotion on


"... The way to operate in our God-given AUTHORITY is to reframe our perspective based on Him, not on us. Hand in hand, bringing heaven to earth."

If those in AUTHORITY did this, we'd have much less to be concerned about in our

 government leaders, that are more and more less like God or Jesus' teaching.

And not even close to being leaders!

Thank God for His AUTHORITY!

I do realize that this verse says that God establishes our leaders

but the purpose is not for their own purposes or power


taking control or controlling or refusing to submit to God

seems to be the current dilemma 

"Generally speaking,

human government serves to rein in & punish evil."

I'm seeing too much evil, out of control, because of power thirsty governmental leaders.

As I've stated, we are in an impending and disastrous spiral of evil & peril -

out of fear, and need to be in power over others & their freedoms.

There are too many lies being projected repeatedly so they're believed,

we are being deceived sadly and duped by

"snakes & scorpions"

indoctrinated in false statements.

May God save us & wake up His Church to His Truth!

As you can tell, I care deeply and am passionate about the perilous direction of our country. It is hard for me to not say something. And I have spoken (written) too much and not enough. I am finding it difficult to write further on this blog post without alerting as many as I can to the times in which we live and the importance of God's AUTHORITY, our obedience and our responsibility as true believers of Jesus Christ ... not ones who are bowing to human entities, or supremacies of any human. We are all created in God's image equally, no one is supreme over another, no race or ethnic group is supreme. We are surrendering the power given to us in Jesus, for a false human power, not one by the Spirit - not of might nor of the Spirit's power. Please open your spiritual eyes and hearts to what the teaching of Jesus says and His Word warning us to beware; even of those in the Church. Too many lack the character of Jesus in these days and are leading us to save their own skins, at a high cost to us. 

Trust me when I began this post, I had no idea that I would head off in this direction from this One Word. Before I loose too many of you, and some of you might have stopped reading this even before now, I will continue with the other One Words for each day this week - rather than continue, but I won't delete what I have poured out, or expound any further. I'm hoping my words were/are Spirit led as I do pray before I begin for exactly this - that the Holy Spirit would take control of what I am about to share in this blog post. Sometimes we never know where this may lead us. I pray that I have not offended you, but I do hope that I have jolted you into seriously coming to Jesus about all decisions especially in regards to the direction of our nation and the importance of your diligence to turn your heart to Jesus only; surrender is only to Jesus, and Jesus' AUTHORITY in you is more powerful than anything this world is offering. Use with godly caution & principles. I must leave this thread but it's very hard for me

Onward to
The One Word "Pauses for Lent" for this 4th week:

23. UNFAIR - Ezekiel 18:25-29 CSB (video)
24. BLESSING - Genesis 12:2 (video)
25. MERCIFUL - Joel 2:13
26. FREE - John 8:31-32
27. SIN - 1 John 1:8
28. ENEMIES - Matthew 5:44-45 {not the Enemy}

[More below the <><><> on these]

{I linked this to the beginning blog post of all the One Words, so you know I did not change or choose these One Words to go along with my previous thoughts - nor did I look ahead to these before adding them here or writing as I did above.}

In case you do see a correlation, it was not designed by me. If you don't see one, you might  look closer at how these One Words connect to my thoughts above about the One Word for this week. As forewarned, I'm having a hard time leaving my thoughts behind on AUTHORITY . 
We must stand in Jesus' AUTHORITY, not to overpower people with violent rhetoric & actions, but according to the author of "FOCUS" in the devotion where she states so powerfully that ... 

"Jesus is pleading with us to stand in His AUTHORITY, and really get it this time" ... 

"The enemy has had way too much say when it comes to how we reflect, view and dream for our lives. His goal in self-evaluation is always shame; he's terrified of our potential. He doesn't want us to realize the AUTHORITY that we have in the Name of Jesus." from Cleere Cherry Reaves, FOCUS ...

AMEN! Great message and words that I just had to quote because as she points out before this how God is for us and that we never fight a battle without Him; whereas the enemy of our souls "has had way too much say"! WOW, how I agree! Or possibly I'm reading this wrong, but I believe strongly that we fight "not by power, nor by might, but by His Spirit" says the Lord of Hosts (Zephaniah 4:6). Too many are fighting in their own power & not at all through God's Spirit; using words with actions that do not represent Jesus at all. In fact, there are people, who are far from representing what I believe is Jesus' character or principles, leading others to their way of thinking, blinding them from the truth and repeating lies so many times that the people believe them, without testing the spirit of truth in their words. I am appalled at all this.


Further explanation of the daily One Word Pauses (days 23-24)

I chose UNFAIR (Word 10) and BLESSING (Word 12) from the videos of "40 Words for the Journey of Lent" without knowing that Father Laguerta was from the Philippines (& speaks both English & their language in these videos). Regardless, I wish that I had stayed with just one set of One Words and not tried to compile from the various ones that I encountered, all of which are good One Words for Lent and the list & sources are good, but now going back & trying to find where I got the different Words, makes this a hard task. And watching the videos to catch the scripture chosen is not so easy. I found the One Word UNFAIR in the Christian Standard Bible, other versions used other similar words like not fair and not right, but also unjust. The Catholic priest, Father Laguerta chose this from the second reading and he speaks in both English and the dialect of the Philippines. The video on the One Word BLESSING is at Mount Sinai. There are many verses available to us of the One Word "BLESSING" but of course, the Beatitudes are filled with "Blessings" or "Blessed ..." more specifically "Happy ..." and the first Scripture that comes to my mind is where we got the song "The Blessing" (Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes) Numbers 6:24-26. The other One Words are found in the book "Pauses for Lent" (for days 25-28). 

"...One of the most difficult challenges for a Christ-follower is loving" our enemies. And our first step in loving them is to pray for them. Not only did Jesus do this but He wants us to do this also. So if I've made any new (or old) enemies today by what I've written (or said) please forgive me and pray for me. I thank you. May our prayers help us to grow spiritually and change our attitudes, discouraging any one of us (especially in the social media sites, in our comments) from saying or doing anything disrespectful and often, just down right nasty to those we dislike or consider to be opposing our own views to treat others as we would like God (and others) to treat us. {Thankfully, I don't participate in other social media sites.} but... C'mon people now, smile ... , be a lot more friendly and kind AND frankly be human, which is also humane toward one another. Jesus calls this LOVE! God is LOVE and let me tell you, too many have forgotten this measure that Jesus has given His very life to give us ... just show a little love - no, actually show a LOT MORE LOVE like JESUS! Compassion is the way Jesus treats others and shows empathy to them as well. Let's show more BE ATTITUDES and less selfish ones and selfish ambition and the evil selfishness rearing its ugly head among us. Let us BLESS one another & stop cursing others in Jesus' beautiful & precious (selfless) Name! 

 Just to remind you!
"The Blessing" 
[also linked it above]

from this book


Words in the above Image from the above book

"When I live believing my life is the only life that matters, God, remind me that the faces of others reflect your face, the struggles of others bring your liberation to my life, and the kindness of others speaks your grace into my soul. Amen."

Perhaps the rest of this should be another blog post, but I needed to share on Sunday😇

I have two church services that I'd like to share (now a week later)
in case the links no longer work ...

Prayer clip at the end of Hope Church - Oakdale 3/4/24 service

This 1st is just a clip of the prayer at the end of a very good sermon.

I have other clips but the entire sermon is worth watching

from Hope Church (local church in Oakdale, MN) You Tube Channel.

I believe the link is for the entire online church service, so 

start about 38:58 where the sermon begins.

It is not on AUTHORITY, yet in a way it is.

The series is "Higher Wisdom".

The part I like is near the end on:

The Enemies of the Truth:
The Lawyer
The Waffler
The Pleaser
The Opportunist
The Bull

{I made 13 Clips because it only will hold 60 seconds. 1st time I've done this.}
So, I didn't realize that I should write down where it is timewise until halfway.

Of course, for context the entire sermon works best!

I hope that it blesses you as much as it did me!


The 2nd one is only one of the people that shared at Watermark Church, Stillwater, MN;
 You Tube channel

celebrating their 11th Birthday & some of the "Missions this Church supports"

The Full service 3/3/24 - and the last person that shared on Venture 
(begins 1:01:39)

was Paul Hurckman, Exec. Director

The parts that moved me to tears came here and afterwards with the testimony of

investing in people like Hannah (1:10:30--- clip beginning of her story)

who in turn invested in others

beginning of 2nd testimony clip
2nd part & 3rd part
4th part clip cuts

Truly is aMazing part of God's heart & story!

These may not work, but I think you can find if you're interested.
I may have to take the clips down from here but not the 
 Church above and Venture website to connect.


Thank you!

{yeah, I overpacked this blog post}

Overcompensating with so much good over too much negativity 

being spoken/written by me and more by others in social media sites.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy