
Sunday, April 7, 2024


50 days from Resurrection Sunday (Easter) is PENTECOST!

"Pentecost is a holy day when Christians commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus Christ. Originating from a Greek word meaning "50th day," Pentecost occurred 50 days after Christ's resurrection. Before the events of Pentecost, Jesus had followers, but there was no movement that could really be called the church. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the church. In Pauses for Pentecost, Trevor Hudson leads readers to focus on one word and scripture verse each day. He invites us to pause for just a few minutes to read the brief daily reflection and do a simple practice. The beauty of this book is its simplicity, and the thoughtful meditations guide us to a deeper understanding of the meaning of Pentecost."

I've continued to "Pause" (as I did during Lent) with a book by Trevor Hudson again

🔥"Pauses for Pentecost"🔥

Fortunately, it's only been a week, but that means I've missed sharing 7 days with you

and that means 7 One Words & Scriptures, which are (were) the following:

Day 1 STONE Matthew 28:1-2 (NIV)
Day 2 ANGEL Matthew 28:3-6
Day 3 AHEAD Matthew 28:7
Day 4 *JOY*   Matthew 28:8   
Day 5 CRYING   John 20:15
Day 6 BURNING Luke 24:32
Day 7 TABLE      Luke 24:30

* I am also doing a You Version plan that focuses on just JOY for the month of April:

Pause: A Month of Joy in 5 Minutes a Day

It's not at all like the books by Trevor Hudson or associated with the same type of "pauses".

There are 4 plans of 30 days by 
Lance LangHope is Alive Ministries.
I am enjoying this plan & the author's 
style of using: 

Proclaim, Prompt, Prod, Praise, Pray 
each day in the devotions.

After Resurrection SONday,
this is a great way to continue the JOYFUL celebration with even more JOY 

"When we are full of JOY, 
life becomes worth living."

(and personally, I need to pause & focus more on JOY in my life because of Jesus!)

I need the fullness of JOY - Resurrection JOY & POWER!

{I didn't mean to digress, yet when Day 4 was JOY, it made me think of this plan.}


So let's go back & continue with "Pauses for Pentecost" for this 2nd Week:

Day 8 BREATHED John 20:22 (NIV)
Day 9 DOUBT        John 20:27
Day 10 MORNING John 21:4
Day 11 LEAD         John 21:18
Day 12 ALIVE        Ephesians 2:4-5
Day 13 RAISED     Colossians 3:1
Day 14 DEATH      Colossians 3:5

These are wonderful reflections given for each day of the 50 days along with a Daily Practice.

I probably will not continue sharing all 50 days with the One Words & Scriptures 

but I encourage you to get a copy
(Kindle was very inexpensive)

and allow this season between 
Jesus' Resurrection & Ascension 
to Pentecost Day
to be a time for us as followers of Jesus Christ (Christians, in the real sense)
to enter more fully into God's good news daily together as we meditate on the filling of

the Holy Spirit, in the early church & now, letting the risen Christ 

bring us alive & full of the Spirit & His Resurrection power!

When I read and followed "Pauses for Lent", I was looking forward to continuing with

"Pauses for Pentecost"

to continue my journey intentionally to be refreshed by His Spirit

with the wondrous glory of God

alive in me (us)!

Seeking, thirsting and ready continually

through Christ Jesus for Jesus' return filled with the Living Spirit!

I'm so thankful I discovered these books & this author!


And I am continuing with my weekly



This week is


John 3:30 BSB

 again, the One Word "CHOOSE" is not in the verse, it's found in the devotion & in the


"... focus on CHOOSING His way over yours. When a decision needs to be made, remind yourself that you have a choice and then CHOOSE Him - every time. ... His way is always going to win." Cleere Cherry Reaves

The main reflection question for me:

"...are you CHOOSING what is comfortable over what is Christlike?..." 




Excellent points & questions throughout this devotion by Cleere Cherry Reaves again

for this week as we allow this One Word to transform our lives.


I certainly see a spiritual connection for me between 



the Holy Spirit's filling during

"Pauses for Pentecost"


*Deuteronomy 30:19-20(NLT); Job 23:11(NIV); Psalm 16:11(NIV); Matthew 7:13(NIV) 

* has the One Word "Choose"; there are many choices if you click on "CHOOSE"

"Jesus, more of You, less of me."


Good Word(s) to Focus on for this week!

[image credit: Mary Davis quote]


  1. I LOVE the Mary Davis quote and image! It was a perfect choice for this post!

    The Focus book portion had so many things that stood out to me that it was hard to choose just one! So I'll list two with the first being so simple yet profound....

    "We delay making a choice but do not realize that our delay is the choice." Double ouch!! How many times have I gone down that path? Procrastination...something I judge in other people but try to justify in myself.

    " Because He lives in us, we have authority over what we decide and how we operate! We are able to experience a setback and still believe in victory. We are able to feel intense emotions in a moment but make a decision based on truth. We are able to release what is not ours to carry and give it to Him instead,. We are able to abandon the expectations and standards of the world and decide to please our Maker." Yes, yes! Such a relief and a reminder to change our perspective! Amen!

    1. Thank you for CHOOSING 2 really good parts that stood out! I had to go back & reread your page turner choice & the previous one, both quite impactful. I need to Focus more on 'pleasing only our Maker' & slow down to think things through & give it to Him, listen for His guiding prompts & not get caught up in the world's choices. Let go of these expectations & standards (or lack) & do just what you concluded - change my perspective to reflect more Jesus! Thanks for choosing these profound parts that stood out. Thankful to know we have His authority in our decisions & our choosing! Blessings


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy