
Monday, May 20, 2024

Focus One Word: CLARITY

Now that we're FILLED with His Holy Spirit

we should be able to better



our One Word for this week

with these scripture verses from

Luke 10:41-42

[NIV in BOX]

"41“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,   42but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Perhaps you are wondering like I am, about what this has to do with CLARITY. If not, please explain in the comments. {At this point, I have not read the devotional or even peeked ahead yet} But as usual the One Word: CLARITY is not in the chosen verses.

Doing a search for CLARITY at Bible Hub did not help me either. I only became more lost because my topical search gives me 27 results, none of which seem to be similar to CLARITY. However, I do have 13 verses containing CLARITY, yet I like to start out as I often do with at least a definition of the One Word, especially if I intend to focus all week on that One Word and so I really am hoping for some CLARITY before I begin this week. Or else I am going with OVERFLOW, but I looked through the 27 and "transparency" sounded the closest. Anyways, while I ponder to get some CLARITY on this topic and One Word so I can focus, I will just have to sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary; and ask Him for some CLARITY. 

Meanwhile, here are the scripture references & versions of the verses that contain CLARITY: 

Exodus 24:10 NKJV; Psalm 19:8 Voice; Isaiah 32:4 NET; Ezekiel 28:24 AMP; Daniel 7:19 CEB; Daniel 7:20 CEB; Matthew 18:31 AMP; Acts 22:14 AMP; Romans 1:19 Voice; 1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT; Colossians 4:6 TPT; 2 Timothy 2:7 Voice 

Perhaps you might find others.


The verses given in the book to go with the CLARITY devotional are:

Deuteronomy 5:8 NIV; 1 Corinthians 7:35 NLT; 1 John 2:15 NLT; Galatians 1:10 ESV; Luke 10:41-2

The definitions (just as perplexing):

"clearness of appearance"; "clearness of thought or style"; "free from obscurity & easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression"; "the state of being easy to see, hear or understand"; "the state or quality of being clear; transparency; lucidity"

when I searched for a biblical definition, they gave another *word referring to

"clarity of scripture"


 that's not what I searched for ... but that's what I got

1 Corinthians 14:33

lets me know clearly that 

"God is not a God of confusion, but of peace"

This much I know to be true!


So for now, I'm skipping ahead but if I get any


from or after I read the devotional

I might be back with more

in the meantime

my quick search (scan) of this week's devotional gives me

 the One Word on p.77

"...(Jesus) He always maximizes our time, replenishes our strength & gives CLARITY we did not have beforehand." C.C. Reaves


Give me CLARITY.

I want to see through Your eyes.πŸ‘€


(now that helps me a little more)

until later


{since I'm already confused for this week, I'm already "whispering" the prayer & word: CLARITY
and asking "Him to open my eyes to the bigger picture" so I'm ahead of the game with the
Focus Tip for this week - I do check those out for clues, too}

Listening Lord for what You might be saying to me?

I'm in need of some CLARITY. I'm lost without You.

Holy Spirit come.


[in 2 weeks the One Word Focus will return to Sunday, 6 pm blog post time]

May 26th I believe is time for "Taking Inventory" so I'll wait until June 2nd.

I didn't want to surprise you with it on 

Pentecost SONday!


  1. Interesting and thorough research, as always, my dear sis! I’ve always regarded clarity as just seeing or knowing something clearly without obstruction or confusion. The first prayer I remember hearing with the actual word “clarity” was from my sister and prayed over our mother as she began her journey with Alzheimer's. Since then, I’ve used “clarity” more frequently over myself and my loved ones. We all want to know clearly what others are telling us or expecting from us, but especially what God is telling us. Clarity goes hand in hand with wisdom He has promised us so graciously if we only ask Him.

    This part from the book spoke to me:

    “We know Jesus wants to be with us, that He is speaking and we know it is important, but we feel pressed by what is right in front of us. ....we prioritize the preparation for the future over sitting with the only One who controls our future.”

    The author goes on to warn that the enemy uses that to distract and consume us with immediate stuff instead of the important things and reminds us that Jesus will never makes us too late for His best and will supply clarity when we need it.

    Yes, Lord, clear our vision, focus our attention, and give us the clarity we need to do Your will!

    1. WOW! that's better and clearer than all that research (to no avail). And AMEN to your personal experience with CLARITY and especially wanting to know clearly what God is telling us. But now or how? does this apply to the Mary & Martha story?

      Ohh and what a wonderful part you have chosen to share! Without my focus being on CLARITY, when reading just this quoted portion, I am able to see much clearer (lol). And my oh my how I understand the part you explained of the author's warning and have multi examples of "distractions" & being "consumed" with the immediate "stuff' (kinda like Martha & her hospitality concern vs. Mary focused on Jesus & His CLARITY) So I guess you have made the correlation for me. Very thankful that I have you to remind me, show me & help me (as we read along together).

      Amen & amen! to your summation prayer "Lord, clear our vision, focus our attention, and give us the clarity we need to do Your will!" and might I add Hear You rather than the other noises & distractions. If we seek CLARITY that should happen. Is clarity similar to discernment? or how do they differ?

      Very interesting and impactful comment to get me on the right track of CLARITY! Well explained & applied, sis! A very vivid example that is heart warming & touching! IF ONLY ... I could apply. But your mama knows Jesus (that's a big difference). Dementia, in any form, robs life & rationale communication. Key point for me from you: "We all want to know clearly what others are telling us or expecting from us" - who knows (God forbid) but I could one day be in that place as we age & our minds are affected. That's an excellent CLARITY example! I'll continue to ask our Lord for His wisdom, rather than the knowledge that the other one wants to hold on to and flaunt/share more - his own accumulation of knowledge without wisdom. Such a great CLARIFICATION! Thank you, sis!

    2. To CLARIFY, that last part - next weekend (I think) is Memorial Weekend and somehow we're done with the 4 for this month, so it's a break or time to really reflect on all 4 of the "Taking Inventory" especially the last one on CLARITY. So no FOCUS One Word next Sun. or week. Until June 2nd then (but looking ahead there's 5 Sundays in June then the 4th of July week, which might mean another week break or week for the "Taking Inventory"). I try to share those the week of the One Word at YV when they're fresh in our minds, but I'll hold off and not share until that week off. Too much explanation & not enough CLARITY! Hope it's clear as a bell, not a fog (like my brain seems to be in today)! Blessings sis!

    3. My CLARIFY was about as clear as "mud in your eye" - but I hope you can figure out & get CLARITY on your own ... or by reading between all my bla bla bla (sorry)

    4. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’šgood one!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy