
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Focus: SEEK ...

Jeremiah 29:13

SEEK: to search out, to strive after

in this verse, this is the meaning

HEB: וּבִקַּשְׁתֶּ֥ם אֹתִ֖י וּמְצָאתֶ֑ם
NAS: You will seek Me and find [Me] when
KJV: And ye shall seek me, and find
INT: will seek and find when

Many of us are familiar with a verse that precedes this one in Jeremiah and use it out of context for our good or the good of someone else struggling (Jeremiah 29:11) but the verse in between and all the previous ones in chapter 29 are important. [the link goes to an article about this, however, I (and perhaps you) are unable to read it without subscribing] so I will just link to another one here or more extensively here] and I'll make my point just by looking at Jeremiah 29:10-13 (or maybe even before this) but mainly the prophet Jeremiah is speaking to a group of "exiles" under God's judgement:

"... 10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Before I get to my verse, I need to realize that I need to call on the Lord.

Pray to the Lord and listen to the Lord.

(also previously in this chapter, it speaks of "false prophets" & lies being propagated)

{Hmmm, sounds a little too familiar.}


SEEK HIM and find the Lord

by SEEKING HIM with all my heart

which means truly searching for Him and striving after Him

turning back our hearts & repenting

being accountable




I did not come here for this, I really just wanted to share the image and continue on with the verse I chose before I moved onto some other part or different verses with SEEK. Then I got off on that little tangent of mine (without completing my thoughts or a solid lesson about this).

I have encountered quite a few reading plans on SEEK at You Version, even one on SEEKING Justice (for another time). But because of these plans I decided to share more, starting with the various definitions of SEEK (as I started out with above) but not all of them:

"Seek (verb): to go in search or quest of
  • to try to find or discover by searching or questioning
  • to try to obtain
  • to try or attempt
  • to go to
  • to inquire

I did one of the plans: 21 days of Seek, back in Jan. of 2022, in a "season to minimize the distractions & routines" of my life as I started out the new year that year, hoping to hear God's voice & focus on what He is saying to me. It was an intentional time of prayer as I generally do each year. Besides the scripture verses & daily devotions, I found the different topics each day & prayers to be very helpful. Here is a prayer, I've chosen (but not from this plan):

"God, thank You for Your Word and how You speak to us so personally and lovingly. Thank You for being a Good Father who wants to help us understand Your instructions. Please reveal to me in a personal way how You want me to seek You as my vital necessity in my daily life."~ *Rebekah M. Barrett, day 2 of 3 from "Seek Me First"

I'm really enjoying the daily plan & videos from Jovita Sheppard in her plan


{I think because it's a seven day plan}

"... As we SEEK after God & place ourselves in the posture for an encounter, and as we encounter God, we, too, will begin to thirst after the life- changing experience that comes from being in Almighty God's presence." ... (Psalm 42:1-2)

 " (God) is faithful to come and dwell  when we SEEK Him ... " Jovita Sheppard

this is just a taste of her "devotional for a God-first lifestyle"

which leads me to my next chosen verse with


[since there are so many verses & choices]

(for coffee drinkers-lol)

"SEEK the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 NLT

I will be focusing on the seven verses given in Jovita Sheppard's plan for each day.

Psalms 27:8; Job 5:8; Psalms 34:10; Psalms 34:4; Psalms 42:1-2; 

1 Chronicles 16:8-12

"... and SEEK His face always"

when facing troubles & trials, what I encourage myself & others to do is

"SEEK His face, not just His hand"


as this blogger shares 

"Seek God's face before you Seek His Hand"

which is ultimately what we need to do

SEEK both, SEEK Him


"SEEK GOD Through It"
(another YV plan of 10 days)

says it this way:

"...God wants us to seek His face, not His hand. Seek His heart, not His power. In genuinely seeking Him, we gain the abundant life 
that Jesus provides." day 4



As I share this
for a miracle for loved ones
(1 involved in a tragic car accident)
and hope you will join me praying
in Jesus' name



  1. Amen! May we all seek Him daily as our “vital necessity “!

    1. Yes, Karen! I agree with my amen to that prayer of "vital necessity" from "Seek Him First" (no problem for me, because I don't drink coffee first thing in the morning as the plan indicated, but it was a good analogy too). Still trying to understand "glass" and "rubber" balls from our book, reading each day gives me a little better understanding (with her examples) and reading what you wrote again, yet it's still not clear about the balance & dropping as relates to "SEEK" and the verses given.

    2. I don’t know if this is what the author meant but I just took it to mean when we seek the Lord fervently for guidance in all aspects of our lives, God will lead us through those many different things and supply wisdom to know His will. Since most people’s lives revolve around handling so many things, whether they call it spinning plates, juggling balls , or wearing different hats....LIFE can be hard, complicated, and overwhelming at times. God knows that and wants His children to ask for His seek Him wholeheartedly.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy