
Monday, May 13, 2024


now that's a TIMELY choice for 

this week

as we 


in our lives and this fabulous book


Cleere Cherry Reaves

as we enter this

final week





{so I must say God's Timing seems perfect & IS even when ... }

we may not think so and it just seems at the worst time


Thankfully the author has a wonderful Word for us again

"Do not overlook: this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."2 Peter 3: 8 ESV
2 Peter 3:8 TPT - So, dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape your notice: a single day counts like a thousand years to the Lord YAHWEH, and a thousand years counts as one day.

although as usual, it does not contain the One Word: TIMING

{guess I'd better get use to this by now

but her message in her devotional always is TIMELY and 

definitely points toward her chosen One Word that we are to Focus on for the week.

Yes, God's TIMING is perfect!

and so is her message a really wonderful one

to direct us on our

"... walk, journey, continual learning curve, the process"

"The blessing of each step, one by one ..."

as He continues to refine us

and transform us

which is the intent of this book

and also this week's focus on the Holy Spirit

who continually is at work transforming us

our lives, our pace

"... Our joy is not in our arrival but in our walk with Him."

"And we can trust Him. His nudges inch us closer to fulfillment
His timing is perfect. He isn't too fast and He isn't too slow."...

He knows!

Often I'm sure that I have grumbled about His timing, and come close to giving up hope or resolve that He probably has forgotten me, He doesn't have time to take take of this; and on and on - not seeing ahead as He does or knowing what He knows or the plan He has or sees for me (or whoever else I might happen to be praying for God's perfect timing). Easily I think we all fall prey to being discouraged, disheartened and tend to doubt God's faithfulness even when we see later or wake up to the realization that He hadn't forgotten, that He was faithful before and He'll be faithful again. It is us that tend to wander in our faithfulness & end ourselves in the pit that we seem to be grumbling about or wondering what's the lesson God that You're trying to get through to me and question why ... why the setbacks? why another "hill, twist, turn" unexpectedly to us, but never to Him as He's trying to sync our pace to His! He's gently forcing us to either slow down or speed up or stay steady and trust as we obey & follow His lead. (Ouch). Instead of easily becoming frustrated and all those previous emotional words, perhaps we need to look deep within, look up and look out so we can adjust & be transformed (by the renewing of our minds, right?) to realize as always He knows us, He knows best and He's in control & for us (not against us) hoping that we will correctly transition and make the necessary changes. 

He does notice every step and misstep; every tear and every heartache; every call or cry to Him; every thing we walk through, He is there walking through 'it' with us (not leaving us forgotten along the roadside or in that pit); every thought and mindset both positive and negative; how tired & weary we've become (too often for me) but what He knows and we don't know (our countless uncertainties) is what lies ahead & how He hopes to get us there. 

I simply treasure the analogy in this devotional of our "walk with someone" (my Someone is Jesus) and her closing words. (I always look ahead😏😉to the end of the book or devotional in this case). I'll try not to give it away. And on this glorious sunshine day, I choose to stay the pace & remember His timing (be patient, be alert, & watch) so I take a "deep breath and ask God to help" me "go at His tempo". Tempo is also very important in the scheme of things, especially music. Praising and worshipping God and enjoying His TIMING! Now to trust & not waver in any doubt or fear or lack because God never fails to come through. His Holy Spirit will be right with me, guiding & directing my pace, rhythm and direction that needs to be refilled constantly but most importantly every PENTECOST (not just this upcoming Sunday) but each time we lose our touch and rely on self or this world, we really need to know that only His perfect TIMING and refilling of our empty cup is what our soul desires and consistently needs daily: more of Him, more of His Word, more of His change in us, more Spirit-filled people moving by the Spirit in this world that shakes us up far too much & we need to stay the course & stand firm in our beliefs ... even when ... and no matter what ... if the course changes just ask for His direction, His wisdom and His way ... always! 



2 Peter 3:9 ESV; Psalm 27:14 ESV; Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV; Habakkuk 2:3 ESV

now to search for 

(looking more at TIMELY)

from Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary:

1. Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable. 
2. (superl.) Keeping time or measure. 3. (adv.) Early; soon; in good season.


but here are some

Biblical verses with the One Word TIMING:

2 Kings 8:5 (Voice); Psalm 16:5 (TPT); Psalm 42:4 (AMP); Ecclesiastes 9:11 (NIrV); Zechariah 14:6 (MSG); Acts 1:7 (MSG); Romans 1:10 (TPT); 1 Peter 5:6 (TPT); 1 Corinthians 10:13 (TPT); 1 Thessalonians 5:1; & 1 Timothy 6:15 (CEB)

May the holy Spirit be walking with You,

every step, perfect TIMING!

(but if you're like me - patience also for us)

Hold on

Breathe & Be filled!


Trust & obey



God's Tempo Always



  1. I must say that your elaboration on this week’s OW was much more helpful for me than the one in the book. Although I liked CCR’s words, I didn’t “get” her analogy for timing, but after reading your post, it is clearer to me.

    This was my favorite part in the book right at the end:

    “He can get us to the next place with what we have in this moment”. A most excellent and much needed reminder!

    1. I had to correct previous, trying again.

      You're not going to believe this but I wrote a reply back when you commented & never published it (or it didn't).

      Anyways, I wrote something like this: me last week - you, this week with analogies! I'm glad if what I wrote helped you a bit more.

      It was at this point, I think I went to check book to explain the analogy & thus never completed or published my comment. I'm pretty sure that I too chose the final statement but indicated I did not want to give it away
      (with emojis) after I explained how I like to check out the end. So, clearly we agree with this reminder being the best part (of what we understood) Thank you for sharing honestly & added your views. 🤗


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy