
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

MESSES... this too is my story...

yep, the story of my life...
continual messes having to be picked up,
cleaned up, cleansed
straightened out Mazes...

This may look like a MESS, but the MESSES I'm talking about are wrongs; wrong choices & decisions... the 'Christianeeze' word is SIN. Many of us tend to shy away from that word: SIN.

People that aren't in church especially, but even many of us in churches. Many of us do not recognize our many faults as SIN. Our failings to make the right choice or healthy choice are SINS. Any wrong doing or poor choice in thought, word or deed.

Some believe that nothing is a SIN just a difference in perspective. But the Bible tells us and history does as well that WE ALL ARE SINNERS, WE ALL HAVE SINNED... yes, everyone of us. And there is no gradient of SIN. SIN is SIN. A MESS is a MESS. It will always be a MESS.

Perhaps it is easier for us to relate to it this way: there are or have been times in our lives when we have really MESSED up. Some MESSES involve other people. Some MESSES are just our own MESS that needs fixing. Many MESSES affect more people than you may be aware of at the time of the MESS. And some of those MESSES disappear at the time but lo and behold, they show up again later because we never really took care of cleaning them up correctly or completely just haphazardly for the time being or maybe we had no idea how MESSed up we were, maybe we were in a BLAME game or running away from facing the truth. Maybe we were believing lies and buried in deception.

Whatever the reason for the MESS, God is ready and always waiting to clean us up, wash us...

If you're even a little bit like me, you don't want to live the kind of life where you are barely hanging on, merely finding ways to cope with your MESS, your misery, your circumstance just to get by. Many of you have had this feeling like me that you absolutely would like to START your life over, or at least before this MESS overtook your life... 'I have been there, done that'... and I just don't want to continue THAT WAY.

I, for one, do not enjoy going around in circles, those MAZES that I showed you but still have not given any specific MAZES, but the ones where you head out in one direction and find either a dead end or you end up right back where you started. Especially if this WAY leads you into the same MESS that you were either trying to get away from, make right or move beyond. Especially the same territory or valley that you already thought you'd passed through.

And then you find yourself coming back to the same problems, the same habits, the same hurts, the same hang-ups and patterns from before, the same frustrations, same limitations, same mistakes... same MESSES. We need to steer clear of ending up calloused, hard-hearted, bitter, unforgiving, anxious, impatient, hopeless, unteachable with a negative attitude that will creep into ALL of our ways, sometimes without our awareness because we have not stopped the MESS

"We need to put our expectations in the Lord, He is the only One who should have power over our souls. We will never be happy until we make God the complete source of our fulfillment and answer to our longings and we need to stop putting those expectations & longings in other things & people." (from Stormie Omartian's book that we will be starting in September)

I decided, after far too many years wandering through the wildernesses and the deserts in my life, that I wanted (no, it was more than wanted) I needed to break free and break out of any self defeating cycles of repeated patterns and habits... NO MORE MESSES without a complete CLEAN-UP: HIS CLEANSING! Life was demanding that I become an OVERCOMER not just a SURVIVOR!

So you may be thinking (if you've been following my posts)..."ohh so that's when she gave her life to Jesus and accepted Him as Lord, and Savior. When she was MESSed UP the most. This is when she finally gets down to sharing her testimony ... and what no details of these MESSES?...the nitty gritty." No, not yet (sorry) I'm just not sure that sharing my MESSES really frees anyone. 

[Yes, confession is good for the soul, but ALL of theses MESSES were confessed back then & dealt with... and because much of my life involves other people's lives, I'm at this hard point of not sharing their story or messes and bringing any shame, condemnation or judgement on them. Yes, bringing issues into the light, does free me & hopefully them but not in a public place of infinite eyes forever.]

No, I have to admit this was not the beginning of my life knowing Jesus Christ, as my Savior... sad to say... this had to happen over and over again throughout my journey with Christ... until I finally GOT IT... awakened to all the knowledge I had in my head, learned but not totally submitted, and it sunk right down to where I thought it had been all the time... my heart. I knew the words, I had said the words, I even had meant the words the many times I found myself repenting for the same MESSES, but I had known Jesus & read His Word for many years, until I found out that I had not truly made Him LORD over my life or allowed Him to change me, transform me & mold me into ALL He desired me to be in Him. I had been working on doing it my way. I just had to make the wrong right. I made the MESS and I will do whatever it takes to FIX it, CLEAN it up and I'll keep trying until I get it right.

Perhaps, now I'm closer to sharing a personal life testimony...




Other parts of this MESS:
MAZES... this too is my story...

* went back and removed images or things that might make this a problem 


  1. Bless your very beautiful, open, honest heart sis. I love you.

  2. Each journey is so different. Why do some come to Christ NEVER to visibly make poor choices again...Why do some only come to Christ after years and years and years of poor choices and wrong doing? Why do some have strong holds that raise their ugly heads again and again despite their faith in Christ? The gift of faith is His to give and each is apportioned it differently. And the Holy Spirit moves like the one can predict it and His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. But His purposes are greater than our experiences. And He is good all the time.

    Your post has me pondering. I often think about this in regards to my boys. I want them to be in the group that knows Christ early and never falters. Yet, I know that God allowed me, for whatever His reasons, to stumble and fall...and sin, God is the only One who knows how to perfect my boys into the image of His son. And he who loves much is forgiven much.

    Only God knows a heart. And only God understands why messes and mazes are needed to show forth His miracles, to accomplish His purposes, for His glory not ours, for our good no matter what anyone else sees or thinks. The process of sanctification...hmmmm.

    Well! Guess I have said enough. Great post sister. Love your heart as always! *grin* *hug*

  3. Amen! All our messes are covered by the blood...

    And I did the same as you...making the same messes over and over...knowing better, but doing it all the same...

  4. Thank you for sharing!! We really do need to take every thought captive unto the Lord. He will see us through whatever it may be, mess and all, drawing us back to Him.

    I appreciate your honesty and realness with us. Thought to you might be interested in viewing the new series that is currently sharing called Toxic! This week he focuses on toxic thoughts. Let me know what you think of you have the chance to view it!

    Hugs, HL


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy