
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MIRACLES... this TOO is my story

She said, "No one, sir."
Then Jesus said, "I don't condemn you, either.
Go home, and from now on do not sin any more."
John 8:11 (ISV)

MIRACLES... Jesus' life was filled with MIRACLES and when He touched this woman's life, a MIRACLE began... and as He touches my life, I see His MIRACLES for me or in me or hopefully through me...

...our lives are a series of MIRACLES if only we open our eyes and look to see His Miracle of life in YOU and around YOU!

To me, Jesus DOing this was indeed a MIRACLE not spoken of as one, but to this woman, in that day or in this day, having Jesus change her life & life direction, forgiving her and saving her from condemnation and shame, with the HOPE to MOVE FORWARD through His simple but profound words, "Go and don't sin", do not continue down this road of life, this way...

The above may not be included in what you remember as one of "The Miracles of Jesus" but the following is known as His first;

"changing water into wine"
because His mother asked
"Whatever He says to you, do it."


I see both of these scenes

Since last week's WFW and for quite some time, I'm on a MISSION. I am being led to put together my personal life testimony and so this is part of a current series of posts (actually for quite awhile now) that God's putting together with me to DO just this... as I work through two current books I've been reading & DOING, one of which I will be sharing here as a study, starting in September until the end of the year "The Power of a Praying Woman" by Stormie Omartian and the other I was working on with my small group in my MN home church, but will be continuing with another church online, also this fall, as they "DO it" together church wide, "Life's Healing Choices" by Jon Baker along with a few more books I'm reading currently.
Both of these books are making an incredible life transforming impact on my life and my Christian walk... there's always room for more MIRACLES...

Each day of my life with Jesus is filled with MIRACLES, seen and unseen, but believed by me as


Join in Word-Filled Wednesday for more of God's precious Word
glorifying HIM
from blog to blog

What do you hear God telling you
What MIRACLE do you
you'd like to see
in your life?

If you don't want to answer either of these questions in the comments here, I'd really like it more if you'd answer the question I poised at the end of this weekend post: if you would do me the favor of sharing the song over there... just skip to the end and read the question and write your answer... the two that shared are FABULOUS ONES so I've included their lyrics!!!

*part of a series that I've been putting together for my personal life testimony. If you notice, MIRACLES is the third word in my aMazing Grace... blog title. I've already done MAZES & MESSES...

2 Corinthians 3:3 (The Message) says:
... Peggy,
your very life is a letter...
that anyone should be able to read by just looking at you.
Christ Himself wrote it ...
...with God's Living Spirit...

and we publish it
right here
[personalized last week's WFW for my story]


  1. Peggy, I want the miracle of healing first and foremost in my marriage. Then in my body. However, as I typed these words the Holy Spirit, Himself, paused me. I want more than anything for my husband to be out of bondage and set free and to know the height and the depth and the width (Eph 3:18) for him so that he may walk in victory. Yes, this is my plea. And for my daughter. It is written in my Bible and my prayer for them. God bless you as you study and pray. And thank God that He is still in the miracle business! Hallalujah to the King of Kings!!

  2. Peggy,
    The girls and I just were discussing these miracles of Jesus and which we thought was the most "fascinating..." (they had to answer that for a class)

    I have witnessed miracles in my many and reflecting on them, pausing and knowing that they WERE indeed miracles draws me closer to the miracle One...

    He is still in the business of miracles, we are just too often rushing right on by them or giving the credit where it simply doesn't belong...

    I am surrounded by miracles...

    blessing to you Peggy for your work, your ministry and your heart.


  3. Peggy, I don't usually post a lead to my blog but I think you might really enjoy one of my former post. You can read it here at:

    Linda J

  4. I had a miracle just putting my post on today for WFW. Also you will find a miracle that I need in my post.

  5. What do I hear God telling me to do? LOL! OH my the same lesson that i must learn again and again and again as I watch my little birds learn to fly from the nest. I hear: "Peace. Be still my child. Rest. Do not fret. Let go. Trust me. Give it over to me. Lay the concerns and burdens here. You are not in control. I am. All is well. Peace. "

    Love that first picture. Love love it!

  6. Praise God for the miracles that I have witnessed in my life, and dear lovebug's. I praise Him daily for His love and miracles.

  7. Peggy, you have blessed me today. I've been thinking of the story of the adulterous woman and how the only one who was without sin didn't cast a stone.

    No one can fathom the depths of His love.

    Thanks for your visit today and I'm glad my post blessed you.

  8. "there's always room for more MIRACLES..."....I give a big AMEN to that!

    God is telling me to trust fully in Him and not to dwell on the circumstances I see around me....

    I desire spiritual and physical healing in my loved ones lives....

  9. I do regard that story of the woman as a miracle and God really spoke to me through that and other scriptures as I began to ask for healing.
    Being quite sick for the past week and ending up in hospital last might wonder if He was listening.........He sure was and since diagnosis and care is part of healing, He provided and continues to provide and to teach me my limits but to live with joy in His plans for me.
    What is He telling me to do........finish a pile of accounting stuff sitting to my left.....and I battle...once it would have been sat at till it was done. Not I seem to only be able to attack it in bites and it has been awhile since bites....but is on the to do list in a very high spot.
    I also know that no further directions will come till this is done and that is frightening to think that others may miss out due to my unavailability....however, health wise it is still a balancing act.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy