
Saturday, June 1, 2013


June 1st
Dedication to my Mom

Every June starts out with me remembering my mom for her birthday and as this weekend goes by, she is fresh on my mind and in my heart. I recall how my dad for years, while she lived and even after, would give her beautiful red roses. Most likely, the reason God sent me a rose bud for this Mother's Day that quickly bloomed and died (So although I don't have a beautiful dozen like dad, this one beautiful rose is for you, mom with all my love and thanks!) *and to honor YOU on your b-day! Thanks for all the great tasting cakes you made for our birthdays. Sorry I don't take after you in that area of your expertise :0( Some day I should share your story because although I do not know much, your childhood was not easy. Being my mom, probably wasn't that easy either. Yet, I've been told I look like you (your younger days, I hope) and that makes me feel good, but I hope that my aging is not as difficult as yours and so filled with sickness. 

What kinda initiated this, was after listening to James Robison share about Betty and their recent loss of their daughter, Robin, from her battle with cancer (truly heaven's gain)(just because I went to their site to hear Beth Moore's recent teaching) and was so touched by James' heartFor some reason, I wandered from there at Life Today's ministry website to James Robison's beautifully written tribute "Goodbye to Sweet Robin", to YouTube with Big Daddy Weave (who I don't know all that well, but like him and his songs, so this was all God's leadingand came upon this beautifully written song (among others) ... 

Now I do realize that this is not the kind of song you'd share for someone's birthday, and my mom did not die on her birthday but in December, however she suffered from many illnesses during my childhood and probably before, until she was 65, so I know that she no longer is suffering. It was only this that brought me some "peace" when she passed away so very long ago, but inscribed on my heart with indelible ink; her love and gift of hospitality. How she loved being a homemaker and how wonderful she was at this! 

As you could see, if you came by and read my Mother's Day post, I was not taking or dealing well with it at all this year ...  it reminded me of the Mother's Day that followed my mom's departure from her earthly home to her heavenly place (Dec. 1986) ...  I was OK until then, and it all came rushing back on that Mother's Day (1987) which is when I fell apart (finally) at my loss of her and my last memory of her (not good at all, at her bedside in the hospital with my older 2 siblings and our dad) clinging for her breath, wrestling for air as my dad tried to give her a loving kiss. I was holding her left hand, my older sister at my side and my older brother next to my dad. 

So when I saw myself heading down that way this past Mother's Day (probably in lieu of the loss of so many memories and family treasures in the fire of our MN house last fall) I had to do something positive to change the course of my thoughts, mind and heart, which I did by taking another adventure I had yet to do here where I live in Mexico - a short boat trip to "Rock Island" (Isla de la Piedra) and the beautiful beach on the other side.


Anyways, this song also starts out, like Sharon's recent post ... the "Why Child" and had me thinking that perhaps my feelings were of remorse or regret (and out of a sense of guilt I had to write this) that came from a comment I made honestly on Sharon's post about "honoring our parents" (in my case, not honoring them, by my rebellious actions/words but I sought and received their forgiveness so now that's under the blood of Jesus). This song made me think of this again... and reading a great book that I just shared but I'll be moving that post to the 7th ...

Mazes, Messes, Miracles

"Hold me Jesus"

Please forgive me

Prince of Peace

surround my family
that are now with You 
celebrate my dear mom's birthday
in Your Heavenly Glory

Thank You for taking my mom's illnesses
giving her Your final healing
as she rests in
Your Peace

She did the best 
she could with me 
gave her all for me
and our family

so until we are reunited 
send her this rose
with all my love
give her a big hug
Thank You for making her
my mom

Let's celebrate 
"Fields of Grace"

Your aMazing Grace
overwhelms me
this is how I would celebrate
"If you I died tonight"

I know
where I will spend 

Happy Birthday Mom!
I love you!

added from the end of another post I had here when I rearranged

*Happy Birthday Mom!*
You have entered into His heavenly peace since 1986, 
wow that's a long time.
I pray we will all join you there. 
Yes, peace is the presence of Jesus!
[from the end of another post now on SONday]
I love you and miss you more and more!
EnJOY His Peace!

Eternal Rest Prayer / Réquiem Ætérnam from the Roman Catholic Church

"Eternal rest grant unto him/her (them), O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them). May he/she (they) rest in peace. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."

Yes, Sharon, I wonder "WHY" far too often and question, question, question ... even this, that is engrained in me from my days growing up as a Catholic and all the funerals ... 

Why do we pray for REST or PEACE for the departed

If they knew Jesus, then they have been granted that ... eternally. It is those of us who remain, who need the PEACE when we sense the loss and so often we need to slow down and REST! Yet the day will come for each of us to either have HIS PEACE and REST forever, or we will be one of those that perish.

My prayer is that E.V.E.R.Y.ONE who hears/reads this today, receives a message for your personal salvation and eternity rests on this, SO THAT N.O.N.E. which means, not ONE will perish but have eternal life in Jesus Christ. He WON and wants you to know God personally through Him.

Follow the STEPS to PEACE (pdf)now for we never know when our day will come.