
Friday, June 7, 2013


Posted before than added back to this date as planned ... the man behind this book is very wise with godly wisdom and my deepest respect ... my book review at Amazon (same as this one without the added commentaries) was entitled:



"Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well"

"Nearing Home:Life, Faith and Finishing Well"
Billy Graham

[*the book cover is not as distinguishable as the man on the cover and that it's in paperback should not deter you from reading or getting this great keepsake]

What an absolute honor and privilege this is for me or you to read and *"join Billy Graham as he shares the challenges of fading strength but still standing strong in his commitment to finishing life well" as the book description shares or in my own terms, aging and the faith to finish the race as well as Billy Graham, as he completes such a filled life, lived for Christ since his very first decision to follow Jesus Christ to his last breath. Beautifully written as always from this great evangelist of faith, now nearing his 94th birthday on Nov. 7th, 5 months from now, as he allows us to explore with him the challenges of aging while truly *"gleaning foundational truths from Scripture", which at this point in my life, I so need and appreciate any encouragement to press on and 'fight the good fight'.

"Billy Graham invites us to journey with him as he considers the golden years while anticipating the hope of being reunited with his wife, Ruth, in his heavenly home that eclipses this world. “When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice,” says the author. “Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ from the Book description itself, as well as the *previous ones quoted above, which are all very accurate and true of this keepsake book. 

I could not put this down until I finished this compelling journey. I so desire to grasp and absorb every spiritual insight of wisdom Billy Graham shares with us, which is not just for the aging, but for all in every stage of life, ordinary individuals as he shows us others in the Bible like us, with extraordinary faith, guiding us with the hope of "nearing home with triumphant expectations" and preparing us to meet the challenges of old age and the purpose of God for us, the reason God has still kept us or left us here. We walk with him, through aged people of the Bible, and the realities of life with a new "hope, fulfillment and even joy that can be ours once we learn to look at these years from God’s point of view and discover His strength to sustain us every day." After all, each day, we are all "nearing home" ... young or old, and with God's help and through this victorious life of a man of God, we "learn what it means to grow older" and do it "with grace" finding "the guidance needed" through Billy Graham and God's Word "to finish well". I know I did and will go back often to this book when I feel the better part of aging catching up on me and trying to discourage me from living for Jesus and the need to be strengthen from this truthful look at questions like these: 

"... what is His purpose for these years, and how can we align our lives with it?"

"How can we not only learn to cope with the fears and struggles and growing limitations we face but also actually grow stronger inwardly in the midst of these difficulties?"

"How can we face the future with hope instead of despair?"

and so many others shared honestly by Billy Graham, like nothing I have ever read with such wonderful spiritual implications. I loved and hung on to every word because aging forces us to reflect and deal with life as a whole! 

From the first pages of the book through each of the 10 chapters, we are encouraged, comforted and truth is spoken clearly and biblically. The chapters include: "Running Toward Home", "Don't Retire from Life", "The Impact of Hope", "Consider the Golden Years", "Fading Strength but Finishing Strong", "Death's Destination", "Influencing the Impressionable", "A Foundation That Lasts", "Roots Strengthen in Time" and "Then and Now". 

I cannot even choose a favorite chapter, because each one is fresh and written as if Billy Graham is sitting in front of us, like a spiritual father, imparting his richness to us from Our Heavenly Father and him. I am so appreciative for the many years of service, teaching and evangelizing of Billy Graham. He shares vignettes of his life and his precious wife, Ruth, her words, their years, lives and experiences shared and their family. It's because of this personal approach, I sense the feeling of being family, part of God's family, sitting at Billy Graham's feet as I would with Jesus, listening to him tell his story (stories) to a captive audience ... me. Tears well up as I hear him share from his heart and love for his earthly family, God's family, and Our Lord! I am touched and blessed by this man of God.

I will treasure this book (though I read and have it in Kindle) as much as I do my first actual, devotional book that I received and reviewed for Booksneeze, "Unto the Hills". His final chapter, starts with this quote that I hope to find out is as true for me as it is for Billy Graham "the last chapter of life can be the best." For yes, it is "unto the hills" that we must keep our gaze until that final day of being called home, because "we were meant for heaven, our final home." I will admonish you as Billy Graham does over and over again, to come to Jesus Christ, accept Him not only as your Savior, but Lord of your life ... I long for the home in heaven that Billy Graham describes and will have eternally as I turn my eyes toward "nearing home with assurance" ... a home that is a place of rest and peace; a place of love and joy and security - our ultimate place of complete PEACE! (my One Word for 2013)

So I close with the author's final invitation in this book and words of assurance, because after all this is what this great evangelist has done his entire life as we should with others:
"My friend, do you know the way? Jesus told us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6 NKJV). No one ever grows too old to accept Christ’s forgiveness and enter into His glorious presence. When we look back over our experiences along life’s journey, we may have regrets about the choices we made, but remember, that was then . . . this is now. We may recall the times we have failed our families, but that was then . . . this is now. Some reading this book may say, “But I rejected Christ my whole life. It’s too late for me.” I say to you, my friend, that was then . . . this is now. The Bible’s promises were true then, they are true now, and they will be true forever. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2 NKJV, emphasis added)." 
"For those who have received the most precious gift of Christ’s redeeming blood . . . you have reason to look forward to the glories of Heaven, for you will be perfected, you will be joyful, you will once again be active, and right now you can be certain that you are nearing home." ~ Billy Graham

Billy Graham. "Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well (Kindle Locations 2479-2488). Thomas Nelson. 
Isn't it time you surrender and look forward to "nearing home"?

Note: I received this book for free from in exchange for writing a review. My review was not required to be positive.

I could not agree more with the many reviews I read on this book as I added mine! WOW! Humbled and in awe! I gave this 5 stars and read the others who also did!!! 

* personal sidenote: I could have shared this back in the week after Mother's Day weekend, and I did so with Amazon on May 13th, since I read it so quickly, with great enthusiasm, but I wanted it to post on his birthday to honor him and always remember him on his b-day (however waiting until Nov.7th is a bit too long to wait for my book review, so I'm sharing it now, then moving it to the 7th of June, 5 months from his actual b-day, in honor of Mr. Graham's upcoming 94th birthday, wishing him a wonderful celebration, in advance)! Happy Birthday Billy Graham and thank you so much for this book and all your books and many years of service to Our Lord Jesus Christ! When you have your homecoming, I pray it will be exactly as you describe and I hope for with all my heart. May it be a joyful, well deserved reunion! I can't imagine the many that will be in your line to say "thank you, Billy Graham, I came to Jesus because of you." I watched many of your (Billy Graham) Crusades but I already had the privilege of knowing Jesus, yet I prayed along with you often, with assurance and God's aMazing Grace that has been my blessing too!


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Peggy. I'm thinking that I might get this book for my mom. I think she would find it very encouraging as she has entered her 80th year.


  2. Wow, this sounds like a great book! I especially liked the part about "that was then . . . this is now."...everyone needs that type of reminder....

  3. Just got this book yesterday. I'm heading down for a week at my parents' house. I'll read this book and pass it on to my mom.

    I think the biggest thing that we must remember when we get "near the end" is this - God never stops using us. My mom has the most amazing ministry with the *random* people God brings across her path. It's almost miraculous considering how she must spend almost every minute of her life taking care of my dad. But God finds a way...


  4. Oh, it sounds wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing this, my friend. Love you


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy