
Monday, June 10, 2013



"The Organic God"
Margaret Feinberg

As this video starts out with the pure beauty of God in a scene, this is how Margaret Feinberg describes and illuminates Him as she draws and compares to beautiful places in the wonder of God to the nature all around us but mostly from her own life experiences in Alaska from the waters to the mountains to the glaciers. It's ...

"Natural. Pure. Essential.

Margaret Feinberg - popular speaker, author, and one of the “Thirty Emerging Voices” of Christian leadership - asks you to imagine what it would look like to have an organic relationship with God. One that is stripped of all pollutants and additives of this world.

The Organic God helps remove the unhealthy fillers and purifies your relationship with the God of the Scriptures.

Through personal stories and scriptural insights, Margaret Feinberg shares glimpses of God’s character - big-hearted, kind, beautiful, mysterious - that point to an authentic and naturally spiritual relationship with Him, allowing you to truly discover God in a healthy, refreshing new way, and fall in love all over again."

I have waited, what seems like forever, since I met this "wonderstruck" author via her Lent Challenge (I shared here on my blog) to be able to read any one of the books, or studies written by Margaret Feinberg, so I was more than excited when Booksneeze announced that "The Organic God" would be one of the available choices this past month. [the reason I hurried to post my review of "Nearing Home..." by Billy Graham and now sharing this so I can quickly make my next selection for another book that's been on my 'wish list' since it came out.]

Meanwhile, I read and viewed all I could about Margaret Feinberg's books on her blog, from her samples to all of her blog posts just to absorb more of her wonderful, enthusiastic love of God and His Word!

Margaret Feinberg flows naturally with an enjoyable, likable, contagious, personable, intelligent approach and her writing style draws me in. Her expressive, descriptive way leaves me wanting more of what she has and I love the way she writes so richly from her heart and her intimate experiences.

"The Organic God" is an easy, enjoyable, quick read, of two days for me, that challenges, refreshes and encourages me to seek God in a new way and deepen my relationship naturally. Although Margaret covers deep questions of our relationship with God, she does so without actually speaking theologically, but weaves all of this through many delightful and beautiful personal life stories. Her knowledge of scripture and the pure beauty of her relationship with God and His Word is so evident and phenomenal in every part she writes, but she does not fill the 10 chapters with actual scripture references, so as not to take away from her flow of the story and God's glory. She does however add footnotes to the scriptures and additional notes in the back as well as some other great extra features: a list of songs to accompany you on your journey through her book (which, of course, I just had to make a You Tube Playlist of her "Organic God soundtrack" and other related videos of her), a section of "rainy day reflections" with an inspiring study guide of questions to personalize your journey along with hers. I know I will return to reread this and reflect with awe the questions and "dig deeper" (a wonderful bonus) and even a 'behind the scenes' section!

My purpose for so wanting to read this is in the subtitle of "The Organic God ... Falling in Love with Him All Over Again" and that is exactly what Margaret helps us to do and enjoy through sharing her life and discovery of a personal God of beauty, simply in love with us, making me want to pursue and be pursued even more deeply. I am ready to fall in love again and again, being refreshed by Him. I was 'Wonderstruck' and that's a totally different book of hers to experience.

I cannot say enough about this book! Every word and section deepens my desire for a relationship with "The Organic God" as Margaret Feinberg makes Him so vivid and alive. I found this to be truly inspiring, as I laughed, cried and enjoyed her nature adventures and life. I have so many highlights in her book to emphasize to me all of God's many splendors, attributes and ways that He intimately calls us His own and invites us to discover more. It's evident that Margaret's Jewish-Christian family has radically rooted and established her with a deep connection to God through His Word and His beautiful interactions with her in her life, which comes vividly alive in the pages of her exchanges with God and her family, especially her dad, which warmly touched my heart and made a deep connection for me to our Heavenly Father's relationship with us. 

Even the cover of the book, makes me want to take the plunge and go deeper being refreshed in a natural, non-pollutant, non-additive relationship with the beauty of Our Creator. I never thought anything "organic" was possible in a relationship nor that I would be so taken in by wanting that with God Himself until Margaret drew me to be interested in the awesome wonder with a much better understanding of the raw beauty and His. Almost makes me want everything "organic" now and view more details in my relationships and nature with a new, fresh perspective.  

Margaret's descriptive beginning with the 'luminescence' and all her beautiful descriptions of nature that she's experienced, to the very end, tying it all together with this 'luminescence', captivates the great moments of God's attributes (which I totally love) as she displays throughout her journey from "His bigheartedness, His amazing wisdom, His outrageous generosity, His abundant kindness, and of course, the deep mystery of how He can use people like you and me to change the world" and that "...there is still so far to go" makes me want to discover more from "The Organic God" allowing me to be aMazed even more as my "hunger for God lives on" with hers and I, too, "see a flicker of light as something stirs in the depths of my soul" beckoning me to seek a more purified relationship with the Holy of holies, the Lord God Almighty, personified in Jesus Christ! This is a 5 star keeper and go deeper!!! Thanks Margaret!

By the way, Margaret has a Summer Bible study on her blog that you may want to check out and be astonished by "the lengths God will go to reveal Jesus" ... from the Gospel of John. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the®  book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 


  1. Thanks, Peggy. I know you are enjoying getting to read all of these wonderful books. :)

  2. I love your book reviews! My wish list grows longer still....


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy