
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


"Undaunted ...
Daring to do what God calls you to do"
Christine Caine

Bible Study of the Week at Faith Gateway [see more below]

"Undaunted" - to be undaunted
What does this mean to you? 
[when I picked up this book to begin reading, I had to start with this, knowing exactly what the word "undaunted" means, 
so I would not miss *Anything as I read]

Christine Caine is "Undaunted ... " and "dares to do what God calls her to do" along with her husband, Nick, and as author of this book, speaker and evangelist, among many other hats she wears like mum, pastor, co-founder of A21 Campaign as well as Equip and Empower Ministry, has written this to encourage and motivate us to do the same. What an excellent book choice to accompany "Anything" by Jennie Allen, to further challenge us to dare to move, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into what God has called each of us to do to truly BE the hands, arms, heart, feet and eyes of Jesus in a world so hurt, broken, deceived, confused and in such a need of our Savior to rescue, redeem, restore and reach beyond our comfort zone to change this world and make a difference ...

"God is able to use ANY one, to do ANYthing, in ANY place, and at ANY time in order to overcome ANY barrier."

As the last part of Christine Caine's chapter closes with, "The Challenge" that beckons and implores us as the Great Commission in Matthew 28 "to walk into the gap where He's (Jesus) thrown down the cross, to walk like Him (Jesus), to walk with Him" ... "because we know what it is to be lost and then found, hurting and then healed" and the clincher ... "unwilling to stay asleep, unafraid of the dark, unflinching in the face of disappointment, unstoppable in the face of difficulty, undaunted." That's what we are called to be! Commissioned to DO! 

Each chapter better prepares us as Christine uses her own dramatic life stories, insights and experiences to show how God rescued her from a life in which she was "unnamed, unwanted and unqualified" so that we might be encouraged to the challenge of BEing the LOVE, HOPE and the CHANGE by reaching out and rescuing others. By living out our faith in Christ completely without reservation just like the Good Samaritan but in the 21st century shining into the dark places in this world, and going beyond. 

This book could not have spoken any more clearly or convincingly to me directly from God as a confirmation and a conviction of His plan and purpose as Christine inspires us with her keen insights and steps to move ahead in our life journey, mission and destiny. There are so many facets offered to help us in the 4 different parts of this book leading up to finally "The Challenge" from "God Knows My Name" to "God Knows My Pain" to "God Knows My Fear" to "God Knows My Destiny".

Christine Caine shows us how she overcame her past to dare to do what God called her to do and so can we! We can overcome our painful experiences and circumstances to use in helping others further along in God's Kingdom. 

"Undaunted" shows the way to redemption and justice that is found when faith becomes action, when passion becomes pursuit of going beyond your self and your plight so that you become part of His purposeful plan to make a difference for someone else ... ANY ONE ANYTHING. No one can do everything, but we each can be someone that does something.

I believe that God led me to Christine's book at the perfect time, combined with Jennie Allen's "ANYTHING..." with Good Morning Girls, for such a time as this. The Parable of the Good Samaritan has taken on a more powerful and meaningful influence in my own life and mission to refresh and renew my commitment and service to Him. 

This book was provided to me by in exchange for my review.

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

*"Anything" by Jennie Allen (the prayer that unlocked my God and my soul) is/was the Summer Online Bible/ Book Study with Good Morning Girls (GMG) and WOW - what a fabulous meaningful choice! I followed along with an Audible copy and really found this to challenge me and further my praying anything ... the perfect companion of "Undaunted" or vice versa. I shared about "Anything" back here and added as we progressed.

Because I was so strongly blessed by this book and I wanted to go further, and because I so strongly believe in the cause that Christine and Nick furthered by "daring to do what God called them to do" ... I highly recommend this for a church or individual study! 

Here's a sample of the accompanying Bible Study to go with this book for
Undaunted Small Group Bible Study by Christine Caine (Video session 1)

...and over at Faith Gateway, there are Bible Study Questions for this section of


The DVD and Study guide are sold separately and available online - - -

"Undaunted Small Group Bible Study" by Christine Caine. In the Undaunted Small Group Bible Study, Christine Caine uses her own dramatic life story to show how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified and rescued her into a God-filled and faith-fueled life. 

In five sessions that correspond with the Undaunted video, you will be challenged to wake up to the needs of those around you and inspired to go into a dark and troubled world, to bring hope, create change, and and live completely for Christ.

This compelling five-session video-based Bible study offers life-transforming insights about how not only to overcome the challenges and often painful circumstances we all experience, but to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered to help others.

So what are you waiting for? Be THE LOVE. Be THE HOPE. Be THE CHANGE that this world needs. 

Session titles include:
1. The CALL 
2. Be the LOVE
3. Be the HOPE
4. Be the CHANGE

Christine Caine is no stranger to suffering. Overcoming childhood abuse and later in her thirties finding out she was adopted, Christine has embraced God's love to find hope and healing. She is director of Equip & Empower Ministries and founder of the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. Christine and her husband, Nick, live in Sydney, Australia.
[source:information that was included with the YouTube video from Zondervan]

* my apologies that this is probably the worst review I've written so far and so long, even though it';s favorable and I recommend it with 5 stars, but the book is so wonderful and spoke so many truths and insights to me, I could not focus on what struck me the most or how much it personally impacted and influences me at this point in my life and my spiritual journey.

For some reviews I read when choosing this book, that were not so favorable, I decided that those reviewers were not in a place in their own life to receive or understand the depths of the author and her book as she conveyed with hopes on equipping and empowering us to follow God's call and leading. I do not feel as some wrote that Christine Caine focused too much on herself or enough on the real trafficking stories (she did not just throw them in) they are what motivate her to DO something! I felt she used them, and tied this all together very well in difference to other reviewers. Because this means so much to me, I had a difficult time being concise and conveying all that "Undaunted" brings to light in the midst of the darkened world of trafficking or even Christine's personal trials and experiences shared. Christ's light is the real light that shines through "undaunted"!!!


  1. Christine Caine spoke a couple of times at my old church. She was dynamic, energetic, convicting, challenging - she was fantastic! She is truly an inspiring woman and believer.

    God wants all of us to be *undaunted* in our lives, too. Some of us face smaller challenges every day, but we all face the same enemy. The definition of "undaunted" is this: Not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.


    That is what God calls us to - and He gives us His Holy Spirit to help us wage the battle. The victory has already been won. Let's fight like the conquerors we are supposed to be!


  2. This book sounds beyond great...I especially liked this phrase:

    "No one can do everything, but we each can be someone that does something."



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy