
Monday, November 11, 2013


"His Treasure ... Gems of Love from Your King"
by Sheri Rose Shepherd

From the gorgeous front cover to each page by page, Sheri Rose Shepherd beautifully captures your heart with "gems of love from Your King" in her newest book, "His Treasure ..." once again she has penned beautiful love letters from God, this time reminding us of our priceless worth in Christ. 

"If you have ever struggled to find a way to connect your heart to your heavenly Father, "His Treasure" is the book for you. In the tradition of Sheri Rose Shepherd’s bestselling His Princess series (with over one million in print) comes this book of beautiful “love letters” from God that will remind you of your priceless worth in Christ. Each scriptural love letter is written in language that speaks to the heart of every woman. You’ll discover treasures of truth, real love, and wisdom from God’s Word. Get ready for an amazing encounter with your King!" - See more at: Tyndale Blog Network 

Since the first book I read written by Sheri Rose Shepherd, I have loved her style of writing these love letters from God to us, and in some, our response to Him. However, this "Treasure" seems to have been written specifically to encourage me right where I am at this point in my life and I bet that anyone who picks of this book would feel the same way(even men, if they overlook the feminine part) because Our Father speaks directly to us through her words that basically come from God's Word, the Bible, which is His love letter to each of us. 

Sheri Rose beautifully takes a scriptural truth and then writes from God's heart to our very own. I was touched as I paged through love letter after love letter of encouragement and comfort. In fact, the actual pages of the book (even in digital format) seem like an actual letter with the texture and the vintage manner in which they are illustrated (if that's the right word). Definitely a gift and a treasure that you may like to give a special person for Christmas, their birthday or any meaningful holiday! I know that I will return to "His Treasure ..." often when I need a lift or just a fresh word that I am often in need of hearing. 

Sheri Rose Shepherd is a gift and has a gift of presenting God's heart to us. She covers such content from opening with "His Love," and onto "His Encouragement," then "His Plan", to others among the hundred or so given like: "His Roadblocks", "His Bride", "His Masterpiece", "His Promise", "His Hope", "His Salvation", "His Answer to Prayer" and on and on. I had hoped to choose my favorite, but I can't, because they each are and will be a favorite on the day I (or you) read them when we need them just to be reminded that we are "His"! We are His Treasure and that is how you will feel as I did as I read each one. 

Each love letter also captures one "treasure of truth" framed from the letter and the scripture that goes with that love letter. Perfect! I wish my words could convey how precious this little "gem" really is ... yes, I say "little" because it is small enough to fit in your purse or bible yet the letters are large enough to be able to read these "treasures" whenever you have a spare moment or need a word of renewal from God that are spoken to you as "My Beloved Daughter" (that's the part men would have to overlook) but also some are addressed to "My Child" (which would include them) making this small package a grand gift. That is what every page is for me, "His Treasure ... " and a "gem of His love" written to me, touching my heart through Sheri Rose Shepherd's inspirational ability to reach me as she will you as she does in every one of her books, but this one is the best to me so far! 

Have you ever held a rare gem in your hand or seen one up close and personal? Let me assure you that this will be similar to that experience as you read and allow God's Word to be held by you like a rare gem, up close and very personal, is how this book will touch you. 

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Tyndale House through the book review blogger's program with Tyndale Blog Network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255

*My other blog posts for this month of November will follow below this one!
I am trying to keep it on top

since I do not want to ever bury
this is one worth keeping
that I most certainly would DIG for however if it was buried.

God's Word written especially to my heart, 
carved on my heart and in my mind

This is one GIFT that I will TREASURE forever!
I wrote a personal PREVIEW to this Review back here.

*Plus this book was/is suppose to be part of a Blog Tour and since I am new to Tyndale and Blog Tours, I had no idea what or when or how I was suppose to do it, other then publish my review on my site. So if anyone reading this knows, please let me know, thanks! 

IMPORTANT update:I still do not know all the details of a "Book Blog Tour" yet, but I have learned that part of it, is A GIVEAWAY of this book. I will need your address, if you are selected, so be sure if you comment to include your email so I can contact you about your address (most comments are connected to your email if you are signed in to Google acct., I think). My official date to publish this should be Nov. 11th, 2013(I will keep this at the top of my blog until then, so chances to win will close at midnight that date). Thanks Tyndale for the blessing! Tyndale is in charge of mailing "His Treasure..." to the blessed winner! I will let you know via email, if you are chosen when I forward your address to them. 

TO READ my NOVEMBER (1-10) NAMES of GOD THANKSGIVING posts, please scroll down to the next one listed below after they publish!


  1. You are such a gift to my heart, bless you Peggy.

  2. Lovely, Peggy. Yes, I have a beautiful diamond on my wedding ring, and I have held other precious gems in my hand. But, nothing compares to the beauty of my Savior, who shines brighter than anything.


  3. I cannot express enough how the ministry of Sheri Rose Shepherd blesses me,on her blog,through her books, via Bible Gateway, or her FB (though I do not do FB, Twitter, etc.) through her Bible Life Coaching. I have shared from her often here (she is the main part of my Love Letter page above)... how I want to write like her and I emulate (is this the right word?) ...anyways, all this is to just share a fresh new email I receive every Mon. via Bible Gateway and love this as I do her Princess Love Letters (I receive as well). I am blessed every day with Jesus love through her words, now I have this treasure that one of you will have also via the GIVEAWAY or if you purchase it (which it such a bargain at Kindle for PC that you can't afford to miss it) although the digital is not as wonderful as holding this "Treasure" does its best to give you the sense of the vintage message (you can get a download of it as a sample also via Tyndale, I think but it's worth having the entire book)!

    Here's today's email link ... and video link (soory but you'll have to copy and paste because I've temporarily forgotten how to do this correctly ... (I've included these because I'm sure that the comment will say I'm too long)

    "Have you ever desired to hear the voice of God?

    Has anybody ever said something to you that caused confusion about what God might want for your life?

    Remember this... if what others say does not bring comfort, conviction, or confirmation, it is not from God. Our God is not a God of confusion, so if you are feeling confused when someone is teaching or talking to you about the word of God, you need to pray and seek God's word to hear Him more clearly. ..."

    My Beloved Daughter,

    My wisdom corrects, protects and purposes your life.

    I want you to know that just as I was with King Solomon when he asked me for wisdom, I am with you. Even if you don't feel like royalty, the truth is you are because you are my daughter. As my daughter, you have unlimited access to my throne room anytime you wish to enter in. I find such great joy when you crave to live my ways and walk in my wisdom.

    If you desire my divine wisdom more than yours then don't waste your days trying to figure things out in your own strength.

    What you will find is a much more fulfilling life than you could ever give yourself.

    Your Heavenly Father

    Dear God, I lift up your daughter before you today and I ask that you would pour out your wisdom on her that she would know what to do and how to do it and when to do whatever it is that will keep her under your perfect protection and give her your divine direction.:
    Sheri Rose Shepherd

  4. Thanks for that beautiful book review, Peggy. It really sounds wonderful. Blessings ~


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy