
Monday, December 2, 2013

"COFFEE TALK WITH JESUS" Intimate Chats with the Savior {a GIVEAWAY}!!!

"Coffee Talk with Jesus" 
Intimate Chats with the Savior
by Barbie Swihart
book cover white with shadow 1300x1300

Delicious and intimate? 
even for a non-coffee drinker like me

Have you ever just wanted to sit down across the table
and chat with Jesus about 'life'? 

Well, I have and often do

Thanks to this new author, Barbie Swihart, and this sweet aroma from her new book "Coffee Talk with Jesus" I have and do chat, just like in my prayers. It's as if Barbie knew exactly what I needed to hear from Jesus or wanted to chat with Him about, like one of my best friends, after all He is! Barbie giftedly shows us how to listen and hear Jesus speaking to us as they chat. 

As I read her initial conversations, I could sense Jesus actually saying this to me, similar to other books I love and treasure by Sheri Rose Shepherd and Sarah Young. If you know and love those writers, then you'll love Barbie as well. She has a gracious way of sharing what the Lord reveals to her precious heart to encourage her and each of us on our journeys. I found that indeed Jesus' words just seemed to wash over me as I read and waited with an expectant heart through each of the 31 short, yet ever so full chats with "words" of love and encouragement that were ever so real to me! I could visualize Jesus actually sitting there and speaking this to me right where I seemed to be. 

Most of Barbie's "chats" include an actual scripture from God's Word included in it or woven in her words as she pens them so beautifully and honestly. She walks us through "who we are in Christ" as we search together, talking it over with Jesus and realizing the Truths written in His Word are now being spoken to us in "chats" like: "You are loved"; "You are Free"; "You are Forgiven"; "You are Valued". I actually begin to feel like I am; and He gets me and my doubt, or insecurity, or any lack I have had or have. I really needed what Barbie wrote in "You are not a failure" (one I really have battled with) that I seemed to read at just the right moment for me. I can see myself going back to different ones at different times to be reminded of how Jesus sees me, loves me (anyways) and speaks to me intimately. 

Barbie expresses some of our heartfelt issues then walks us through a talk where Jesus actually reassures us by helping us, holding us, quieting our hearts, hearing us, believing in us, carrying us, tearing down our walls and setting us free to dream once again {each of these are actual chats in Barbie's book} that deeply touched and stirred my heart to listen more closely.

As I read these the first time (then again and once again), I knew that Barbie should turn these "chats" into a gift that would be lasting for many of us to go back to time and time again. It's a great gift for any occasion for any age woman (although her chats are directed to "My Child" or "My Beloved One" some are to "Daughter" but are actually suited to either gender in my opinion yet I'm not too sure men would appreciate it as much, however they too need to hear these messages more from Jesus). I especially love that Barbie has added 3 sweet "ingredients" to her book: recipes, reflection questions and a precious prayer.

I highly recommend this book as a wonderful companion to my last review "His Treasure..." because both books are noteworthy "gems" of how God cherishes us, speaks to us and in "Coffee Talk with Jesus", He actually sits down as we listen to His heart as He has listened and heard our very own heart then calls to us to delight, dream, trust, believe and rest.

Barbie has a gift of expressing simple truths with tender words and such a sweet aroma, not just from coffee, but from Barbie's penned life rising up to God with a Christlike fragrance (2 Cor. 2:15) and hopefully there are more books to come from this new author. 


* I received a free pdf copy of this book in exchange for my review. I am so delighted that I was given the privilege to write this review on Barbie Swihart's first book, "Coffee Talk with Jesus: Intimate Chats with the Savior". It's a gift that keeps on giving. 

Barbie can be found on Facebook and at her beautiful blog: My Freshly Brewed Life!  You can also check out others that have reviewed her book (perhaps *their giveaway will still be open too, to give you other chances to win):
Days & Thoughts
*Simply Striving
more posting today and this week
Running this thing called life
Laura Rath~Journey in Faith
Holly Barrett ~ Reclaiming a Redeemed Life
Melanie Wilson ~ Psycho with 6


She has also made a GIVEAWAY of her book available to ALL of you that leave a comment here and on her blog, as well as others to WIN an autographed soft copy. I will leave this open all this week, closing at midnight on Dec. 7th. Be sure that you leave your email or a way for me to get in touch with you if you're the winner.  Books will be mailed en masse to All the winners by December 15th

Whether you win or not, Barbie's book is well worth the fantastic low price and makes a great gift either in soft copy or on Kindle!!!

C'mon y'all
out of 107 visits so far to this
only this many entries
My question wasn't that hard.
Final countdown
clicking away
who is

a Rafflecopter giveaway
need to notify me of the address you want the book sent
within 24 hours of notification
I have to pick again.


  1. Replies
    1. My honor and joy Barbie! Thank you for blessing us with this sweet gift to "chat with Jesus" and know Him more intimately. It is you who bless me. And I'm so excited about sharing this sweet devotional!

  2. What a beautiful & thoughtful review of Barbie's book. So very thoughtful of you to make mention of all the other reviews too! I shared on twitter for you :)

    1. Thanks Joanne! Since I don't do Facebook or Twitter that's a big help! There are more that will be doing reviews as well and some others have giveaways also. I hope to add them.

  3. What song comes to mind when you think of Jesus chatting with you and puts a smile on your heart today?

    ME DICES QUE ME AMAS por Jesus Adrian Romero

    es una que viene a mi mente y llena mi corazon con Jesus, pensando en tanto amor que El tiene y mostro a nosotros. Gracias para esta oportunidad. Ojala que Dios te bendiga siempre.

    Lei este comentario del libro usando Google Translator alli en la esquina. Gracias para tener este para ayudarme leer este sitio.

    Espero ganar un terreno y una casa un dia. Quizas un dia, tu puedes compartir mi testimonio aqui si Dios quiera.


    1. JLRM ... me gustaria hacer eso un dia ... y espero que Dios te bendiga con el deseo de tu corazon!

      I really love this song by Jesus Adrian Romero also. To know that Jesus loves us so much and He tells me (and you) that He loves us. Yes, He does show us His love. Thanks for sharing and using the Google Translate to be able to read this!

      God bless you too always!
      Dios te bendiga!

  4. Bless you dear sis. I love you.

  5. I could not figure out how to enter for the copy on her blog? Song, My Jesus I Love Thee. :)

    1. Ohhh Cathy, that's a beautiful choice! I entered you on this widget. The question was for mine, not her blog. Barbie has another one and lots of ways to have more than one entry. (FB, Twitter, etc.)

      You are such a dear blessing to me, Cathy. Thanks!

  6. Peggy, it's so good to read what you have been doing. I have missed you and wondered what was going on with you, wow, what a blessing. I'm not doing a lot anymore at the Prayer House. I know I need too but I fell for the 4th time this year several months ago. I cannot tell you how it happen. My left jaw was laying on dh's wooden chair on the arm. I just knew I had broken everything in my face. He call the EMT's and took me to the ER. I had no bones broken. It's like God just put His arm around me and laid me down. I had a contusion. on my left jaw and one on my left hip but nothing was broken. I had an appointment with the eye specialist that next week and what he found was bleeding behind my eye and the dry degeneration is now a wet one. I have to get shots in my eye once a month to dry up the blood and one for the wet macular degeneration. The dr. is new but very kind. He said it would take 6 months to clear up my eye. I cannot see out of the left eye so it's been hard to do anything like this. But I'm in God's hands and I'm trusting Him completely. I wear a patch over the eye as it is difficult to see with the left eye. Blessings my dear sweet friend. I love you and miss you.

    1. Oh my, my dearest Alice, I knew about your terrible fall and had been praying then and will continue. I also read a praise prayer you gave about your grandson, laying hands on you and praying. Allow yourself the time you need to rest your eye and heal (as much as we love your prayers and ministry via prayers with us at the Lighthouse) we are so thankful that the Lord has you gently in His arms. You take good care of you and the rest God will handle. I love you and miss you and being more in touch regularly.

      Since you did not mention a song to answer the question in the Rafflecopter widget (which I'm sure is too hard for you to read or figure out). I will enter you with this song that I am sure you know ever so well sung by a wonderful quartet:

      "He paid the debt for me"
      Of course you know their name ...

      But I also believe that this one that you have added on your YouTube channel makes you SMILE :)
      by the Gaithers: Michael English and Larnelle Harris

      "HIS EYE is ON YOU " my dear sweet sparrow... may Jehovah Rapha bring you complete healing and restoration!

      Love and prayers,
      Peggy ... many blessings!!!

  7. Oh my, so many songs come to mind and yet my heart holds on right now to this one with tears and at times a :)

    from Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel ... "You'll Never Walk Alone" sung by Sissel (not the original from the musical) other choices could have been Elvis, Barbra Streisand, Jordan Sparks, Gerry and the Pacemakers (?), Louie Armstrong ... I've been waiting for Denise to sing it and make a video for me.

    I can hear and see Jesus ever so clearly with this one! This is the video that helped me see Jesus with Elvis singing ...

    1. I thought Carroll Roberson sang my song above but did not find a video of him singing but as I looked this song kept showing up and it, too, since I was young ... always makes me SMILE ...

      "I BELIEVE"
      and I know that Carroll Roberson sings my third song: HE

      Yep, every one makes me see Jesus and want to have a "coffee talk" or intimate chat! Thanks Barbie for such sweet memories that touch my life and heart as your 31 devotions also do!

      Thanks everyone for your participation or visit even if you did not comment or visit or enter the Giveaway, I appreciate each of you.



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy