
Monday, August 17, 2015


Waiting on God books

... What to Do When God does Nothing" 
by Wayne Stiles

I could not wait to launch into reading the new release by Wayne Stiles: "Waiting on God: What to Do When God Does Nothing" because I truly loved reading his wonderful devotional of "Going Places with God" - a real adventure through the Bible and the Land of the Bible which he made come alive through his knowledge of both and I felt like I was actually there as I read for the 90 days. So I was sure that I'd receive the same knowledge and wonderful writing on a topic that each of us face in our lives' journey both spiritually and physically: waiting. I began reading right away enthusiastically wanting a solution to my waiting and why it seems to us as mere mortals that sometimes while we are waiting, it really does seem like God isn't doing anything, especially as regards answers to prayers that we wait and wait, ask and ask, to see God respond and work on behalf of our prayer requests {mine happen to be "waiting" on the salvation of a loved one, but I'm certain we all have prayers that we are waiting for God to answer - any answer, any sign}. After reading Wayne's other book, I was confident that he would have good spiritual insights and inspiration for me to keep on "waiting", and this book does not disappoint.

I totally delighted in Wayne's retelling of the well-known Biblical story of "Joseph" with his wisdom, wit and knowledge of the Bible and its land that far exceeds any other I've read. Wayne divides "Waiting On God..." into 3 parts: (1) Leaving Home (2) Letting God and (3) Coming Home with 4 or 5 chapters in the first two parts and then finishing in the last part with 2 wonderful chapters that bring it all home. The refreshing insights in each chapter stand alone and also bring hope as we wait on God for "whatever" as we see the character of Joseph also had to do in a huge gap of twenty-two years of waiting. The Lord took a long, long time to bring about a joyful reconciliation and resolution for Joseph with the relationships that had hurt Joseph so deeply, as He will and can with ours. "In the midst of those years, God refined Joseph ..." as He does with us and others in our lives. However, I appreciate this that Wayne points out: "waiting on God for someone else to change makes for long days." "In the long gap before the resolution, we really cannot presume God's only work will show itself in the other's heart and attitude..." meaning that there's a work going on in us as well with something for us to learn in the "waiting". 

Waiting is hard. It goes completely against our human nature and tendencies. "Waiting on God, as a believer, is a profound expression of trust in God's sovereignty rather than our lack of faith." God will give us the desires of our hearts but sometimes He has us wait so we must be still and confidently trust that God is working while we wait. God wants us to wait patiently but also expectantly (as Psalm 130 tells us). Wayne reveals so many truths and vivid insights through Joseph and applies them to our own lives while sharing with candor from his own life's experiences. Wayne writes with much wisdom yet humbly giving us encouragement as we wait with never giving up. This is one of the many highlights that stand out from Wayne's wisdom:

"We walk a journey of discovery and its end is glorious. For some of us, the resolutions we yearn for will only come at the very end - in glory. Ultimately, that's what we're waiting on God for." Wayne Stiles

I have read two other exceptional books with the title "Waiting On God": one by Cherie Hill and the other by Andrew Murray, and this one by Wayne Stiles ranks right up there with these with profound, practical perspectives on "waiting"; with his brilliant study of Joseph and the lessons he portrays for us as he writes:

"Where did Joseph get the wisdom to wait on God
versus grabbing what seems expedient?"

this and so much more like this
challenges us as readers and believers while reading
"Waiting On God - What to Do When God does Nothing"
changing our own thinking and life
learning lessons on the how and going deeper with our
knowing that God is at work even in the gaps
as we wait
we will grow and live
"with continual hope of promises we don't yet see"
with an eager expectation
take the limits off our perspectives for God's perspective
in our waiting

Of course, my favorite part, was watching
Wayne weave God's Grace
throughout every part of
whether it was Joseph or our own

"Whatever it is you're waiting on God for,
remember the fulfillment of all your longings 
is ultimately found in Jesus."
affirmed in the last words in the Bible of what we're really
waiting for:

Revelation 22:20

"...Come Lord Jesus."
Special Note: If you WAIT until August 18th to get this book, the author has a great deal for you 
HERE. Oh, and I actually don't agree with that last part of Wayne's title, nor does his book seem to; because even when we don't SEE God DOING anything, He really is ... and that's what faith is all about as Wayne Stiles wrote. I really don't think God ever does NOTHING because even His Nothing is something for us. The key for me may be: "I'm not waiting on God, He's waiting on me." {from one of my daily devotional readings today}

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher and as part of the author's launch team. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

And I could not help but think of this song as my best conclusion and response:

my new favorite 
"Here Waiting"
as my prayer
Cindy Cruse Ratcliff at Lakewood Church

"Oh Lord would You come close
Everything else can wait
I am here for You alone
This is the time and place

Don't be far from me
I'm here waiting on You
God, I'm not moving
I'm here waiting on You"


  1. Sometimes I lose sight of the hallowed moments when I wait on the Lord. Sitting at His feet is also serving.



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy