
Monday, August 10, 2015


"... a Woman's Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer"
Priscilla Shirer

Every Christian needs a strategic warfare plan of PRAYER against the enemy who has a personalized attack against each of us which is bent on destroying us and knows our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, so this battle plan written so tactically from the wisdom and best selling author, speaker and teacher, Priscilla Shirer is a guide that we all need. I highly recommend for everyone because we all need to get serious and busy on our knees in prayer and have a warfare plan with "serious, specific and strategic prayer" as outlined by one who really seems to know and applies what she preaches and teaches so well. I chose this book purposefully and waited for it to become available in a digital copy because I knew that I most definitely need the practical approach and clear information that Priscilla shares on prayer as I've been reading and listening to her present on the Armor of God at her blog with "Going Beyond Ministries" through her #WFA Summer Series (W=War Room, F=Fervent ... A=Armor of God). 

{It's been so helpful and quite refreshing each week. And I can't wait to see Priscilla and Beth Moore in the upcoming movie "War Room" (which will be released August 28th, 2015) which this book and others like it are related to this movie by the Kendrick Brothers.}

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{Of course, since I'm reviewing Priscilla's Fervent book, I consider this one my favorite and the best but they all look good and the journal too. Can't wait to see the movie.}

The Introduction to "FerVent" begins with "This Means War" followed by "Opening in Prayer" ... with a quote leading into this from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" in a dialog between Theoden and Aragorn, who states:

"Open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not."

And so it is, "because this is war", "the fight of your life", a "very real enemy has been strategizing and scheming against you, assaulting you, coming after your emotions, your mind, ... your future" ... "but his reign of terror stops here", "stops now", ... "he won't have victory anymore" "because it all starts failing when we start praying" ... these are fighting words that we need in our daily battles and prayers with mindsets filled by the Holy Spirit to confront and out do our enemy with know how and tactics ... strategies. 

This is not just a book about "prayer", to merely talk about prayer or think about praying, it's a practical book to pray specifically and strategically in a plan we develop to our own personal needs and life ... as we go along learning that "praying with precision is key" and that's exactly what Priscilla does as she guides us chapter by chapter in Strategies as we practice implementing the incredible power tool of prayer ... as Priscilla so beautifully puts this ... "Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth" {WOW, love that!}

At the end of each chapter in this book, Priscilla leads us "to compose a strategy of prayer in regard to our own life in that particular area", which I found extremely valuable to do. So you develop your own personal prayer strategies as you continue through each chapter of 10 Prayer Strategies (explained well on pages 15-17 with a Scripture for each one from the compilation of a poll and these as the most common categories from the responses): against 1) your passion, 2) your focus, 3) your identity, 4) your family, 5) your confidence, 6) your calling, 7) your purity, 8) your rest and contentment, 9) your heart and 10) your relationships. I most certainly need a strategy in every one of these areas and I'm sure that you do also. But of course, there are more ... this is just to get us started designing our own prayer room with strategies, prayer plans, and PRAYERS. I can't get enough of Priscilla's solid Biblical & practical teaching.

Each chapter includes at the end "A Call to Prayer" which supplies Scriptures for that area. I love how each chapter begins with "If I were your enemy, ..." and then gives us a realistic viewpoint of how the enemy sees this area as a way to attack ... or how ... the descriptions are ever so clever and accurate. Priscilla is very good about interweaving Bible teaching throughout this book as she shows us God's Promises and examples in His Word. This definitely arms us with ways to fight back because "FerVent Prayer is fueled by passion" ... "FerVent Prayer relies on Focus" ... "because FerVent Prayer keeps your true identity in focus, reminding us of who we really are and taps into the power we really have in Christ" ... and on and on through each strategy, showing us and calling us to pray fervently for our families, our children, our spouses, our pasts, our fears, our pressures, our hurts, our purity, our relationships ... our future and our world, our very lives depend on us praying.

I've read and respect Stormie Omartian and her many books on "Praying..." but this one from Priscilla is a definite go-to-book, a "Must Read" and Apply these practical strategies to be effective in striking back with a God given weapon that works! This is a hands-on warfare manual teaching us God's plan and promises to have victory in our prayers that I know I will return to often as a tool to enhance my PRAYER as a winning weapon! After all, James 5:16 confirms that "the effective, fervent prayer avails much ..." so we all need to become more effective and praying fervently will avail and prevail God results in our lives. We all need this book as a unified body of Christ saying "Amen" ... and let it be so! 

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book free from the publisher through Net Galley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

* I really have so much more that I want to express about Priscilla's Fervent book but don't want to reveal more of this excellent tool to aid us. However, I'd like to make further note of following along with Priscilla at her #WFA Summer Series (maybe you'll win a copy of her book or other giveaways) or checking out more of the resources at the War Room site and also a Book Club I found that is doing this book really well each week finishing before the movie releases with Darlene on her blog


I have so much PASSION when it comes to
this book gives me better strategies
to be an effective warrior

Here are added video blessings with Priscilla on our ARMOR ... 
*another great Bible study by her! {the "A" in her WFA Summer Series}

"Begin the Battle on Your Knees"
{great 7 minute clip to fuel your passion}

{57 seconds of a powerful invitation to join}

Armor of God
Session 2 
Session 4 
Session 6

{fantastic 7 session study}

"All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny."

Learn How the Enemy Always Fails When He Meets a Woman Dressed for the Occasion" ~ Priscilla Shirer

OK, so let's suit up and fight!

in our


  1. I'm a big fan of Priscilla Shirer. She is funny, energetic, articulate, and packs a wallop of Truth every time she speaks. This series on prayer sounds wonderful. Oh, the battles that the enemy wages against us. And yes, his arrows are directly aimed at the stuff that he knows will steal joy, kill hope, and destroy us. Prayer is a mighty weapon. Maybe it's one of the reasons that we find it difficult (or at least I do) to do without distraction.

    Oh Lord, teach us how to wage the war that You have already won.



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy