
Saturday, December 26, 2015


{Note: I'm going to try and squeeze a book review in here that I had hoped to share with you before the holidays so that you might consider this for a CHRISTmas gift; however, as you can see, I'm late; yet this gift of true "worship" would never be late and always welcomed by God ALL YEAR LONG. After all - "a Baby changes everything" and the Magi came much later than the actual birth with "Gifts" so this is a good day. But that is why I so wanted to get and review this book so I'd better hurry because I have it in ADE (digitally) through Bethany House Publishers and it's only available for a certain amount of days in Net Galley, like a library book but at least those you can renew. I have all my posts done and planned into 2016 which means this is now or never.} I can testify that ...

Experiencing God's Presence in Every Moment of Life"


{this book review is a bit different than my others}

[I've never started a book review this way ... however, this woman of God, Darlene Zschech inspires me so much ... if you know who she is (worship leader from Australia, composer, co-pastor of Hope UC, speaker, author, wife, mother, mother-in-love, grandma, cancer survivor, etc. -woman of God, daughter of the King) if you know her story, her life ... her God that she worships so beautifully in song and living life to the fullest, than you'll understand better and love this personal testimony and direction of "WORSHIP CHANGES EVERYTHING: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Moment of Life" as a book and an "Invitation to Praise and Honor God in Every Area of Life" because this is what she does and shows us throughout her book.]

Just look at the cover of this book. Just look at the beaming presence of God reflected through Darlene Zschech's face aglow with having experienced and still experiencing God in and through it ALL. How can you not want to read how every aspect of our life is "worship" or can be from someone who most assuredly knows, so it seems. OK, so maybe I'm a bit biased, since I'm a true fan of her worship music and I so loved her beautiful devotional "Revealing Jesus" (that a dear friend gifted me and I treasure deeplyas I read and reread her words through her books just to let them soak into me as I learn from her to worship Our LORD. 

Oh my goodness, where do I start, except to say how much I want to incorporate her worship style in every part of my life as she has and this book does. It reads like a personal testimony as well as a teaching with plenty of scriptures to back up everything she claims. It was if I was sitting with her discussing each aspect of this and hearing her heart and God's - sister to sister. Her honesty and vulnerability is portrayed and placed well throughout her writing which I love - just like her songs, and heart for people and even human suffering as she works with Compassion through Hope Global. Darlene has the gift of passion and worship, drawing us into incorporating in our daily life, in everything. 

[I love the reviews of 5 stars that I read from others and could not agree more! Wish I could express the same as they have written so well. (sigh) ]

Let's continue from the cover image to what the book flap says (which I don't have as a flap since I'm reading a digital copy) and is perfect for this Christmas season or every season of our lives because this captures God's presence continually with us as Emmanuel "God with us":

"We know God's presence isn't confined to a church building or only available at certain times of day. But we still miss His working even when He is right in front of our very eyes. Why? Because we are still learning the art of knowing and following the voice of the Holy Spirit as He speaks. Two people hear the same song. One experiences God, and one daydreams about something that needs to be done at work next week. Two people face a crisis in life. One experiences an overwhelming sense of grace flood over her in her pain--after all, He is not just present but our very present help in times of trouble (see Psalm 46:1)--while the other feels nothing but hurt, betrayal, and loneliness. Why? It's all about how and where we place our faith and expectation. Don't wait until you have things figured out. Don't wait until you feel spiritual. Expect Him right now. Emmanuel. He is with us."~ Darlene Zschech

{So very, very true!}

"WORSHIP CHANGES EVERYTHING: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Moment of Life" is filled with wisdom as well as worship from various scripture versions (I loved reading the ones from "The Message") and quotes from well-known people like Max Lucado, Corrie Ten Bloom, Joyce Meyer, C.S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, Rick Warren, John Piper, Philip Yancey ... to name several). I love how Darlene inserted some "worship" songs along the way that detoured me for awhile into putting on some of her worship songs and worshiping instead of reading. 

{a well-intended diversion but it delayed my finish of the book, along with other interruptions of the season, so it's not an apology just more explanation}

I often found myself stirred while reading and touched so much that I needed to pause and 'minimize' the book so I could meditate on the profound inspiration of hers or other's quotes that she shares. Being passionate about my "worship" time with God caused me to hang on to many of the words written in this book.

I really wanted this review to be more personal and applicable yet still be concise and a thorough review, however, I tend to want to savor "everything" and cannot find the descriptive words like Darlene has written on these pages from her very being and heart. 

"WORSHIP CHANGES EVERYTHING ..." changes me in how I worship. I can testify and concur with Darlene as she wrote early on in "Soli Deo Gloria" part of a worship experience that she experienced when she heard God speak to her heart as a young child and tell her how much He really loved her --- "a defining moment" --- so she never wanted to stop responding to Jesus with praise, love, and thanksgiving from her heart (I can so relate to this): 

"I worship the One who knows me best and loves me most."

"Our lives are forever changed when we worship God for all He is worth with all we are worth."

In "WORSHIP CHANGES EVERYTHING ..." Darlene has divided the book into two parts after a beautiful Introduction "When God Comes Close" ... Each part is separated or begins with a Scripture page and often there is a song as I mentioned. 

Part One really defines the "Heart of Worship" (not just the song) the meaning, worship's derivative ... and chapter by chapter of who God is and why we worship Him because  "He is (so)...  1) Worthy 2) Present 3) Loving 4) His Love for me, my Love for Him 5) My Praise to Him 6) My Gratitude to Him {Amen!!!} 

Part Two walks us through "The Hands of Worship" through   worship in and through EVERYTHING (our practical application): our love for others, our attitude, our words, our suffering, our money, our work, our marriage, our children, our own parents, ... in His sanctuary, in our private worship and in our wilderness times, as service and mission --- even our love of ourselves is included then finalizing in our Eternity ... with Him.

{now that's an awful lot to cover in a 176 page my ADE digital copy but I read it's 256 pages, but still. I guess I need a hard copy. I just realized that my copy was not complete.}. 

Each time I finished a section, I thought it was my favorite, however the concluding chapters of in "Private Worship" and "In the Wilderness" actually were until I re-read "Eternity" (the final chapter) and reflected as Darlene summarized where this journey of worship will continue and where we have been throughout each part of her book and her prayer for us, the readers ... 

"My prayer is that God, through the teaching and inner working of the Holy Spirit will use "Worship Changes Everything..." to deepen, widen, strengthen and nourish you in worship; to help you live, love, pray, praise, work, walk, serve, give, overcome - to breathe - in the presence of God."

It's as if this worship experience keeps getting better and better and is unending ...

"Worship changes everything because it invades and pervades every aspect of our life. It shows up in our relationships and is often characterized by how deeply we love others..."

I highly recommend this book on worship if you need a spark to light your passion for worship once again and realizing that every moment is an opportunity to birth Jesus anew in you and others, in service and a mission, it really is an invitation to enter in to worship (and I'm not just talking about songs) but your relationship with Our Creator. I also believe this is a wonderful book of a testimony of a godly woman of worship who shares from the depths of her heart, from God's Word and so many other really great leaders of faith that she quotes.

The one small downfall in this book, is that Darlene seems to write like me or how my thoughts go, jumping from one topic to another. {I even read this in some of the other reviews that were not 5 star ones, so it just wasn't me.} Darlene also realizes that she covered many miles on a variety of topics in her final summary ... 


My biggest regret in choosing this book to review through Net Galley, is not being able to keep it and be refreshed continually with the inspiration and motivation that Darlene gives yet I thank her and know that "the best is yet to be" in Eternity. And each day, we are closer and I can't wait. {I can always get a Kindle version, right?} I am immensely blessed to have had this opportunity to read this throughout the Advent and Christmas season through Net Galley and Bethany House Publishers. I'm thankful that they made this possible ... the lessons gained in worship from Darlene Zschech. 

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Bethany House Publishers and their book review blogger's program through Net Galley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

{Sorry about the "peach" colored words not showing up so well, but I wanted to connect with Darlene's cover. And if I failed by changing my style of review and personal thoughts too much, I apologize. Also I am told that I can get a connection between Kindle and Net Galley with my Kindle email but I have not figured that out yet - technically challenged - I need to write Kindle, I guess and ask.}

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful book!

    W onder
    O bedience
    R everence
    S anctification
    H umility
    I ntegrity
    P erseverance

    This acronym encompasses many of the ways we can worship the Lord.



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy