
Thursday, December 31, 2015


This was my former BOOK PAGE in the tabs at the top of my blog: which was badly in need of a revise, edited, shortened version ... but I need to keep it somehow preserved for now until I can do that. A record of most of the books I've reviewed because you can be sure I have read many more than I've been able to review.{and I am publishing this later than the post date so it does not appear on my blog}. Most of you have read these reviews and so much more ... or even this page at one time or another.



(usually the most recent are listed at the very end of this page)

Experiencing God's Presence in Every Moment of Life"


My Book Reviews are generally posted on Amazon as mazmagi



Originally this PAGE was intended for BOOK REVIEWS but it's a bit of everything BOOK related now.

I've got so many books started in my Kindle for PC but since I'm not able to open my laptop and reading at a public cyber limits me... I am reading some REAL hard copy books... one from Book Sneeze and some others. 

some of
(not anymore, I have moved on since I posted these but they are great ones to read so I left them)

Current Reads are at the bottom now this is from when I began

The Ways of God (Finding Purpose Through Your Pain)Confident Heart, A7-Day Doubt Diet, The
some books are daily companions
when I can
Prayers for ProdigalsDear Jesus: Seeking His Light in Your Life

The Voice New Testament: Revised & Updated

Recently I discovered this fantastic BOOK blog, with a fun meme daily: SHOULD BE READING (some hosted by MizB and others not but one a day): Musing MondaysTeaser TuesdaysWWW Wednesdays; (Booking Through Thursdays); Friday Finds;  Faithful Friends(The Sunday Salon)


What's On Your Nightstand 

The 4th Tuesday of every month, Jennifer, at 5 Minutes for Books does this meme of "What's On Your Night stand?" (bookshelf, under your bed, or wherever you keep your treasures). Why not take the time once a month and JOIN them sharing BOOKS. Of course, there's other blessings of 5 Minutes daily.

HERE are 2
great books 
from back in 2011
Be Still: Let Jesus Calm Your StormsFinding Hope in Times of Grief

(1) "BE STILL, Let Jesus Calm Your Storm" by Cherie Hill finished
(2) "Finding Hope in Times of Grief" by Preston and Glenda Parrish

Beginning at the End (Finding God When Your World Falls Apart)

(3) "Beginning at The End" 
still reading along with her current one
and for BOOK SNEEZE review 
(see link below at the very end)

You have to
I want this one to be a surprise


God's Love Letters to You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience

(4) "God's Love Letters to You" by Dr. Larry Crabb
along with going back to the original book of his, 
"66 Love Letters"

(5) "Waiting on Godby Cherie Hill 
 then below I share "what I've read " 
this year 2011 for reviews, 
I'm just getting started

*If I can remember this each month, or read Lisa's blog in time (that's where I found out about this at Lisa Notes)(Lisa always shares great NOTES...and so much more from her heart and readings, I will actually do a blog post sharing more about my current books. But I will be doing reviews on 2 of the 3 above. Oh, and you are blessed that this is on my pages this time because there's no comments here (but if you'd still like to leave one you can go back HERE... 

I review for BookSneeze

(Jan. 2011) 

I am awaiting my FIRST book!  I registered and was accepted by BOOK SNEEZE! YEAH!!!!!!!  I did not think any publisher would send to me here but I wrote them inquiring and I was told that it will just take longer. I can live with that. (and e-books are even better and faster) but there is nothing like holding a book in your hands and turning the pages as you read. But I will adjust so I can continue reading current books while away from home.

I love to read! My area of concentration with my double major of Elementary Education and Spanish was Library Science... so clearly this is part of LOVE books and read!!!

This past year, I learned that even without a KINDLE that I could receive books via the internet. So I installed Kindle for PC. Every chance I could afford, I started to purchase books to read. Although I prefer to hold an actual book in my hands to reading from a computer screen, I am so thankful that I can get books in English. My wish list was getting so long, that I had to do something. 

If you'd like more information about reviewing books, just click the link and read all about it.

I did not choose the best book to start out with... because it's a 365 day devotional. Clearly, I'll have to read more than one a day at first to review and then go back and read again. I chose my first book based on the author. It is one author that I know will bless me daily, so I can't wait. I do think that I may have an earlier copy of this book back in MN... so we'll see.

As I review books, I will be using the BOOK TITLE as the blog post and will add them here so you can see the books that I am reading or reviewing. 

Resources for Book Review Bloggers
You need to meet specific requirements from the publisher to be accepted as a book review blogger. Please read the guidelines and terms of conditions for each.

WalterBrook (Random House)

Navigation Press

Thomas Nelson

Revell Books
-Contact Publisher and Ask about their book review programs

-Contact Publisher and Ask about their book review programs

My 1st Book Review  January 11, 2011 also at



Since this is the first book I've received and blessed to review, I was overly enthusiastic to curl up in the comforts of my reading rocker with a great book in my hands, ready to devour all at once, in order to review it in a timely manner rather than read it as it is intended, day by day.  I even like the feel of the texture of the cover and the pages.

I began quickly with January 1st, appropriately entitled "A Clean Slate", reading up to the current day, then I began to skip around to significant days each month, in the lives of people I knew and myself such as birthdays. It gave me a very good sampling of the variety and versatility of this devotional and the style of Billy Graham as a writer, since I knew him as a wonderful speaker drawing many to receive Jesus and equipping us to live for Jesus. You can richly see the more than fifty years of his ministry reflected, but also as a father, husband and just a person seeking more in his faithful walk in simple terms that speak to you, right way you are, offering hope in your valley, keeping my eyes lifted "unto the hills" and focused on God.

Although this should be read one devotion a day, allowing time to meditate on the message and the scripture, there seemed to be a familiarity with some of these stories on the special days I read. I wondered if it was because of the personal touch of each of these stories that I could relate to now better having walked through some valleys and seen the view from the hills or mountaintops.

Then it dawned on me that it was familiar because I had read this devotional daily back in the late 80s when it was first published and I was in a deep valley. The impression and familiarity was still with me after 25 years. His words had marked my life then, as I pray they will refresh me anew once again as I commit to reading this daily for this upcoming year as it is intended to be read. How remarkable that his words still reassure me positively with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living for Him through his daily reflective stories that hit the point home and even linger after many years. Each one covers a different aspect of our Christian walk and spiritual needs.

This book would be a great asset to anyone's daily reading and would make a wonderful gift to someone searching for answers in the "valleys" of their life or a seasoned believer. It offers hope and faith! This inspirational devotional covers a wide range of topics and scriptures. It's definitely a keeper and well worth the investment to read and preserve daily the words of a great evangelist, who even quotes other greats like D. L. Moody, Martin Luther, and even some hymn writers and others unfamiliar to me but never is the topic highly theological yet gives us much to ponder as we reflect. 

Since it is a second edition, I would have liked to see the publishers index the scriptures and the many topics, making it easy to read at other times, after the initial reading by topic or spiritual need. That way, it would make a great reference tool to many searching for specific help in any area such as forgiveness or peace, but whatever the direction needed, Billy Graham's "Unto the Hills" will speak to generation after generation the great truths of God. 

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
   where does my help come from?
 My help comes from the LORD,
   the Maker of heaven and earth.

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

from BookSneeze 
2nd Book Review
"The Shelter of God's Promises"

I LOVE SHEILA WALSH, so I can't wait for this one!!! Also I pray that this will restore my HOPE in God's promises from this past year of grieving a suicide of someone dear to me. Holding on to God as MY SHELTER.



"So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us."

In the "Shelter of God's Promises" by Sheila Walsh, she shares a key verse in each chapter of one of God's Promises in the Bible for Provision, Peace, Confidence, Love, Grace, Hope, Strength, and MORE plus Home! 

I have known Sheila Walsh, mostly as a singer or speaker with Women of Faith, so I was anxious to sit down and walk with her through this beautiful teaching of God's Shelter in His Promises. Sheila interweaves Biblical truths with her real life experiences of testimony of God meeting her or others in times and places of need of shelter. She is just as inspirational as an author as I find her to be as a singer and speaker, truly she is a woman of faith and lives it.

I received this book from Book Sneeze, just at the time that I needed God's Shelter and through each chapter, God revealed through Sheila's words and His, encouragement and inspiration to seek whatever God promises. Whatever you may be searching for, I  highly recommend Shelia's book to build your faith, bring you comfort, and show you how to find "Shelter" in God's Promises. 

The highlight for me, is that you can use this individually or with a small group because of the addition of a wonderful study guide in the back of the book, that challenges you through each chapter with 4 categories to Discover, Believe, Live and Memorize. Either way, you can enjoy this book to strengthen and motivate you to live believing that God cannot lie and His promises are REAL!

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher Thomas P. Nelson through the book review blogger's program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

"In a world of uncertainty, pain, and struggle, 
where do you find solid assurance and unshakeable truth?..."

Philippians 4:19
John 14:27
Romans 8:28
Romans 8:38-39
2 Corinthians 12:9
Hebrews 13:5-6
John 16:33
Matthew 7:7-8
John 14:2

"Whatever God says, we can stake our lives on."
~ Sheila Walsh~
The Shelter of God's Promises
3rd BOOK REVIEW (July 2011)



I received "God's Love Letters To  You: A 40-Day Devotional Experience" by Dr. Larry Crabb  in E-Book format just in time to enjoy this summer, a refreshing look at God's Love for us, written and expressed in God's Word, the Bible and Dr. Crabb's heart through a unique conversation between him and God. I loved reading the "66 Love Letters" and could not wait to receive this by mail to read, TO FINISH READING THIS FULL BOOK REVIEW  go HERE or Amazon

4th BOOK REVIEW (July 2011)

Max Lucado reminds us that it's not about us, it's ALL about God. The world does not revolve around us nor are we the center of the universe. Misconceptions that we are taught by society throughout our lives. But the rest of the title "Rescue From The Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy" sets the premise for this non-fiction, once again wonderfully written book by Max Lucado. He has such a way with words and story telling with humor and wisdom combined...
 TO READ more of this REVIEW you can GO HERE...or Amazon


  • Thomas Nelson Product Page 

  • <><><>



    WHAT I JUST READ and REVIEWED HERE August 8, 2011

    I guess I needed some humor but this also has a very serious side and artistic resource as well.


    Submitted on December 13, 2011

    Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman 
    written by Lisa Harper

    ... seems to have had me "stumbling" through the pages for far too long of a time, relating to the stories of Lisa's life in a diary like devotional, humorously written or profoundly inspiring as she connects her life situations to Jesus encounters in the New Testament in 3 parts: Real Life, Real Gifts and Real Growth. (to finish reading this review you need to go here)

    7th Book Review

    Received this one in the mail today 1/21/12, that always delights me making my heart and soul SING... so 
    Can you guess my book?

    (3rd volume, newly released and since I never read the first 2) it's truly a keeper and treasure for me!

    No more guessing, here it is

    FINALLY 8/1/12  MY REVIEW of this book... (I wrote it earlier but saved it to post on this date so I'd remember)

    Then Sings My Soul Book 3 : 
    The Story of Our Songs: Drawing Strength from the Great Hymns of Our Faith by Robert J. Morgan

    I took my time with this one and so enjoyed using it like a daily devotional. My REVIEW explains this more.

    8th Book Review:

    Well, today is 9-11 and the postal carrier met me on the road yesterday with a book from BookSneeze sent to me from folks back in MN sent at the end of August (since Booksneeze can no longer send Int'l)... perfect devotional read of 90 days,


    by Margaret Brownley


    with today being 9-11



    the day my dad went home

    It's a timely

    God sent delight

    Setting aside all the rest to focus on this one.
    (Hope it does not take me 90 days or maybe I need to do exactly that so this is where my healing begins, once again)
    This time of the year until December
    brings many memories of loved ones
    no longer here.
    So I'm trusting
    God's perfect timing on reading this!

    Finished and the REVIEW is HERE! and here and at BookSneeze!


    9th Book Review

    "52 Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life"  by Bob Welch


    10th Book Review


    by Nina Roesner

    "The Respect Dare: 40 Days to a Deeper Connection with God and Your Husband" by Nina Roesner  



    Currently reading one from one of my favorite authors to review: 

    11th Book Review

    "The Great House of God: A Home for Your Heart" by Max Lucado

    and another wonderful *gift of one from Sheila Walsh  ... (I should do a review of this one also) (we'll see

    My review of "The Great House of God..." will be posted May 1st 

    My Amazon review already went "live" and says this is my 13th Book Review (so now I have to figure out which 2, I missed listing on here) but by my record here it's Book Review #11.

    12th BOOK REVIEW

    My 1st Book review and now my 12th by Billy Graham ... 
    Awesome privilege!

    "Nearing Home:Life, Faith and Finishing Well" by Billy Graham


    I discovered recently that I have missed listing some of my last few Book Reviews here ... Sorry, looks like I am not too good about UPDATING the books I currently REVIEW ...

    I just finished reading another one by one of my favorite authors already on this page. 

    I gave a preview to his book previously when it was released and I published my REVIEW

    10/14/2013 13th BOOK REVIEW (at least on this list) minus ones I've missed. One of the ones I missed listing was a really great book too!

    You'll Get Through This
    by Max Lucado

    Let Hope In
    Pete Wilson

    This is my first book from this great author
    Lynn Austin

    Cover Art




    released March 25th, 2014
    reviewed by me
    May 14th, 2014

    "The Hope Quotient"
    Ray Johnston

    June 2, 2014

    Chris Tiegreen
    Sept. 30th, 2014




    {I had two in one day sandwiched in between my series}

    * still need to link this when it publishes and then I'll also add the book cover

    "Messy Beautiful Love: Hope and Redemption for Real-Life Marriages"
    Darlene Schacht
    "Time-Warp Wife"


    "NIV Discover God's Heart ..."

    I have a sneaking feeling that I still have missed listing other books
    that I've reviewed
    so if in doubt, do a search or click on the label

    hopefully I have them all labeled
    as such

    {if possible I will try to add the links here}

    Because "FLASH" by Rachel Anne Ridge was so Special for me and I shared Flash for an entire week (May 1-10th, 2015)... 

    (Even being about a donkey, we learn many lessons). Be sure to check out Flash's blog posts daily that first week of May.

    "FLASH" Review

    "Glory Days ..." by Max Lucado

    by Priscilla Shirer

    here are some others that were reviewed 
    in August 2015

    For the Love
    HERE (one by Jen Hatmaker) 

     by Wayne Stiles !

    That's pretty many books --- so check'em out!

                                         ... So now ...

    I'm pondering

    What should I READ TO REVIEW NEXT?

    reading isn't my problem, reviewing them or choosing ebooks from publishers is


    There are many books that I've already started in 2012 in my Kindle for PC from Amazon, more in 2013, but it's so great to hold books in my hands (since the event of no computer access-lol, it's a bit more difficult to spend time reading).

    Thanks to

    Book Sneeze!
    (now Book Look Bloggers)
    Thomas P. Nelson, WestBow, Zondervan
    even a few more now like
    even a few authors
    gave me
    opportunity to read and review their works

    (plus Karen, who has frequently *gifted and sent me real books an expensive venture but some she sent to MN not MX, nonetheless, she spoils me because she knows I thrive on reading good Christian books and miss English ones while here.)

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