
Saturday, February 6, 2016

"GIRL MEETS CHANGE ... Truths to Carry You Through Life's Transitions"

"GIRL MEETS CHANGE ... Truths to Carry You Through Life's Transitions"

Kristen Strong

Book Description:

In this hope-filled book, she shows women how when we follow God's will, we receive blessings of contentment, purpose, and renewed strength. She encourages women to see change not as the end of their story but as the scenery for this part of life's journey. And she offers practical advice for coping with change in every part of life. Anyone who has struggled to adjust to life's transitions will welcome this warm and personal perspective. "

"... Every woman needs this inspiring and insightful message."~Holley Gerth

For 3 weeks in the month of January,
"Girl Meets Changeby Kristen Strong
 inspired, challenged and (in)couraged me
 through this author, along with Crystal Stine 
and other fabulous guests,
in preparing my heart and being more aware of how to handle
with a new perspective
ones that I have faced and ones that I may continue to face
as we all do throughout our life journeys.

This 2016 Change Challenge
really encouraged me
"to accept the things I cannot change"
that will happen
get a copy of this book
{through the publisher via Net Galley, which means I don't get to keep it, just read it and review it}
(not my personal preference to review books, but it helps me determine if I want to purchase the book, before I do)

Looking at the cover of the book and reading the title alone, would not have persuaded me that this book was for me, however the contents most certainly do and the many highlights and notes. I do like the cover of all the seasons; it's the title with the word "girl" that might not have appealed to me because I don't think of myself as a "girl" still. But when Kristen explained, in her country "girl" charm, I was more apt to accept the term instead of woman. I guess I thought it was meant more for the younger generations. I could not have been more wrong. Just as on her blog, "Chasing Blue Skies", Kristen writes encouragement to anyone needing it, from the spiritually mature or the newbie still trying to figure things out (as we all are) with "... Truths to Carry You Through Life's Transitions" (the rest of the title of this book). 

Kristen is authentic as they come and helpful in a way that each of us can relate to and connect. She takes the time in each chapter to teach us through Biblical characters and real life women that have faced "changes" and how each one copes or handles the change. She illustrates through personal experiences and shows us how to be honest and deal with the loss, the why, the unexpected, the difficult, etc. without being pretentious at all. Kristen is real. 

I appreciate the sweet way in which she retold Biblical stories that I'm familiar with in such a way to understand her insight and point; a"faith embrace" from Abraham, to Esther, to Joseph, to Ruth and Naomi ... and others (and if you aren't familiar with them, she does such an excellent job of telling their story and giving the Scripture references so you will know them and get it) also the real life women from today that she shares plus herself and her daughter "Faith", because Kristen gets "change" and all the ways that it impacts us. You will feel like you're sitting down and talking with a real friend. My favorite part, besides closing each chapter with a beautiful prayer, was actually the section "How to Be a Friend to the One Going through Change" in the chapter "Because We All Need Friends in Low Places" in the 3rd Part of this book.

Kristen's "Girl Meets Change" is divided into 3 definitive parts or as I see them, as steps:

Part One - Acknowledge: The Change and the Loss
Part Two - Accept: God is Believable
Part Three - Adapt:A Heart that Thrives
... with 3 or 4 chapters in each part. Kristen includes an Appendix after her Epilogue on "Bible Truths that Never Change". Her Conclusion "Changed by Change" is true for each one of us that embrace each change, and have a heart change about change. Kristen offers valuable lessons from her own life and others that have faced "changes".

My best takeaways from "Girl Meets Change" personally are: Being honest with God, we give ourselves permission to feel the change and the impact, and get through the change rather than get over it (paraphrased) and "we want to use this change as a vehicle to travel our own little mission fields" as faith embracers. "God brings change to one so she may change many" ... "Change always brings God's invitation to believe His familiar promises." How I have found this and so much more of what Kristen reminds us of, to be true in the CHANGES I face.

"We must know how to ask the right questions during change
so we are most aware of God's purposes."

Kristen sums all this up as she concludes with what God says to us:

..."This new change comes with My same promise of blessing. Accept that this change is a grace not a grievance. Let your heart rest at home in Me, thriving in the knowledge that I'm always looking out for your next best thing." (see below)

And then these as her last profound words:

"Change is a helper - believe it.
Change is a gift - receive it.
Change is a restorer - live it."

Kristen has so many gems that I've highlighted or quoted from her book. I've shared many here on my blog in images that she designed and I've tried to capture as many as I can to help you as her book has helped me see change differently and with courage.

This still stands out the most: 

"...Change is an absolute provision of God's Grace. 

Change isn't something to be feared or dreaded. It's just the next step, His next best thing for you."

I confidently would recommend "GIRL MEETS CHANGE ... Truths to Carry You Through Life's Transitions" to any woman dealing with changes in life (from the simple to complex ones) to find encouragement in a wonderful mentor who understands - Kristen Strong and shares from a heart open to change. 

Disclosure of material connection:
I received this book free from the publisher through Net galley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

[This book review is long overdue and I apologize for my lateness and doing it so long after the 2016 Change Challenge (kinda out of order). Circumstances and life changes got in my way. For this reason, I have placed it back in order with my previous posts closer to when this event finished and before I "fasted comments" because it desires feedback.]


  1. You have definitely piqued my interest with your review...encouragement and hope are two commodities of which we can never have too much...I loved this line:

    "Let your heart rest at home in Me, thriving in the knowledge that I'm always looking out for your next best thing"

  2. "Change is an absolute provision of God's Grace."

    Wow, that makes me stop and ponder! Yes, I find myself often wishing for a comfortable status quo in my life. I want smooth paths, and easy living. But, God's will often takes me through changes that are oh-so-challenging. But yes, God's purposes also lie in the valleys, not just on the mountaintop. Change is the way that He often works His ways in my spirit.



Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy