
Saturday, July 22, 2017



Esther Fleece

{pretend you see an image of the book cover here if it's gone}

Since I heard about "No More Faking Fine ... " being released January 2017, I wanted to have it and review it. I came across Esther Fleece, through another author, book and checked out her website. I instantly knew that this book on 'lamenting' was meant for me so I signed up to get the guide from Esther Fleece before I even had a copy of her book. After reading some of the top positive reviews and a couple of the low ones, the sample copy, and this lament guide, I was convinced that this was the book God would use to bring healing in my life in 2017. 

Esther Fleece does not disappoint with "No More Faking Fine..." - I found that this deep book is one of my 2017 favorites and still working through the many ways that God is using this to walk me through healing in my life, although I have not shared experience as severe as Esther Fleece's childhood and her life journey of getting "gut-level honest with God through the life-giving language of lament" ... I have been processing through this book since I received it months ago and delayed in writing my review until I truly had a sense of this book, like no other, from beginning to end - it shatters, inspires, encourages, guides and leads the reader on a pathway to true intimacy with God, giving us permission and "voice to the hurt, frustration, and disappointment' that maybe you, like I, have "kept inside and silenced far too long." I could have put together a review of high praise when I first began this long journey of healing through this book as I shared here and there that "No More Faking Fine ..." is a MUST READ.

When I read the title, "No More Faking Fine: Ending the Pretending", my reaction was not like other reviewers that chose the book because the title captured their interest, I was sure that I certainly do not 'fake fine', in fact, I was convinced I am the complete opposite, that I tell it like it is: good, bad and ugly. However, within the last year, I noticed that perhaps I was stuffing and have not been sharing much with anyone, except God, so I wasn't "faking fine", I wasn't fine and I recalled going through periods in my life where I had done this. I found that Scripture reveals a God, as I have seen in my life, who has met me right where I am time and time again and as Esther states "not where we pretend to be". Esther Fleece walks us through her life experiences, her life story with a "suck it up" mentality, where she stuffed and stuffed her emotions. I'm quite the opposite. Esther writes with such openness and vulnerability, most of us can easily relate, even without having the same experiences, most of us have had to deal with other people when facing difficulties, hurt, grief and struggles. Esther helps us learn how to lament and biblically shows us how it's OK to express ourselves honestly when it hurts. 

There are 3 parts to Esther's book: "Faking Fine", "A New Way to Pray" and "To Sing Again" with 11 chapters. Each chapter begins with a Scripture, is filled with scriptures, and ends with a wonderful prayer!{you know how much I love prayers in books}

This is a much needed book, as Esther exposes her personal pain in a powerful way to enlighten us in the need and manner to LAMENT, to walk through our own story of difficulties honestly, authentically and just as courageously as she has and learned to do so that we may heal. I know I need this book and will continue to go through it. I highly recommend "No More Faking: Ending the Pretending" with 224 pages of truth and redemption for you and others you know that need a friend like Esther, the real deal, who understands and seemingly links arms with you as the reader through a journey of healing and lament.

Disclosure: I received this book free from BookLook Bloggers in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCommission’s  16 CFR, Part 255

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


WOW! - I started out to share a Walk On Weds. (even in the rain) with some Whispers from God, but when I opened up to my "blog posts", I had a legal type notice for a blog post back in 2015, so that changed my pace and even slowed my walk, wondering about ever so many of my blog posts (all the ones before I even understood blogging and what is considered infringement on copyright, etc.) and without knowing or wanting to learn all about legalities, going back through over 3000 published blogs since 2008, I have decided to temporarily make my blog private (still a possibility), rather than take time to sift through all of this ... which in effect shuts me out of doing alot or sharing all I love to share. I could start a new blog, but maybe this is God, so I'll take this to Him first. How appropriate that my last WOW was "CHANGE"(drafted, sorry) and the title of my upcoming review of a great book.

*INSERT my UPDATE from the end moved here, so perhaps you can skip all of my deliberation to see, what I spent my Weds. doing instead of a Walk, Whisper, Word or Worship

UPDATE: As I'm working on drafting previous posts, starting with the series in question, I may be able to draft previous posts in groups of 50... so we'll see what I accomplish this way before August 1st, 2017. I am currently "drafting" all of my previous blog posts by groups of 50 and maybe at a later time, I will edit or republish those that seem to be OK. 

My apologies, if you come here and it shows that post not available and I waste your click over here, if you'd like you can list that post in the comments, if you'd like it.

So after working all day until almost 9 p.m., I am considering beginning again, right here as I have now drafted over 3000 blog posts (left some) August 1st may be the date I begin again (now that you've read all of this). If you find any post in those I have left that you think I should consider drafting, please let me know. I guess after almost 10 years, I am still learning about blogging or never really learned all I needed to know regarding legal matters. I am thankful to Blogger for their notification because I guess it's a way to save me from my own demise and ignorance is no excuse when it comes to legalities. Thanks to each one of you for your understanding and time with me here at aMazing Grace ~ Mazes, Messes, Miracles

This certainly is one of those "messes"!

I have to at least post a book review
that is long overdue

 (coming Sat.)

end of update back to my previous thoughts
skip to the question in bold blue underlined


Some of you receive my blog posts through emails that I know and maybe some I don't know (so "Thank you all") but without knowing who you are, I cannot send or add your name to a private list unless you let me know, of course. I already have a private blog and have not posted there for a long time.

I started "drafting" all the series for the blog post that was pointed out to me back in 2015 because it was part of a 31 Day Journey, so I want to prevent further notices, not knowing. I tried guessing and removing images that I usually give credit to them with their link, but the notice does not specify what part of the blog post was "certain content", according to what I understand from what I read. Here is how the notice starts off: (oh, and by the way, it was buried in my "updates" not in my primary ... I may have missed it altogether there)

"...Blogger has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that certain content in your blog is alleged to infringe upon the copyrights of others. As a result, we have reset the post(s) to "draft" status. (If we did not do so, we would be subject to a claim of copyright infringement, regardless of its merits. The URL(s) of the allegedly infringing post(s) may be found at the end of this message.) This means your post - and any images, links or other content - is not gone. You may edit the post to remove the offending content and republish, at which point the post in question will be visible to your readers again." ...

"...You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed."...
part of the message at my blog posts

... for me, this just makes blogging too complicated
and I don't have time to re-do or un-do ...

In my mind, if you give the source, or link to who wrote it,
I thought I was not in violation
with this in mind
many studies, books, 31-or 40 day journeys
God's Whispers
all may be
in violation that I
never intend(ed)
which also means I can't review books
on a private blog, they need to be read and mine
have been shared at Amazon

a blog without images
just reading
my ramblings
for a boring read
in my opinion


So what is God whispering now to me this week?


I really wanted to share a
"Whisper of Rest"
since I missed sharing in
this past

on our final

"SHINING as the Beloved"

where Bonnie Gray writes



Day 34 "Light"
Day 35 "First Love"
Day 36 "Gift"
Day 37 "Poetry"
Day 38 "Story"
Day 39 "Song"
Day 40 "Treasure"

[I don't think I finished sharing the One Word Whispers from Part 5: Daring as the Beloved, which were: Play, Known, Change, Listen, Inspired, Hope and Blossom.]

So instead of stepping up to "Dream as the Beloved", I will now be stepping back and instead of "Shining ..." I am putting my light on dimmer and dimmer ...

Looking back in light of all this, sharing all of the Whispers from LOOP and TPT and other sources, also probably are in question or could be, and far too much of my content, so it's time for me to step aside from publishing anything or linking or sharing but not due to lack of inspiration or writer's block. 

I never would have dreamed that in the month of the year that I struggle with the most for so much of my past, I'd be facing shutting down one of my key interests (hobbies) that seems to be therapeutic for me, really needed for me more than you all and to now return to private like notebooks and journals (if at all)(sigh). I'm finding in my old age (lol) that sometimes my fingers hurt as I write (arthritic stiffness) ... so even though I don't type correctly, it's easier to hit a key - maybe, back to One Note Notebook or who knows? 

I can't believe
I read the most beautiful
Brian Simmons
in my email
don't know what
God is whispering today

{I don't think so}

{I 'm not sure}

write my own ramblings???

so many dear blogging friends have let blogging go

it's been my social outlet
I have not joined
all the other social media
(nor will I)
I don't need or want any 
legal problems either

I have enough stuff in my
real life
how He's speaking
to me with
been my purpose


will keep
shouting at us even
we share or not
we listen or not
we act or not

in this part
I was
to celebrate my calling
"be God's radiant light"

this reminds me of this part of a children's song, "hide it under a bushel, no ... I'm gonna let it shine" ... oh wait, maybe that's a violation to share the lyrics ... oh, and I have done that also so it's time to step away from blogging, lean into God's whisper and word ...

Show me, Lord

You are my Greatest Treasure


You shine

on Your own

in the darkness without

my help

You will shine on!

{oops, another song - is it a violation?}

[this blog will remain until public until August 1st, 2017]

I really had hopes to make it to 2018
(ten years)

let me know in the comments,
if I go private that you'd like to receive
my blog posts still

Saturday, July 8, 2017


{I haven't been on 'vacation' but MIA here, and I wanted to post this on Saturday, then didn't get to it, so although I'm doing it today (Mon.) I'm publishing it on Sat. because it's so where I am, and I so needed the YouVersion devotional by Mandisa and this song is a fantastic finish}


Image result for back to life mandisa

If Mandisa did not write this, I should have, and it's a perfect theme for me for where I am at ... even though, it's for different reasons and circumstances, some of the lyrics still fit. This is my HOPE ... this is how I wish I felt after completing a week ago the HEALING part in "Whispers of Rest", I am far from rested or healed ... seeking more of the Master's touch, our Healer!

(see lyrics in video)

I'm not coming back 
to Jesus

I'm already back 
He's had my back all along
And I pray He continues

I'm so thankful!

He's never left
I've never left Him nor could I
He truly is all I have

I'm so thankful

Coming back to life for me, is not returning to Jesus Christ, but in need of so much more of Him and Him in me, all that the Holy Spirit has ...  but we have not been separated, He's the beginning and ending of my every day; and so many of the moments in between, He rescues me, giving me the strength and hope to carry on.

In my real earthly life, my day to day existence, becomes more unbearable after returning from 20 yrs. in Mexico (although I had been back and forth almost every year for at least a month during those years when I really needed to be here and wanted to come home, I was told to stay there) then finally I was not going to wait any longer and moved the move 'back to life' {so I thought} yet life back here has literally been sucking the life out of me ...

There were many times in my life that I needed to come 'back to life' in Christ from 'prodigal' living, but as I have been living and serving Christ, I am now struggling to hold on to this earthly life as I yearn for our heavenly life. I'm so fed up with all the enemy has been dumping on me and some very close to me

I'm so tiring of fighting selfishness and sin of others and find myself reacting in the flesh far too often, which brings great sorrow to me and my spirit. My heart wants to remain tender and compassionate, however I am sensing that it may be hardening and even am fatiguing in praying for salvation to come to those who are causing me so much spiritual strife, tension, exhaustion and unnecessary problems when there are already so many to deal or cope with. This world is rapidly deteriorating and values are on decline, evil is rampant in the world in general but also in so many lives and homes ... my, how we need JESUS!!!

{although this is not the one I was singing in my head}

Elevation Worship

[On Tues. I shared a new song to me "Shoulders" but I have drafted that post, however you can hear it by visiting a new site that I love with Michelle Nezat]