
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

"IN THE MIDDLE of the MESS ...

"IN THE MIDDLE of the MESS ...



Sheila Walsh

{release date 11/7/17}

is not just Sheila Walsh's story
but it's ours!

Sheila concludes her book
with this truth:

"No matter your circumstances ... You have a story, and that story has its own peculiar mess. You can confess that story to Christ and let go. You can let Him start a work of healing, even now, right in the middle of your mess. ... Together, we find strength for this beautiful, broken life." ...

"I believe one of the greatest miracles of all is ..." Sheila Walsh, "In the Middle..."
{you'll have to read her book to find out}

... however, Sheila weaves her story unwaveringly once again  (for some of us who are familiar with Sheila, or to capsulize it for those new to her life storywith complete vulnerability  throughout each of the 12 chapters with added recent updates in her life as well, that has brought her through a deep journey of (with) 'brokenness' that we can relate to in our own lives and 'messes'. Sheila has a personal style of writing and speaking that gently and compassionately touches our soul with hers while teaching us spiritual (biblical) ways that we too can apply and use to equip ourselves to connect with God and overcome our own struggles in life better through confession, community to share with closely, Scripture meditation (contemplation) and daily connection with Jesus in honest prayer (communication with Our Father). 

Midway through her book "In the Middle of the Mess", I discovered her first session of the DVDs that accompany her Study guide and this book, so I just had to order the Study Guide also. Although each chapter in the book ends with "Reflection", the Study Guide does so much more, breaking down the 12 chapters into 6 sessions of Brokenness (that was most helpful to me and well worth getting, but this is not a review of the Study Guide). Yet for me, it's a total package! The videos are so well done! 

I couldn't agree more with so many points that Sheila brings forth, chapter after chapter becoming my new favorite, until I was stopped dead-on with the following truth I read right before the middle of this book ... and then every line kept pouring into my own brokenness with more and more freeing, healing truth and deliverance.

"So many coping mechanisms, avoidance techniques, and lies. They kept me blind to where Christ was in the middle of my mess ... But this is the beauty:sometimes
even when we try to avoid the truth, God uses the smallest hands to invite us into the safety of deliverance."

There were moments of tears and moments of sheer delight as I continued reading through Sheila's words, Sheila's story and saw mine (though we hardly share the same past or story), each of us have gone through struggles that help us get the point being made, in such a relatable way. This is Sheila's gift to us. This is her lifeline to us (as Ann Voskamp wrote)! And it may be ours to someone else. 

This book is meant for everyone, not just those who have struggled with depression or deep hurts and messy lives ... it's meant for the weak and the strong to come alongside another human being waiting in the shadows, feeling isolated and alone, in need of a listening ear, a helping hand, an understanding, brave heart, willing to meet one another "in the middle" and find strength to overcome and go forward, changing lives for the better. Highly recommended read, church study, and for personal individual growth. I have much more to say but you'd be better off just getting a copy for yourself. Reading this book has given me a new found strength with God to deal with my brokenness and spiritual practices to put into use in my messes, and I know I will be rereading and turning back to this as a study again.

*{my actual book review is still coming}

I'm right in the Middle of the book - OK, just past that in

"Beautifully Broken"

which might be

the reason

for my



my review 

is on its way

[After viewing Session One at Faith Gateway of the Study Guide for this book, I had to take a longer pause and view all 6 sessions available at Study Gateway because I couldn't wait. The DVDs that accompany this book and study are exceptional and so beautifully done! Sheila Walsh adds such compassion and understanding to her beautiful vulnerability of her own story used as a lifeline to help others facing overwhelming struggles with a new hope in allowing God into our dark places and hurts honestly.]

Book Description

"How do you turn your struggles into strengths? 

Beloved Bible teacher Sheila Walsh teaches readers how the daily spiritual practices of confession, meditation on God’s Word, and prayer result in fresh freedom in Christ. 

In her long-awaited new book, Sheila Walsh equips women with a practical method for connecting with God’s strength in the midst of struggle. From daily frustrations that can feel like overwhelming obstacles to hard challenges that turn into rock-bottom crises, women will find the means to equip themselves for standing strong with God. Using the spiritual applications of confession, prayer, and meditation on Scripture to form a daily connection to Jesus, women will learn how to experience new joy as a child of God who is fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted. 

In the Middle of the Mess, Walsh reveals the hardened defenses that kept her from allowing God into her deepest hurts and shares how entering into a safe place with God and practicing this daily connection with Him have saved her from the devil’s prowling attacks. Though we will never be completely “fixed” on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances." Thomas Nelson

*Posting before release in case you want to

receive bonus gifts
{just click on link and pre-order at the top}
* written on 11/6/17
prior to my

Disclosure: I received this book free from Handlebar in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the  FTCommission’s  16 CFR, Part 255

1 comment:

  1. "Though we will never be completely “fixed” on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances."

    Yes, yes, yes! A much needed reminder for all of us in our brokenness and messes...and it spoke to me also of my misguided attempts to "fix" others...the Lord's way is always why would I want to interfere?

    I enjoy Shelia's writings and talks, too...but if I had never been blessed by her before I would definitely want to check out this book after reading your review!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy