
Monday, November 6, 2017

MIRACLES in my MESS On Monday

{Just in case I do not finish reading to review by release date Tues., Nov. 7, 2017, I am sharing this so you don't miss out on Sheila Walsh's newest book}

"In the Middle of the Mess -
Strength for this Beautiful Broken Life"

a definite must read
especially for me
with a blog
"aMazing Grace - Mazes, Messes, Miracles"


You can find out more over at Faith Gateway for a sample of this
Study of Sheila's book
You Version reading plan
and of course
Sheila Walsh's website

I just happen to be blessed to receive 
weekly devotional emails from
Sheila Walsh

here's a personal note from her and this book

Sheila also appeared on
Life Today
Wednesdays in the Word
since Oct. 4th
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
also one on 
"Facing Depression"

Clearly, I am a bit biased and have found Sheila Walsh to be one of my favorite authors because I relate so much to her experience (not the same details) but close enough for the same "miracles in my mess" {which is probably why these words are part of this blog since its inception and before Sheila put her story together with this title - "In the Middle of the Mess"and we all have Messes that God uses perhaps with Miracles that become our MESSAGE too! 

In this month of ThanksGiving, let's reflect on and with gratitude of how God turns our Messes into Messages to encourage and bring life changes in others, as Sheila Walsh speaks from her heart and life experience to help us find peace and strength in God, as we too struggle with hardships (or messes) throughout our lives, but we can encounter God by being authentic {like one of the other books I reviewed not too long ago: "No More Faking Fine" by Esther Fleece} letting us know God wants us to be real! ... with our brokenness, with life, with emotions.

I love the Group Discussions (which must be part of the study guide, because each chapter in the book ends with "reflections") that Faith Gateway shares after Session One video from Study Gateway on their site that I linked above, but have chosen this one for here: 

"Sheila noted the six sessions of this study. Which of the following holds the most promise for you? Which one makes you feel anxious the first time you read it?

  • Brokenness is the beginning… the truth of our situation, as bleak as that truth may be, can set us free.
  • Brokenness is hard… even on the darkest night, we never walk the path of grief alone.
  • Brokenness is loud… even in our noisy world, we can learn to live in the stillness and quietness of God’s presence.
  • Brokenness is to be shared . . . there is strength to be found in confessing our sins to one another.
  • Brokenness is the path to healing . . . when we fix our eyes on God, we live a life of thanksgiving.
  • Brokenness is temporary . . . what you are facing right now will pass."

"Brokenness is the path to HEALING!"

{fits both questions as the answer for me}

God gave me
as my
One Word

although I am not completely healed
I have seen "brokenness" as I've
seen in years before
so that I believe it will lead
to my HEALING and
for others

I don't think it's fair for me to review this until I complete reading the full book ... although my impression being half-way through the book, is as always ... a book meant for me (and you) to find "strength for this beautiful, broken life" and there is no one better qualified with compassion and experience than Sheila Walsh to lead us to God as our Source. My stumbling block in finishing this is so much of this is needed by me, applies to me, which causes me to go back and reread to be sure I got it and didn't miss it, but after seeing the Session One video, I am sure that Sheila Walsh has another best seller to add to her successes. Looks like I'll need to add the study guide, the saving grace is I cannot post my review at Amazon, etc. until the book is released. So my review is forthcoming and will be in time. Not only is this the "Bible Study of the Week" with Faith Gateway, but it is my Bible Study of 2017 and the competition has been really strong; lots of favorites this year aimed to help me heal and grow.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy