
Sunday, December 31, 2017



... “Believe in the Lord Jesus ... " Acts 16:31
for now, but - my Bible Verse - yet to be determined

I do BELIEVE so this is more for someone else!

Hoping to get back and share about this
but since I added it on the
One Word
I thought I'd better mention it here

and that I have many
reading plans lined up to start
out 2018 - probably too many
but I also have 2 other devotionals
as actual books that I plan to lean in and read

The One Year
Walk with God
Chris Tiegren


Beth Moore's
(actually I have two from her)

Believing God
Believing God
Day by Day


I will be joining
Priscilla Shirer's study
January 18, 2018

{since I already started a 77 day plan on You Version "UnShakable Hope" 
and his church's site
I will be continuing still through this as well with Max Lucado's church's
Oak Hills Church 
so you might have been misled to believe 
my One Word is HOPE or Strength}

was my One Word in 2014

every year
I need and have found more of
God's Strength
in every Word, I've read and chosen

I'm hoping I find more
all I

I found this at One Word and since I don't do FB
I'm sharing it here as a reminder of my commitment to my

"I promise to live out my One Word with commitment and intentionality this year.

When I live out my One Word, I will become a positive force in the world and make a greater impact.
I will use my One Word as a filter to provide laser-like focus and to help me live with power, purpose, and passion.
I expect to be impacted in all areas of life – spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, relational, and financial.
I believe that my One Word may change my circumstances, but it will change my character.
I will invite my Stretch Team of friends and family to challenge and encourage me on my One Word journey.
I will keep my One Word front and center by posting it in prominent places.
When experiencing challenges, I will use my One Word as an opportunity to learn and grow.
By living my One Word, I will discover God’s best for my life.
I believe that my One Word will not only impact me, but more importantly it will impact those around me.
I will ask God each day, “What do You want to do in me and through me this year?”
Throughout the year, I will celebrate all that I have experienced, learned, and discovered.
I believe my One Word will shape and mold me to become the person I am meant to be and to leave the legacy I am meant to leave."

{did you notice my One Word used frequently in this?}

"Faith happens when believers believe." ~Beth Moore 
in Intro of above book


  1. Hi Peggy thank you for dropping by and leaving comments on my posts recently. I appreciate it!
    I'm stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year.
    I selected my one word for the year. It is "act". Last year it was "rest". I so needed that rest. I hope to continue getting more in 2018 but also act on a few important things.

    May 2018 be a very blessed year for you and your loved ones. xx

    1. Thank you again Joyful!

      Although, healing was my One Word in 2017, rest was definitely a part of that as well and will continue to be included and carried forward along with continual process of healing in my life and others.

      ACT is a great word if you can pace your act with rest and your big heart with Godly wisdom.

      I too wish you a very blessed 2018❣️stay warm this winter - hope Canada doesn’t have the artic blast that you keeping sending our way. It was my “joy” to stop in and see your blog and that you are still blogging with lots of visitors. I’m just not as act-ive as I once was but I’m glad we’ve reconnected. xo

    2. It is lovely to reconnect sis. I too am not as act-ive in the blogosphere as I once was. I've gained the wisdom of the need for balance and am working on it. I hope to read you from time to time though. I do hope you will stop by and visit me too. God bless. xx Joyful. p.s. Where I live it has been a bit chilly and we've had our snow which came later and left earlier than last year but the rest of the country is on a cold blast. Stay warm.

  2. "Believe" is a great choice and I can't wait to read what you share in the coming year...I don't know my word for 2018 yet...still learning to let go and "trust" from 2017!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy