
Friday, December 29, 2017


All week, I have been hoping to get online in these freezing temps here and share about my

ONE WORD for 2017


especially on


"Walk On Weds."

yet as you can tell in below zero weather I am not out for a Walk

in fact, it's not even Weds. anymore

I hoped to share some Worship or a Word

so this will have to cover this

like the snow and cold

[video: Monuments]


"One Year Book of Healing"

had perfect devotions for this last week of December and the year

but the one on Christmas Day spoke such truth

"Christmas Day Can Be Every Day"

in this devotional every day ended with

Today's Rx and a Prayer

the one for this one

"On this Christmas Day, do what you can to help someone else."
so that's what I have been doing all week

which I hoped might bring some "healing"

but from what just happened as I was typing this

to "no avail" and I'll leave it at that

and share the prayer for Christmas Day

"Lord, Thank You for Christmas Day and the joy of this season.
May I always praise the King of kings and be grateful
for how You sent Your precious Son, Immanuel,
to this earth."
The one for December 31st is
"God's Supply is Unlimited"
with the Rx being

"it only takes a sip of living water for us to never thirst again"

{i believe His Supply would include "healing" also}

so I'm taking a sip a little bit ahead of time for
hoping to remedy as much as I can of the

"... to no avail..."

with my day set aside

to draw closer



once again

My Healing Verse for 2017

I learned a great deal about "healing" this year, mostly others, yet I really have no words of wisdom to summarize God's healing and how much healing I believe or have seen happen in me and those closest to me, yet it's a continual work in progress. I have gathered and read many healing scripture verses and some really wonderful books - and I guess the best word that I have, is part of my blog title ... 


I was also hoping to get a book review in this week,
as I just found out that it's already been released, 
when I thought it was going to be in January 2018
so I'll be late again, yet it's one book that will last forever 
and help us alot, even with healing -
whenever I get around to reviewing it and you're able 
to get a copy for yourself
{it's on "praying scriptures" for your children}
and the author has written others: one for teens,
children, but this particular one is for
our adult children and us


I have not finished with my 
One Word of HEALING for 2017
but I already know my new One Word
and i believe it goes well with continuing this healing process
I'll be listening to the new album that this video is from
 Gateway's "Monument" playlist 
and continue to pray
{it was a YouVersion reading plan that led me to this}


  1. Lovely post. I wish you a fabulously blessed 2018!

    1. oh Joyful - the same to you❣️ I read your comment over at the Lighthouse also back in October. Thank you so much. May 2018 be filled with God’s blessings!

  2. So sorry for your "no avail" situation...hoping and praying for a better 2018 as we all look forward to what lies ahead and believe!

    PS...after seeing Joyful's comment that published and still having trouble getting mine to do that in Chrome, I tried Microsoft Edge and it went through1 So it may have been a setting in my browser that changed instead of blogger....

    1. Thanks Karen ... did God drop that one word "believe" or my hint wasn't that subtle or did you just read ahead. Naw, you couldn't know ... just cuz I chose those YV plans.

      So glad you had a breakthrough on this comment mystery because I was really lost to why it was doing that to you. Browsers and new techie stuff (grrr)!

      To a better and happier, with alot less "no avails" and so much other heartbreaking events, in 2018 as we believe and hold on to our umbrella of His glorious promises and blessings (sent an email with a bit more)!

      Happy New Year in 2018 to all filled with God's riches blessings - let's just take hold of those promises and beliefs of what's yet to come and be fulfilled in Jesus' beautiful and powerful Name

    2. The italics gave it away!!

      Love your wish for 2018 and echo it right back to you, sis!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy