
Tuesday, September 11, 2018


... OR NOT ...

[This is actually being written in November. but as I often do, moved back to another earlier date as my added bold note on the last post in this "Unexpected Maze..." Journey. I finally have some available time to write an update, which is positive and hopeful, at this point.]

During October, my spouse made quite a recovery & remarkable progress; with and without his walker, with his once a week visit from Hospice RN and other team members. So much so that we were told in advance that he was doing so well, based on sheer will, determined to regain his life and the capacity to go on, that he would most likely no longer qualify for Hospice Care and he couldn't wait to be independent and on his own. He officially was terminated on November 4th, although his last visit from any Hospice was on Nov. 2nd. He didn't even wait until his official termination to ask a dear friend a favor of taking him into town to a favorite restaurant to eat. So off they went that Saturday afternoon. 

Now, most of us, realize that this was the extended warranty of God's mercy and grace on this individual's life to come to the knowledge and acceptance of knowing Jesus Christ, however, sadly, so far, he has seen this as his own recovery and strength so that he can tie up other loose ends of his life and projects that he was working on with special people that he wants to complete and is continuing as able, with any of their outside help, meeting his demand or requests. One of my fears is that he will spend too much time on his ideas instead of allowing God to reach him, among other fears and stresses I have with my many insecurities, now adding or increasing health problems in me. What a vicious cycle the enemy lays out when he fears he's loosing a soul! (my opinion) The battle and scheme just takes another turn or twist in the 'maze', Yet I still hold on to all iBelieve and the promises I claim in God's Word. 

So this man, suffers a near death destiny placed on palliative care, from a stroke to his cerebellum that moves to the frontal lobe of his brain, further impairing his speech, but never gives him any paralysis so he is able to recover. He's seen his regular, primary doctor twice and only put on one medication daily and one shot of insulin weekly for his diabetes, nothing so far for his Alzheimers at all. I remember having one opportunity in his intensive care unit room to speak life into him, after he made his view clear to me that he believes that when his life ends on this earth, it ends and that's it. I told him that I don't believe that and because I believe in Jesus, I believe that there is a better life after this one ends. Death is not the end. However, I guess, if I thought as he does, that there is nothing else afterwards, I too, would be determined to continue fighting to live and accomplish all I could. But none of this, or any earthly endeavors will bring about an extended, eternal life or guarantee of salvation ... only Jesus. Jesus, still is the only way. Jesus still is the One who saves us from perishing. My heart broke in the hospital when I thought that he may die and perish. It's hard to know someone you know and have prayed for might actual never receive everlasting life and perish. It was so difficult to believe that God would allow this to just happen, not the God, who I know, who loves me, who redeemed me from sin and death. 

At this point, life goes on ... but this 'unexpected maze' although it may seem like it ended when Hospice Care ended ... and this might be considered a blessed miracle or else we just came to one of those parts in the maze where there is no exit ... so you go back and look for another way ... that the Way Maker provides if and when we open our heart and lives to the One and Only WAY out of this 'Maze' ...

still praying and believe



I chose 9/11 to post this
because it also
marks an
with far too many
tragic endings
to other
"unexpected mazes"
we may never
this side
I'm so thankful for an
eternity with God to end
the mess and maze
of this world

"I would have despaired
unless I had
that I would see the
goodness of the Lord..."

Psalm 27:13-14 NASB
continues with

" the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and let your heart
take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord."

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy