
Thursday, September 13, 2018


Book Description

"USA Today Bestseller List. Many have written about Billy Graham, the evangelist. This is the first book about Billy Graham, the father, written from the perspective of a son who knew him best. ... “My father left behind a testimony to God,” says Franklin, “a legacy not buried in a grave but still pointing people to a heaven-bound destiny. The Lord will say to my father, and to all who served Him obediently, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’ [Matthew 25:21].
One of the first books I requested to review years ago was "Unto the Hills" written by Billy Graham, so with this book, "Through My Father's Eyes" I will have made a full circle with my respect to this devoted, beloved evangelist, that I have watched and read his books for years: Billy Graham; and who would know him better than his own son, Franklin, giving us an insider insight into this man of God. 

I received this book in the mail this summer but it was actually released back on May 1st, 2018 and I immediately began a sample Bible reading plan at You Version of this book because I couldn't wait to get it. I have it as a hard cover and also in my Kindle Reader because I have been meticulously reading this insightful book that is not just a close look at the life and ministry of Billy Graham, but also as the title indicates "Through My Father's Eyes", which can connote both Franklin's relationship with his dear earthly father, Billy Graham, and seeing things through his eyes as he watched and followed his dad, yet more than that seeing all things with a heavenly perspective, of our Heavenly Father - that both these men have given such a testament of living a life "through our Father in heaven's eyes". So this book is a living biographical tribute to both of Franklin's parents, Billy and Ruth Graham Bell, and also that of Franklin and the entire Graham family. I was deeply moved by each one of them at the celebration (funeral) of his life as each one spoke ... and these pages beautifully continue the legacy in a heartwarming yet biblical as well as bringing forth the message of Billy Graham of salvation through Jesus Christ! 

Franklin Graham (with Donna Lee Toney) must have had this book in the works for many years because it details so much from the Preface and Introduction right through to the end. The Preface and Introduction are so well thought out and explain well Franklin's reflection of the relationship he enjoyed with his earthly father for 65 years as the book goes on to clearly show in 13 chapters ending with "Legacy" and how we can enjoy a divine relationship with Jesus Christ, the message of Franklin's father throughout his lifetime, now past on because those of us who are Christian know that Jesus told his disciples "...only through Me, can you come to the Father" (my paraphrase of "No one comes to the Father except through Me.") However, I challenge even those who do not believe in God or Jesus to read this excellent biographical account of a man of God, who lived an example before his family and the world.

Each of the 13 chapters begin with a biblical scripture and then a quote from Billy Graham, with so much included as well as a continual flow of God's Word speaking forth truth and continuing the powerful message of Billy Graham beyond the hills or "unto the hills" for now that he is in heaven, he has that complete picture and perspective "through the eyes of Our Father" along with his bride, Ruth Graham Bell. There is a beautiful collection of photos for 24 pages inserted between page 240 and 241 in the hardcover book. A wonderful bonus! I highly recommend this as a great resource of a biography of the Reverend Billy Graham, the Graham family, BGEA, Samaritan's Purse (and other ministries of the Evangelical Association and Graham family) as a gift or individual purchase - it is well worth it and so inclusive of Billy Graham's life and love for his family, God, his wife and the salvation message of the God.

{Personal note: I chose this date to publish my review because this is the date my earthly father went home to be with the Lord and joined my mother and brother, only 15 days short of his 90th birthday - an though my dad and I rarely saw "eye to eye" on a wide variety of topics, I do know that I learned and live the legacy of my father and the love of God, because I was taught about God from a young age, given a private education because my father worked hard to give his family the best he was able, much like Billy Graham gave to his own earthly family and many that came to Jesus because of this Evangelist. I honor both men, my dad and Billy Graham, who learned to know, love and serve God in whatever they did and left a legacy to their families and the church family, which is well documented in this uplifting detailed book of a life well-lived. I pray my own life would end so gloriously in Jesus' name and to Him be all glory, honor and praise. Thank You Father, for the life of my dad and Franklin's, one who moved and touched the world for God and the other who touched and moved my world to want to love, know and serve God and gave me this opportunity!}

Thanks dad! Truly receiving, reviewing and reading this book has blessed me and it would have been your birthday gift this year on September 28th if you were still here (it's been the longest 20 yrs. without you and even more without mom and Gary) but because I have the privilege of knowing Jesus, I will see you all again and look forward to that day. And in my eyes, my dad looks similar to Billy Graham (like the cover on the book). Truly this book's a keepsake for me and a tribute to my dad going home on this day in 1998, and Billy Graham's heavenly homecoming on February 21st of this year (20 yrs. after my dad).

Disclosure: I received this book free through BookLook Bloggers, from the publisher, in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

1 comment:

  1. Such a loving tribute to your dad...and as always, your book reviews have me wanting to know more!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy