
Wednesday, June 26, 2019


... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 2: 
the Fullness Found Only in Him
[devotions #27-48]

As you can tell by the length of this post, I've done the entire part 2 and will be adding as I go along rather than posting every week ... I truly want to focus on EMBRACING the Fullness Found Only in Him, so that's part of why I need to do this like this, otherwise how can it be fullness when I'm here and there. My daily life already is interrupted often enough even when I start and end my day with Him ... even my Friday dates set apart to spend time with God alone, by *people who don't get this and often I need to continue on Sat., still I try my best ... oh, and the *people are not the ones who don't believe in Jesus

The following are all the devotions and main scripture in Part 2. I am breaking them down into weekly groups, starting with the end of this week of only 3 days ... perhaps the titles of the devotions or the scriptures will help you embrace God's fullness too:

27. "What Holds the Key to Your Heart" Luke 18:22

28. "The Most Searched-for Answer" Acts 4:12

29. "If Only I Had ... " Psalm 19:7-8 ESV


I love Lysa's short prayer (prompt) at the end of each devo!

30. "The Seduction of Satisfaction" Philippians 4:19

Originally this blog post was an entire overview of Part 2.
[I was going to cut it off right here and post what remains of the next part into 3 separate blog posts at the end of each week. At the end of the first week of July, I decided this,
at least for that week then chose to leave it as is here.] 
{but still copy and paste new blog posts

31. "The Pathway to Humility" Deuteronomy 8:3

32. "What are You Missing" Psalm 14:3

33. "Where Brokenness Runs Deep" Psalm 16:5-6

34. "Consumed by Cravings" Psalm 84:1-2

35. "Physically Overweight and Spiritually Underweight"
John 4:34

36. "An Undivided Heart" Psalm 73:26


37. "Shocked by My Own Advice" Matthew 7:13-14

38. "The Value of Emptiness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

39. "Satan's Plan Against You" 1 John 2:16

40. "When the End Goal Seems Too Hard" 2 Peter 1:5-6

41. "Replacing Old Lies with New Truths"Romans 8:38-9

42. "Turning North" Deuteronomy 2:2-3

43. "How Much will This Choice Really Cost Me?"
2 Corinthians 2:11


44. "The Courageous Choice" Philippians 1:20

45. "Telling My Flesh No"  Ephesians 3:17-18

46. "Why Do I Have So Many Issues" Romans 8:1

47. "If Only We Knew" Hebrews 4:15-16

48. "The Real Peace We Need" John 20:19

Just like the first part of this journey, I will be back and add to this post as I read the devotions, so check back. If you subscribe to my blog and receive the posts in your email, you'll have to make your own journey over to my blog to catch my updates, because I'm sure that you don't get it mailed again (or if you do, my sincerest apologies). There are times I find some of these published by Lysa and I link to them, as some are now, so you can read with me that day. Basically, as I see it, Lysa's 100 devotions are really a compilation from her blog or Proverbs 31 Ministries. Being an avid reader of her writings, I probably have read most of them. However, reading these titles alone, I have already identified some that I know will inspire and encourage me all over again, even if I have read them before from her. Since this is already a lengthy post, when I have something that strikes me on any of these devotions, beyond what Lysa TerKeurst has written (like the quotes I shared)... or maybe because of what she has written impresses me and/or relates to me personally and God prompts me to share, I will.

Remember there is still a Part 3 and Part 4 yet to come.
This ends mid-July so I'll be writing Part 3 then.

Do any appeal to you? or stand out?

1 comment:

  1. #33 and #47 caught my eye today....”If Only We Knew” was an inspiring devotion....thanks for sharing, sis!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy