
Sunday, June 23, 2019


This past week, I got a little sidetracked from Lysa's book  EMBRACED ... although I was still reading the devotions mentioned here and there are still 3 more to do to finish this week of Part 1: Embracing the Pursuit of Him and His Direction 

I came across or perhaps God purposefully directed me to this diversion to 'EMBRACE contentment' via yet another You Version reading plan, a sample of another book: *Love Life Again: Finding Joy When Life is Hard by Tracie Miles. Needless to say, I quickly gravated toward this concept of 'loving life again' and 'finding joy' - little did I know, God was opening my eyes, heart, mind and soul to more than 'loving life', He was drawing me to really be content by EMBRACING contentment, realizing that I "don't have to search for a different life in order to enjoy life" {this makes good sense} I "simply have to EMBRACE the one" I "have by putting Christ at the center and asking Him to help me enjoy life, despite life." Yes, this is what I definitely need to do! So I embarked on a new facet in my journey to EMBRACE and I'm choosing to love life and be content with mine.

I began, in part, by taking yesterday afternoon to go back to a place in my life where many days were filled with sheer joy and contentment along with hours of study and learning, where I set out to complete goals I had early in my life and I was setting the path my life would take. It was a few years before this place became a vital part of my educational and spiritual life that I was sidetracked to following a different part of my life personally and emotionally which cost me much and still is ... I needed to go back to that point in my life and as God only could have arranged it, it was Alumni weekend (not for my class year) but I still could come to the liturgical worship and picnic part.

My real intention was two part; to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding of this place with God again and the people (maybe make contact with one particular friend). Though I didn't find that friend (which makes sense since it wasn't our reunion year) God connected with me and introduced me to a new delightful, young professor in the Education Department. Sharing with her, stirred within me, some of the old me I liked, and that part loved children and education more than anything. How much different my life might have been, if only... I wasn't sidetracked.

My heart was in the right place, common interests seemed to be enough to make this connection and a lifelong decision, yet even with this, the enemy of my soul was on a course to deceive me, so I fell - hook, line and sinker. 

[If you don't know my personal life story by now, you more than likely have no idea what I'm talking about]. 

My point is, after all these many years, as with me, God will still go with you, back to those places and make life right. He will show you and go with you to learn to love life, with the good and bad choices and decisions, so that you can go forward and EMBRACE life and enjoy life ... yes, despite life, and no matter what life throws at you, He will bring you through it. He will bring good out of it, even still. He knows and He knew the path you would choose and all the detours and obstacles that might try to come between you and your relationship with Him, because this is what really matters! Your choice- with Him. 

With Jesus Christ at the center, His Spirit will help you, lead you, give you, restore you - your brokenness and your faith in Him. He never left you. Circumstances cause many ripples, and people seem to throw boulders in your path, but no person or circumstance has the power to take away your happiness or love for life so don't let them ... don't give permission, fight your true enemy! There's a war going on and a battle to steal your life and you from God's best. Our enemy's purpose is to kill, steal and destroy ... his goal is to keep us stuck in discontentment, without a will to overcome, win or press on.

"I boldly choose to deal with my unhappiness by EMBRACING contentment."
{... and "Embracing Contentment" was just the first chapter of *this book.}

There is so much more and even more in this chapter alone!

For right now, this is exactly where God wants me to be and seems to be what I need to work on as He pursues me, as I EMBRACE my pursuit of Him, in my life, through my life and despite my life. 

Then I came across this song, new to me, but not a new song 
*striking chords within me

Just One Touch - Kim Walker Smith

that's all it takes

1 comment:

  1. I "simply have to EMBRACE the one" I "have by putting Christ at the center and asking Him to help me enjoy life, despite life." Yes, yes, I needed this reminder!

    So glad you were able to connect at the place in those beautiful pictures....and end this post with such victorious and encouraging words! Yes, we fight a daily battle but the war is won and princess warriors such as yourself are an inspiration to the rest of us!

    Love you!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy