
Sunday, December 15, 2019






...The third candle is pink and symbolizes Joy. It is called the “Shepherd's Candle,” and is pink because rose is a liturgical color for joy." 

{in last week blog post,  the source where I shared this from 
had "shepherd" written as "shepard" - I apologize}


Now I don't know how your year has gone, or how your Advent or Christmas season is going, and I won't assume yours is like mine, or busy as most people at this time, but that's one blessing of aging, or family not near to gather; however, somehow that takes away from some of that contagious Joy ...

Anyways, I am so thankful that no matter how my year has gone or this season is going; Advent helps me to focus on these 4 themes/virtues: Hope, Peace, Joy and next week's. As much as I needed PEACE this past week after how my first week went with HOPE (seemingly quite hopeless once again, as I fought what the enemy tries to destroy, take away and rob me of these treasures far too often - not this season, he won't and he can't, not this year, not anymore, ever. I'm done or better yet, he's done). I'm tired of battling against this. I'm done with not having JOY (and the others) present in my life each day. There is no reason for it. I EMBRACE Jesus and HE embraces me.

This is why I believe or think as we prepare our hearts each end of the year for Jesus, reflect on our past year, truly repent for not allowing these to be prominent in how we intentionally live a Christian life, and change the world around us, right at home, right in us, that we miss out on this season's purpose when we don't show Hope, Peace, Joy ... I am so glad that we pause to let these seep into our lives and fill us to the brim each year, so it can't help but overflow as we get ready to begin anew. 

These four weeks focused on Hope, Peace, Joy and ---- are key to our daily living as people who EMBRACE all Jesus is, has and gives to us, with putting Jesus first, Others next, and then You (but don't forget You, because You need to take care of yourself and changes you need, as well as your personal needs so that you can care for others better) - it's all in the package of JOY! Jesus exemplified this in His life, from His birth to His death and even after ... Hope, Peace, Joy and mostly the one for next week. But aren't these all intertwined in our journey with Jesus? 

I definitely am speaking to myself - I need more JOY in me! So I'm looking forward to this third week EMBRACING JOY - no matter what comes in this week or the future, I want Jesus' JOY more than ever 'oozing' from me and through me. Much like our Shepherd when we find Him, the shepherds rejoiced when they found Him. Such JOY! There are many examples of JOY in the Christmas story; from Elizabeth, to her babe (John), to Mary. May this JOY be found in you and me. Reading to seek this JOY.

"Come and Behold Him"
TPT, by Brian Simmons

reading/linking in The Passion Translation (TPT)
this part of the Christmas story from the book of

Day 1 Lord, Do It Again! (Psalm 126
Day 2 Mary’s Head-Turning Response to Her Remarkable News (Luke 1:46–55
Day 3 The God Who Works Mighty Miracles (Luke 1:46–51) 
Day 4 The Story about the Greatest Reversal Ever!
(Luke 1:52-53) 
Day 5 The Never-Forgetting, Always Promise-Keeping God (Luke 1: 54–55)

Brian Simmons, Come and Behold Him (The Passion Translation): Advent Devotional (Kindle Locations 45-56). BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC. Kindle Edition.


*Some good resource articles, in case you need some help EMBRACING JOY:
1) Nine Simple Practices to Embrace Joy
2) The Most Powerful Way to Embrace Joy; Nicole Kauffman
3) 5 Ways to Embrace Joy; Dominee
4) ... Joy after 60; Michele Meier Vosberg 
5) How to Embrace Joy, even When It Feels Hard; Paula Jenkins (she even offers a course on "You & Joy Unleashed") sign me up (lol)



So I share from one of my reading plans at You Version again:

"The second attribute of Christ we see in advent is joy. The joy of the coming of our Savior. Luke 6:23 tells us to “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy”. The word for joy that is used is ‘cara’ which means a calm delight, exceeding gladness, fullness of joy. 

The joy we find in Christ is different from happiness. Joy gladdens the spirit while happiness gladdens the flesh. Happiness is determined by outside influences, or happenings, while joy is an infilling of the Holy Spirit, no matter what may be going on around you. The joy of God is an ongoing pouring in from Him to you. We are joyous during advent because He promised to come and be our propitiation from sin and His promise to come again to gather us to Him for eternity! " ... Illuminate Advent, day 3

"Lord, I need You to do it again! Do for me this season what You did for Israel and for the world when You sent Your Son: rescue me and restore me to (for) my former glory, so that I may return with joyful laughter. Amen." (day 1, "Come and Behold Him", Lord, Do it Again)

Leaps of Joy, Jumping for Joy
with the
10 Lords a Leaping
(in my younger days)
{so I'll just sing for now}

"Finding Purpose, Hope and Joy
through Jesus' Birth"
{another wonderful plan at YouVersion, I'm doing}
Day 15
"Sunday, Joy Comes from God"
to the World

to your world
and to

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy