
Sunday, January 5, 2020


continuing with

Last week's blog covered January 1-4, 2020 and more.
Each of the following should be linked to 365 devotion promise. 

JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I chose you to be adopted into My family before creation.
Ephesians 1:4-5

I delivered you from darkness into the kingdom of My beloved Son.
Colossians 1:12-13

I have given you eternal life because you have believed in Jesus Christ.
John 3:16

I sent the Spirit of My Son into your heart so you could call Me Father.
Galatians 4:6

Since you are in Christ, I have made you an heir of all My promises.
Galatians 3:29

I have given you a new heart and put My own Spirit in you.
Ezekiel 36:26-27

My plan for your future is filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Also continuing with:

"Praying the Promises of God"

5.Be Weak to be Strong-Matthew 5:3
6.Step by Step-Proverbs 1:33
7.The Secret Place-Matthew 6:6
8.Kingdom First-Matthew 6:33
9.Sheltered from the Storm-Psalm 9:9
10.His Healing Touch-Matthew 8:2-3
11.Leaning on His Strength-Prov3:7-8
12.Get by Giving-Proverbs 3:9-10

"Bible Promises for Women"

still in Chapter 1 of 
Daily Guidance

Galatians 5:25 "Thank You Father, for Your Spirit, my guide through each day. May I willingly follow, no matter when or where. Help me to obey quickly when You direct me to serve or forgive others. May I always be thankful and rejoice in the blessings You point out to me along the way."

Matthew 25:34 "... Lord, no matter what this day brings, help me get through it with Your loving guidance."

John 10:14 "Your Word says ---and I've heard it elsewhere --- that a flock of sheep knows its own shepherd's voice and won't respond to the voice of a different shepherd. It's true of my relationship with You, too, Lord. I know Your voice. I know when You're speaking to me heart, and I know when I'm being coaxed by "other voices" --- wrong desires, worldly values, anxiety, pride, and the like. Thanks for helping me see the difference. Coax me to follow the sound of Your voice alone today & always.

I'll be back to complete the rest of these with more
...instead I only wrote a portion...

James1:12 "To spend my life with God is a choice I freely make. To love God and let God love me is the light of my life - "...

"...The blessing that James promises feels to me like God's love:
It shines on me every day, lights the darkness and
illuminates my path."

Ephesians 6:13 "Lord, be my warrior, my guard and my guide. Let Your love be the armor that shields me from the slings and arrows of the day. Let Your compassion be the blanket that protects me... "

2 Samuel 2:6 "It's hard to be pleasant these road raging days. Everyone's too immersed in their own concerns to be mannerly or kind. Encourage me ... Nudge me ... May I, with Your guidance, be first to pass them on."

Daniel 12:3 "Let me do what lies clearly at hand, this very minute. Grant me the insight to see that too much planning for the future removes me from the present moment. ... may I use this next moment wisely."

I am so glad that I am completing some YouVersion (YV) plans on Promises too:

25 Powerful Promises from God

Promises of God
(27 days)

...but because I already completed one previously, I was reminded of another book I have in my Kindle for the full year:

NIV Once a Day Bible Promises

Here's a sample from this book:

"God Uses Problems to Shape You"(day 2YV or 10 bk)

Tell the truth. When you run into problems, what is your first and most common response: complaining? crying? yelling? denial? pouting? rejoicing?

Unless you’re highly unusual (or slightly dishonest) you probably didn’t answer “rejoicing.” Let’s face it—it isn’t normal to be joyful in the face of trials. But you can develop this trait. According to the promise above, trials are good for you. How so? In the same way that an excruciating exercise regimen is good for you. You sweat and strain through painful and unpleasant workouts. But over time, if you keep at it, you see big changes. You’re stronger and healthier.

Viewing your troubles as a kind of “spiritual exercise program” enables you to rejoice (see 1 Peter 1:6–7). It enables you to see your suffering as something good in your life. God is using trials in your life to stretch you and strengthen your faith. Without these pressures, you’d be just another flabby, out-of-shape Chris­tian.

God's Promise to Me:
• I allow you to go through trials so that you might grow.

My Prayer to God:
God, You want me to trust You in the hard times. Rejoicing isn’t natural for me, so make it my supernatural response to difficulties and pressures in my life. Teach me to endure, Lord, so that my faith will grow and get stronger.

Standing on the Promises of God
{ok, I'm really tryin' and really need to ...thus, my One Word}

I've heard and seen
as being a
for many
I think is a great one for 2020 also!

as I stand
I will believe
God has a wonderful
of all of

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy