
Sunday, March 15, 2020

"The Promise of Lent" - 3rd Sunday

40 Day Journey
Toward the
Power of Easter

Chris Tiegreen's devotional
"The Promise of Lent"

Job 19:25-27

Today is a National Day of Prayer
March 15, 2020
A Call to us all to Pray amid the world crisis and ours of the
Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID 19)
{usually our National Day of Prayer is in May each year}
but this is a necessary time for us to pray for one another


I am continuing this week:

mostly in
Isaiah 53
with this devotional and the following readings daily
claiming Isaiah 53 (v.5) in particular this day of prayer

"But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed" NKJV

Readings for Week 3
Mon. Day 17 The Lamb Who Transforms John 1:29-34 *Jn 1:29
Tues. Day 18 Clash of Kingdoms Isaiah 53 *Isaiah 53:3
Weds. Day 19 A Comprehensive Gospel Isaiah 53 *Isaiah 53:4
Thurs. Day 20 Receive All, Give All Isaiah 53 *Isaiah 53:5
Fri. Day 21 Finally Free Isaiah 53 *Isaiah 53:6
Sat. Day 22 The Dignity of Silence Isaiah 53 *Isaiah 53:7

"Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases..." v.4

...Lord, may my faith rise to the level of Your Promise, and may it not stop when my own needs are met. Give me opportunities to be a minister of grace to many of the wounded (and sick) lives You gave Your life to save. (day 20)

"... All of our sicknesses and brokenness - spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical - are consequences of our rebellion ... and Jesus took the pains of that rebellion upon Himself."... (day 20)

"...O believe, my heart, oh believe,
Nothing will be lost to you!..." 
Gustav Mahler, "Resurrection Symphony" (5th movement)
{this is the quote shared for the end of day 19}

...Lord, I cannot thank You enough for carrying my weaknesses and bearing my sorrow {pain and infirmities}. I depend on You for everything and You always let me. Thank You for all that salvation includes. (day 19)

Way Maker

"... Way maker, Miracle Worker, Promise keeper Light in the darkness, my God That is who You are Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness, my God That is who You are You are here, touching every heart I worship You I worship You You are here, healing every heart I worship You I worship You You are here, turning lives around I worship You I worship You You are here, mending every heart ...

Even when I don’t see it, You’re working Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working You never stop, You never stop working You never stop, You never stop working"

That is Who YOU are!!!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy