
Sunday, March 22, 2020

"The Promise of Lent" - 4th Sunday

40 Day Journey
Toward the
Power of Easter

Chris Tiegreen's devotional
"The Promise of Lent"

Isaiah 25:6-9 

Lord, I long for that day when Your Kingdom comes on earth in all its fullness, when tears are no more, when death is not only swallowed up in victory but disappears forever. Help me ... with hope for the age to come...

I'm continuing with this:
Isaiah 40:1-5;John 17:22-24
Haggai 2:6-9; Malachi 3:1-4

Readings for Week 4
Mon. Day 23 "Forgiven Before We Fell" Isaiah 40:1-5 *Isaiah 40:1-2
Tues. Day 24 "A Demonstration of God" Isaiah 40:1-5 *Isaiah 40:4
Weds. Day 25 "A Revelation of Glory" Isaiah 40:1-5 *Isaiah 40:5
Thurs. Day 26 "The Fellowship of Glory" John 17:22-24 *John 17:22
Fri. Day 27 "Unshakable" Haggai 2:6-9 *Haggai 2:6
Sat. Day 28 "A Pure Priesthood" Malachi 3:1-4 *Malachi 3:3

Lord, my heart is at rest in You because I have chosen to build my life on the Truth of Your Word and the certainty of Your grace. Thank You that my security does not depend on my faithfulness but on Yours.{Thank You!} Anchor me always in Your love. Amen. Day 27, Chris T.

So many of my readings, prayers and studies just seem to coincide 
with the times in which we now live! I am so thankful 
for all the spiritual community and support available online
all of YOU here 
and at
YouVersion, Faith/Study Gateway, Sheila Walsh, Max Lucado,
 Proverbs 31 Ministry,
Church, Worship Music & Prayer services online
{Thank you all!}

Keeping on my Journey
toward the
Power of Jesus' Christ Resurrection!


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy