
Wednesday, July 1, 2020



from 365promises

I made the heavens by My Word and I breathed the stars into existence.
Psalm 33:6

I am faithful to keep My covenant of kindness to a thousand generations.
Deuteronomy 7:9

All of mankind can find protection in the shadow of My wings.
Psalm 36:7

I am a father to the fatherless and I defend the cause of widows.
Psalm 68:5

I will not abandon My own inheritance.
Psalm 94:14

I am the Lord your God who heals all of your diseases.
Exodus 15:26

My love for you will last forever.
Jeremiah 31:3

I give good gifts to My children when they ask.
Matthew 7:11

Jesus is not ashamed to be called your big brother.
Hebrews 2:11

JULY 10 - PROMISE #191
I forgive sins and I love to show mercy.
Micah 7:18

JULY 11 - PROMISE #192
I have poured My love into your heart through My Spirit.
Romans 5:5

JULY 12 - PROMISE #193
I have put My law within you and have written it on your heart.
Jeremiah 31:33

JULY 13 - PROMISE #194
I will meet your every need through My eternal riches in Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:19

JULY 14 - PROMISE #195
I will shepherd My inheritance and carry them forever.
Psalm 28:9

JULY 15 - PROMISE #196
Do not be sad, for My joy is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

JULY 16 - PROMISE #197
My perfect love will banish fear from your heart.
1 John 4:18

JULY 17 - PROMISE #198
I will save you in the midst of your troubles.
Psalm 138:7

JULY 18 - PROMISE #199
I will blanket My protection over all who trust in Me.
Psalm 5:11

JULY 19 - PROMISE #200
My armor will help you stand against the plans of the enemy.
Ephesians 6:11

JULY 20 - PROMISE #201
I will turn your mourning into dancing and surround you with joy.
Psalm 30:11

JULY 21 - PROMISE #202
I will restore your health and heal all your hurts.
Jeremiah 30:17

JULY 22 - PROMISE #203
I will strengthen you with feet like a deer so you can reach great heights.
Habakkuk 3:19

JULY 23 - PROMISE #204
If you share with the needy, My glory will guard your back.
Isaiah 58:7-8

JULY 24 - PROMISE #205
If you enter into My rest, you will find rest from all your striving.
Hebrews 4:9-10

JULY 25 - PROMISE #206
I am near to you whenever you cry out.
Deuteronomy 4:7

JULY 26 - PROMISE #207
When problems arise, call to Me and I will answer you.
Psalm 86:7

JULY 27 - PROMISE #208
Don't worry, I will take care of you.
Matthew 6:25-26

JULY 28 - PROMISE #209
Those who overcome will be pillars in My temple forever.
Revelation 3:12

JULY 29 - PROMISE #210
You are My children now and you will be just like Jesus when He appears.
1 John 3:2

JULY 30 - PROMISE #211
One day, you will see My face and 
My name will be on your forehead.
Revelation 22:4

JULY 31 - PROMISE #212
Every promise that I make is true, 
for I do not lie or change My mind.
Numbers 23:19

{sorry, COVID 19 made me forget to post these each week 
or at least like this - monthly ... 
since March so I'm updating finally in July}

March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
So now that I have shared all these missed months of PROMISES, I hope that I won't forget the rest of the months left in 2020. As I collected and composed these posts from March - July, I read the many Promises, recalling frequently the promise and the scripture again, and appreciating 365promises with their beautiful images, as I compile all these PROMISES, beginning to rely on God's Promises and applying them in my life more and more. For example, July 15th was a difficult day this year, but reading Nehemiah 8:10 and making the Promise mine for that day definitely helped me through the day. Hearing God say: "Do not be sad, for My joy is your strength." reminds me that God is with me, pouring His joy in and through me, restoring & giving me strength! I love how there are so many PROMISES in God's Word that I have read but truthfully not seen as a "promise" whereas with my books as resources, I am learning why it's said that there are over 30,000 promises. With 365 promises, I will have 365 promises from this site, plus I have two other books with a year's worth of promises (1 in Kindle, 1 in print; but of course, there is duplication between these 3 sources). I am so thankful for each and every PROMISE, loving that somehow God gave me this as my 2020 WORD for a reason. Now, to continue in His Promises & praying His Promises with expectation and belief that these are mine(yours) in Christ Jesus!

Forgive me for not sharing these PROMISES each month, then all at once. It took me long enough to finally continue posting. And I hope you have clicked over to 365promises, in case I fail again. I've noticed that Blogger is going through yet another change ... so if my posts no longer appear, it's because I'm too old to learn new stuff. Here's some of the new notification ...

In July, the new Blogger interface will become the default for all users. The legacy interface will still be optionally available

There is a suggestion or option to try it out, which I did but immediately returned to what I'm use to ... creature of habit. Anyways, if you don't see any new posts of at least God's PROMISES like this, be sure to visit 365promises (dot) com daily, monthly or whenever you need one to remind you that God never lies, never fails and cares more than we can imagine.