
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

(My) Best RELATIONSHIP is with God!

Last week (August 4-5, 2022), Pastor Rick began "Becoming Best Friends with God" on the Daily Hope Radio (podcast) broadcast and his devotionals. Because my very life, friendship and RELATIONSHIP with God are the most important, I have spent most of this year focused on that RELATIONSHIP. I'm pretty sure that when my One Word for 2022, became RELATIONSHIPS that God was suggesting (strongly) that I need much work on my earthly, human RELATIONSHIPS but He does not (at all) mind me deepening the RELATIONSHIP I have with Him so that He can help me with the others; guiding and showing me the areas and the people He hopes I work on. 

Trust me, I enjoy much more my Best Friend Jesus and spending more and better time with Him. Yet the fruit needs to show around the people He has placed strategically in my life to grow me, sharpen me and refine me for His Kingdom purposes. I could write at great length about God & Me, however, I just want to highlight in this blog post Pastor Rick's teachings to LISTEN or READ (in case you missed them) because I think you'll enjoy them as much as I do. It is the most AWESOME RELATIONSHIP - the one you have or begin with*God/Jesus/Holy Spirit:

Becoming Best Friends with God – Part 1 August 4, 2022  Becoming Best Friends with God – Part 2 August 5, 2022

Becoming Best Friends with God – Part 3  August 8, 2022

I'm pretty sure there's a Part 4 tomorrow (August 9) because Pastor Rick finishes 
on August 11th with this series.
UPDATE: It is actually

What Destroys Relationships and What Builds Them – Part 1 and Part 2 tomorrow

Pastor Rick wrote the following excellent devotionals about our RELATIONSHIP with God (August 5th - August 8th, 2022):

[and Pastor Rick ends with the opportunity to trust Jesus with your life]

I really enjoy the "Talk It Over" parts of these devotionals. So, I'm sharing the one from August 8 "... Value what He Values":

  • What gets in the way of you being a friend of God? What adjustments could you make in your thoughts or behavior to remove those barriers?
  • What’s more important to you than knowing God? Why do you value it more?
  • Describe the relationship you have with your best friend. How does it compare to the relationship you have with God?
  • What are some things that you know God values? How important are those things to you?
Perhaps, I should take the time to pause and think about my own answers truthfully - I pray that each day I live more in sync with God's values and living them out; caring about what God cares about ... if I were to answer any of these, it would be a complete blog post. If you'd like , you may share one in the comments and remain anonymous (lol). If you have a good human RELATIONSHIP, it may be a good topic of discussion. I will be talking them over with God, Himself. These "Talk It Overs" are excellent questions and thoughts, for small group discussions. Be encouraged that the God of the universe cares enough about YOU - to want to be your Friend; Love YOU freely and fearlessly; He cares about what matters to YOU and matters the most; God deserves your BEST time of each and every day; He values YOU and wants YOU to value Him and all He shares in His Word (Philippians 4:8).

 I really appreciate this article "12 Things Jesus Valued that We Must Value"  - just in case you need a prompt to respond to the question above. [Jesus and God - are the same] In fact above I placed an * because I wanted you, as a reader to know, it's important to deepen your RELATIONSHIP with the Triune God as Jesus, Father God, and the Holy Spirit. And yes, RELATE to all 3 as 1! Jesus told us that there is no way to the Father (God, the Father) except through Him. (John 14:6) and (John 10:30). Yes, Lord - Life, Peace, Love, Truth, Faith,  Service, Sacrifice, Gratitude, Prayer (which is communication with God)and Fasting; SOULS ... RELATIONSHIPS! I do value all these and hope that You continue to show me clearly all You value and how I need to value the importance of each to a hurting world.

Thank you, Reader for reading (and if you choose to share (wink, wink) 😉 in the comments any of the "Talk It Over" or whatever. God values YOU! God's best!

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy