
Thursday, August 11, 2022

More RELATIONSHIP Words from Jesus Listens - Part 2

Part 1 - Back on August 1st, I shared a search from one of my favorite devotionals for 2022, "Jesus Listens" but only gave 13 of the 27 and even that was a bit over-whelming. Those were from January to July in the book (thus Mid Year review). Even though I compiled them for my August 1st post as a 'review', I had actually done this back in July. So today's Part 2, although I am working on this post only 10 days after I posted the first one, it's been a bit longer for me, since I did that post & search actually in July and I don't want to lose the rest of the 27 (which is not really 27, a few are used in one devo). {I realize I won't really lose them because I can search for RELATIONSHIP again - this seems to be the story of my life (lol)}

My real reason is to keep these before me as I continue my 2022 One Word focus on RELATIONSHIP. It's another one of those WORDs that you start but you know it just will continue, like STRENGTH from 2021 (and honestly most of my One Words still do since 2012). 

As I reread that first post and those 13, I found it to be a little overwhelming. I guess that's why reading one of "Jesus Listens" devotional each day is such a blessing, but doing the full book would be too much. I appreciate having a prayer with the scriptures and the pace for 
each day! I thought about doing each one on the actual day but then I might have to reflect and write more on each one (and I may) but for now, I am putting them all together here. I hope it might encourage you to get your own copy of "Jesus Listens" ... you won't be disappointed. In case you need to recall from that 1st post, these are only a quote from the prayer, with the word RELATIONSHIP, so reading it in full context will help you better. Continuing after July 17th with August 2nd:

"...This delightful discipline {*of praise and thanks} nurtures my soul and enhances my RELATIONSHIP with You  - providing an easy way for me to draw near You."~August 2, Jesus Listens, page 225.

* this concept of discipline is given in the part of the prayer prior to this part.

"...It's essential for me to remember that my problems are temporary but You are eternal-and so is my RELATIONSHIP with You."~August 16, Jesus Listens, 239

 "... As I keep focusing on You and enjoying the rich RELATIONSHIP You offer, my fear gradually subsides. I will trust and not be afraid, for You are my strength and my song." (Isaiah 12:2; I Samuel 30:6; Psalm 33:5) August 18, p.241

"...This practice of voicing my trust in You keeps me close to You..."September 6, Jesus Listens, page 261

"...This rich communication with You brings me real relief. It also strengthens my RELATIONSHIP with You and helps me find the way forward..."September 13, Jesus Listens, p.268

"Lord, please lead me beside quiet waters and restore my soul. Just as lovers can communicate deeply with very few words, so it is in my RELATIONSHIP with You-the Lover of my soul." September 27, Jesus Listens. page 282

I thought this would be a good prayer point to end this post, however, there is only one more RELATIONSHIP left for September ... and then only a few more from October - December (but I will wait until then for those few). The last one in September is even a better place to end. 

"... Gratitude enables me to perceive You more clearly and to rejoice in our Love- RELATIONSHIP. ..." September 29, Jesus Listens, page 284

Almost every one of these prayer parts are at or near the end of the prayer, except for this last one. In my mind, it's because Praise and Gratitude should always come first. In fact, a little praise, encouragement, good words and thankful hearts would help us in our earthly RELATIONSHIPS. It's just that the greatest praise and thanks goes to our Heavenly One first and always, no matter the circumstance, He is in control; He cares for you; He cares about your RELATIONSHIPS; He wants us to prepare our hearts and lives to look for the best in each other and do our best with all He has given us and does for us, including the RELATIONSHIPS that are most difficult (or when they are) so we can be Jesus to them or as most like Him as we are able and ask for His help, when we can't. 

Note: I will have to have one more of these blog posts later for the last ones from October - December. I have another book that I am reading day by day on my One Word "Change My RELATIONSHIP" that has 400 results in that search, which makes sense since it's a book on RELATIONSHIP - mostly our difficult human ones. I pray each of your RELATIONSHIPS is being changed and made better each day

Pastor Rick Warren & his Awesome Relationship is suppose to be ending today. I have some other RELATIONSHIP reading plans with You Version. 

1 comment:

  1. So many good points in this post but this stood out to me today: "This practice of voicing my trust in You keeps me close to You". When I'm battle weary and can't seem to find the words to pray about it, declaring God's goodness that has been apparent all my life...and proclaiming that faithful goodness over my present situation and future trials keeps my eyes on the Lord and my heart open to what He wants me to know....sometimes it's just "I'm here, daughter, and you are never alone." Praise the Lord for His goodness and love! KT


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy