
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Last of my RELATIONSHIP search from JESUS LISTENS - Part 3

This is my third and final post of my search in JESUS LISTENS for My 2022 One Word - RELATIONSHIP. The last one covered August through September 29th. The first one was quite lengthy covering the entire first half of the year up until July 17th. This one will cover what's left from October - December in JESUS LISTENS, which is just a few.
"... My identity as a child of God gives my life meaning and purpose. My RELATIONSHIPS with other people improve as I relate to them with the love and forgiveness You've given me."~ October 23, Jesus Listens, page 310

" ... *this wastes a lot of time and energy; even worse, it distracts me from my RELATIONSHIP with You. Whenever this happens, please open my eyes so I can find You in the midst of my circumstances." ~ November 4, Jesus Listens, page 322

{I realize that *"this" does not make much sense out of the context of the full prayer}

"... Sometimes I get so focused on other things - difficulties and distractions in my life - that I *neglect my RELATIONSHIP with You. Help me to remember to put You first in my life, relating to You continually as my First Love. ..." ~ December 5, Jesus Listens, p. 355

*{I do not think I am "neglecting" my Relationship with my King, but I'm sure there were times 
in my life when I did, but not in the last 30 + years}

"... I am filled with Your fullness - flooded with You Yourself! (AMPC) (Ephesians 3:19) This is deeper, richer union than I can find in any human RELATIONSHIP. You know everything about me ..." ~p. 376, December 26, Jesus Listens

My intention of doing a search for my One Word RELATIONSHIP in my daily devotional book "Jesus Listens" of prayers & scriptures for this year was to take note and focus of the times that RELATIONSHIP is mentioned or comes up, even in a book, not specifically on RELATIONSHIPS but on the most important One in my life! Speaking with Him (through Prayer) but more importantly LISTENing to Jesus, through His Word ... has impacted me and deepened that RELATIONSHIP and made me more aware of our daily interaction (intermittently throughout the day and night) makes our RELATIONSHIP stronger. I hope that it helps me with the earthly ones and their RELATIONSHIP with Jesus (having one) and also with my other devotional for the full year to "Change My RELATIONSHIP" (that one is to basically work on earthly difficulties in RELATIONSHIPS - so I'm sure that there are many uses of the word RELATIONSHIP in that one (over 400) - on all kinds of RELATIONSHIPS (God & not so godly). The main aim of that book is to help me become healthy in my RELATIONSHIPS. It is filled with many concepts and ideas never learned or practiced in my life. It really is about a great deal of "change" needed. It starts with me. 

[I am posting this blog on a significant day with one of my family RELATIONSHIPs, that is no longer with us, this side of heaven, but I still celebrate his birthday. Our RELATIONSHIP needed work while he was here, because his role in my life affected my understanding of my Heavenly Father for many years besides the impact on our own earthly RELATIONSHIP yet he did the best he could by me & for me. Although our RELATIONSHIP was dysfunctional, he taught me many lessons and was very hard working. We were similar and yet very different in our perspectives. Some say I was his favorite, but all my life I never felt that I was, nor that I lived up to his expectations, nor that he was pleased with me. But he forgave me, in a final letter he wrote for our family, and that meant the world to me. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you.]


  1. Oh, flood us with Yourself Lord, so we may be so full of Your love and goodness that we spill over into each person we meet! KT

    1. Amen and Hallelujah Anyhow! So glad we can do Jesus Listens together and love how you share with a beautiful hymn/song along with such awesome scenic verse images! You are full & do spill over KT ... Keep spilling & be blessed.


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy