
Friday, September 30, 2022

RELATIONSHIP Help - Healthy or Unhealthy?

Because of my FULL MONTH plan for October, I needed to squeeze this blog post in as a Prelude, so that you might understand why RELATIONSHIP is my 2022 Word & even though I have only a few months left, I am not even close to digging into the complexities of my RELATIONSHIP(S) - mostly those earthly ones that need so much work, or I do. But any way you look at this, my RELATIONSHIPs have not been healthy, I think that I have admitted and indicated having unhealthy ones; and now I am exploring this possibility - that at least one is a Toxic Relationship. I'm just learning about this. I noticed some of the signs in the relationship of another person (dear to me) and then realized that it might also be in mine. So that is the topic of this blog post as I search and learn. Also since I am just learning something new to me, I advise you to seek the facts and truths yourselves, realizing that this is my disclaimer to any comments I make or you may read in the articles I link. Perhaps you may feel that I should wait until I know more, but right now I need to acknowledge this and hope it helps. 

As usual for me, I need to start out with defining a "toxic relationship". I read this in various places but sharing this one. Most of the links I share will lead you to other similar definitions and much more information. 

"A toxic relationship is one that makes you feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned, or attacked. On a basic level, any relationship that makes you feel worse rather than better can become toxic over time. Toxic relationships can exist in just about any context, from the playground to the boardroom to the bedroom " Very Well Mind "A relationship is toxic when your well-being is threatened in some way - emotionally, psychologically, and even physically." 

I have found various articles or sites that share Signs of Toxic Relationships from 5 to 7, up to 21. I chose depicting some of the Signs with this image:

  However I found this article of 21 Signs to be the most thorough and professional (in other words - trustworthy) - "21 Signs of Toxic Relationships" 
but "24 Signs You're in a Toxic Relationship and Need to Let Go" from Women's Health speaks volumes to me (and my past) - where was this back then? I skipped the intro and just skimmed the bold face 24 signs and clearly know that I indeed needed this back in my 20s and 30s for sure. 

[This is 1 of 3 Infographics shared by "Choosing Therapy" author of 21 Signs above]

Further reading showed me the Impacts of Toxic Relationships and How to Fix ... in the above article of 21 Signs ... as you continue reading, but as so often people have to be willing - willing to admit and wanting to find a remedy or change; which most often, is only one sided. Toxic relationships have long-lasting, life-changing impacts according to Psychology Today. My own experiences show me.

"Some of the physical side effects of a toxic relationship are disrupted sleep, poor nutrition, digestive issues, muscle tightness, fatigue/ feeling constantly worn down, and immunity issues (getting ill more often)." Source

The more I look (and read), the more I find and discover how much I needed this a long time ago; along with my 365 Daily Devotions ... book by Karla Downing and her excellent website and You Tube Channel - which is very helpful and it's not just for RELATIONSHIPS that are toxic. "Change My Relationship..." is continually changing me or causing me to see what I should have changed long ago in my life (but now, seemingly a little late - although I've been encouraged to hope - it's never too late (at least until you leave this earthly home). 

There's no way that I can conclude this blog post, because it's part of my on-going life process ... even though I am in the last season of my life, I am still learning and I hope changing myself and my RELATIONSHIPS - the difficult and the ones that I so appreciate that have blessed me, tolerated me and hopefully prayed for me. So I add this image as an alternative for an ending and perhaps in November & December, I can come back and summarize some progress with my 2022 Word: RELATIONSHIP - from Unhealthy to Healthy. I truly need work & God is so patient and helpful in showing me. 

Oh and one more thing - there are various Quizzes available to find out if you're in a Toxic Relationship or Who's the Toxic One... Are You in a Toxic Relationship?  These were just a few and not necessarily endorsed by me; search for your own that you feel comfortable with and beware of some. Check the source (lol).

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy