
Saturday, October 1, 2022

RELATIONSHIPS 1 of 31 October Days

"My God is my Rock in whom I take Refuge, my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation." 
Psalm 18:2

After 10 months focusing on RELATIONSHIP, I should be able to put together my own 31 days, but most often I look to see if one is already available that fits my theme, which this year happens to be RELATIONSHIPS - the One Word that God put in my heart and mind for 2022. I do have an excellent book for all 365 days of devotions that I've mentioned often already. However, today - for this month of October, I found another book, already done and done well, so it will serve as my guide, although I can't share its contents (copyright), I will be sharing each day's contents through a scripture given. 

By now, if you know me or have read any of my blog posts, you are aware that I need work in my earthly RELATIONSHIPS, my main ones have not been healthy ... in fact, some are toxic. Many are and have been dysfunctional in my life.

[Not sure as I'm writing this blog post if I have written a previous blog post about unhealthy relationships or toxic ones, but I did intend to write one and share.]I did so it’s now linked.

That is how I came across the book which is the basis for these 31 days. I can never write as well as the author of this book, so I will just recommend on the last day this book. I purchased the Kindle version (of course) the moment I read the Introduction and page 16 prayer to:

God is Our Most Trustworthy Refuge

 "Lord, I struggle to believe that You really can be a safe place for me in the midst of what I’m facing. I am tormented right now as I battle to believe I can truly be free of the mess in my relational world, and specifically my relationship with ________. I am hurting, angry, lonely, and anxious and ask You to open my heart to see wonderful things in Your Word. Help me to believe Your words, Lord, and please cause them to soak into my heart, mind, and life. I need You and want to grow in trusting You to lead me, day by day, step by step, to become healthy and holy in my relationships, even as I struggle to know what that looks like. Thank You that I can offer these cries for help through Jesus, the one I belong to and who calls me friend. Amen."

... and at the same time the scripture verse given for day 1 (below) was one that I just had in Jesus Listens on August 27 & in my You Version reading plan (verse image made) so I knew God was confirming this for October ... 

 Day 1 

"Our Refuge Now and Forever"

Psalms 18:1-2

I love You, O Lord, my strength.

The Lord is my rock and my fortress
and my deliverer,
   my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. ESV

For now I will just post the daily scripture on my blog (maybe a verse image) and perhaps I may or may not share ... as I'm 


{not in order, but these are a few of my highlights in day1}

 ..."When we forget who we are and who God is, it's easy to rush after earthly RELATIONSHIPS that seem to promise escape from all pain and disappointments." ...

"... the most foundational and beautiful truth of my identity - I'm loved and known by God." ...

"... Through Christ, God delivers us from unhelpful (and unholy) patterns in our RELATIONSHIPS and strengthens us to trust Him." 


Each blog post is set to publish the day before the Days given from the book.

I may repost them if I add anything in the box at the end or my own Reflection.

I posted them ahead of reading so I am reading this daily and have not read ahead.

I forgot that I was doing this plan for the 31 days of October and then I signed up for Revive Our Hearts "Cry Out" Challenge, but since I have done "Cry Out" in previous years, I will be praying but not sharing the ROH Challenge because they will be sending me their daily emails and our nation and this world really needs us to be praying & seeking God & God's will, not our own. Too many of us have our own agenda. We need to LISTEN to God and FOLLOW Jesus only & His Word.  



  1. Looking forward to your sharing, sis. KT

    1. Thanks for your encouragement! Glad to see anonymous works!😉 However, I’m thinking there may be more sharing at YV because this one’s more reflective & difficult to put out there while I’m processing all this personally. I’m so thankful as always for your visit & apologize if you received too many re-edits. ~ Peggy


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy