
Wednesday, October 12, 2022


How to Pursue Relational Health

There's a beautiful prayer that begins this section seeking "to grow to rest in the truth that the Lord is our True Refuge. Asking our Lord to change us and help us walk forward, one step at a time - in obedience to Him as we work on developing deep, caring RELATIONSHIPS without being bound to our fear and insecurity based on how people need or want us. Not wanting to use people or be used but learning how to love them because the Lord loves us & we can be secure in Him.

DAYS 13 through 16

Day 13: Ask God to Reveal Your Heart's Pain & Sin - Ps. 139:23-24

Day 14: Admit Your True Fears - Ps. 142:1-4

Day 15: Connect with Spiritual Family -
1 Thessalonians 2:7-8

Day 16: Renew Your Thinking about Relationships and Love - Romans 12:2

I have divided days 13-21 for this section into 2 different blog posts: this one will cover just these days (13-16) and my next blog post will cover days 17-21 - all these days are about "How to Pursue *Relational Health". 

For me personally, I believe that this is the most important part and where I need the most work and/or change. So I am hoping that by lessening the amount of days, I will spend more time unpacking the verses and understanding what God reveals and honestly deal with myself and my RELATIONSHIPS. 

Day 16 "... How do we renew our minds?"..."First, we commit to reading and meditating on God's Word so that it has a home in us (Col. 3:16) ...  2nd "... We resist and flee influences that corrupt our thought life. We toss out anything that soils our minds with selfishness, lust, fear, anger, or unbelief; we cut off paths to ungodly supply sources that keep our sinful thoughts nourished. The more we're washed in the Word of God, the easier it becomes to recognize when pollution has entered in. ... "

"Act: What steps do you need to take to have God's Word dwell in you more deeply?"

I find it's helpful to define terms (and this is not from the devotional book):

* “Relational health refers to the capacity to develop and sustain safe, stable and nurturing relationships, which in turn prevent the extreme. or prolonged activation of the body's stress response systems.” Garner. 2021. 

... and Why it's important?

"Relational health focuses on establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships with self, other individuals, groups and communities and develops from our interactions and connections with others. Having a network, grounded in supportive relationships, can help create feelings of satisfaction and security." (Resource)

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy