
Sunday, October 16, 2022


the continuation of

How to Pursue Relational Health

This is just a reminder because I added it to the end of previous blog post. I generally try to define/explain terms so I would like to do so for Relational Health:
"Relational Health refers to the capacity to develop and sustain safe, stable and nurturing relationships, which in turn prevent the extreme or prolonged activation of the body's stress response systems" Garner 2021

DAYS 17 - 21

Day 17: Stop Living for People's Love and Love Them Instead - 2 Cor. 5:14-15

Day 18: Live Hidden in Plain Sight - Col. 3:3; 2 Corinthians 2:14

Day 19: Practice Joy, Prayer, and Thankfulness - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Day 20: Set Your Heart on Heaven - Hebrews 12:1-2

Day 21: Anchor Your Hope in Jesus - 1 Peter 1:3-4. 13 

I will continue to pursue Relational Health in my life.

"... To set our hearts on heaven, we must live now in light of where we are ultimately going. ... by "looking to" being fixed on) Jesus (Heb. 12:1), who is enthroned in heaven (Col. 3:1-3). This biblical truth has helped me so much in my RELATIONAL struggles."

Day 20 (quote above) ends with a prayer in ACT to consider praying:

"Lord, I confess that I think so much more about this life and what I see, feel, and hear. Help me fix my eyes on Jesus and warm my heart with love for Him. Give me a desire to be sober minded and alert to the enemy's schemes to hijack my focus off of You and onto this life. Most of all, Lord, deepen my understanding to set my hope fully on You."

Then on Day 21, we "Anchor ... Hope in Jesus" because we have a living Hope through our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus ... because "when we seek our living hope in an earthly RELATIONSHIP, we unanchor ourselves from Christ's promises, setting ourselves adrift in an unpredictable sea. A person's love, words of affection, need, and praise of us can never be "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading"; they don't have the power! We undo healthy hope we've placed on people by honestly expressing to God our pain, sin, and fears; renewing our thinking; practicing prayerful thankfulness; living through Christ's life and love...". I know what it is like to be 'unachored' and adrift in an unpredictable sea until I was tossed and turned enough to be awakened by Jesus - and the Truth. Thank You Lord Jesus, my Anchor, firm and secure is set in You, amid any tossing of waves that has crashed or may crash; my future hope is anchored upon the grace, love, mercy and peace of You, Jesus - our Lord.   

Our Living Hope has a Name, His name is Jesus!


It's taken me years to understand and become aware of dysfunctional behaviors,

which is long overdue.

I am far beyond thankful that I have been saved & in a wonderful 




as I'm



A dear sister and friend began a YV plan (20 day plan) on 10/17 and by mistake it appeared publicly when it was suppose to be with a group privately, but for me - it's a God-incidence and blessing, because it goes so well with this topic of Relational Health. It was provided from a Church in NZ and they started this series on October 17th with their first Message of a 7 week series until November 27th: Wellbeing: An invitation to a flourishing life . I recommend it and I will be doing it also along with the Church and YV plan. If you go to the website linked, you will find out more and they also offer a short "wellbeing self- assessment"  free, through another church. Perfect timing for me (in the middle of this 31 day journey) to discover a continuation of seeking to 'live a flourishing life' (which for me, just means healthy, the way God desires me to in all my relationships and the rest of my life) so I will continue this journey through the different areas of well-being from physical {ouch}, emotional, and spiritual to relational, financial and  even vocational well-being - since I'm retired, I have plenty of time to address and focus on these and perhaps I don't need vocational as much but God still may have a vocational purpose for me (beyond what I do or have done). We're not finished until God says we are 😉

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy