
Wednesday, October 26, 2022


continuing with

     "Jesus Is the Loving Refuge Who Provides All You Need"


[This above Truth is the One that has kept me going year after year]

Yet, I still believe that Jesus expects me to do my part in every


DAYS 27 -31

Day 27 Jesus Speaks to Our Father about Us-
Hebrews 7:25

Day 28 Jesus is Our Friend and Our Home - 
John 14:23 and John 15:15

Day 29 Jesus Considers Us His Family -
Mark 3:34-35

Day 30 Jesus is Our Bridegroom - John 3:29-30

Day 31 Jesus Invites Us to Join His Mission -
Ephesians 2:10 

I have enjoyed every day with Jesus as my focus as my Loving Refuge, because He is and has been throughout my life. Each day points us toward a healthy RELATIONSHIP, shown to us through Jesus' example. However, DAY 30 stands out as the most significant for me personally. This Truth has been my saving grace since I first became aware of this for myself, and really needed it but also for His Church, relating to Jesus as Bridegroom. "...God planned all along to RELATE to His People as their Bridegroom (Isaiah 62:4-5)
"... The word translated as "complete" in John 3:29 and "full" in John 15:11 means filled up or perfected. This filling, perfect love is what Jesus our Bridegroom offers His people, His Bride. His spousal love isn't like that of the most devoted wife or faithful husband; those human examples are like Him. In fact, what spouses can offer to each other is a reflection of the majestic love that our King and Bridegroom Jesus shares with us, His people." ...

As you may already know or surmise,  my earthly marital RELATIONSHIP of many years is and has not been this ideal RELATIONSHIP that God intends for marriages yet I am so thankful to God that He revealed that Jesus' love stands in the gap and He alone can bring the fullness of this joy into my heart (and He has). My spiritual marriage with Jesus has provided me with this closeness in our RELATIONSHIP; Jesus is a (com)passionate and protective Bridegroom, always ready to draw near to me, as His Bride. This is true for you, too! We, as His people, are the Bride of Christ!  

{in my opinion, it's time to return to Jesus so that we, the Church, are known to act as we should, reflecting that Christlike love, in words and action daily, as we expect a Bride to be, holy, united and pure; following and devoted to Jesus alone; for we are not so righteous on our own, only through Jesus, as we reflect His love and grace in the way we love people - certainly not the violent, evil and bullying ways that are prevalent in our words and action in these days. We have fallen far from the kind of faith and love that Jesus has given us. We truly need to repent, which calls for a change of heart and these ways. God is calling all of us to be ...}


After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares a metaphor to guide us

in building strong



Matthew 7:24-27

Consider reading and rereading this devotional that I've been sharing for October:

Toxic Relationships: Taking Refuge in Christ 
Ellen Mary Dykas


Change My Relationship
365 Daily Devotions 
for Christians in Difficult
Karla Downing


So now that I have shared my source; I may need to take down these last 31 days
if I have shared more than copyright allows.
I still am unsure of this, but consider this a warning
in case these posts go missing

I hope not - but what I shared from the book(s) is "boxed" 
so that you know it is from the book, including the scripture verses given.

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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy