
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 1

NOVEMBER is already here and I had plans to do this:    

... on the YouVersion app of Bible reading plans. However, this past week I had some problems with You Version and I'm unable to sign in there. So I went directly to Sue Boldt's website (blog) and discovered Morning Moments of Prayer, filled with a very grateful heart to God. I'm not sure if Sue plans to share her "Thirty Days...", this devotional there, and her Christmas one, but they are both available to purchase with all proceeds going directly to their ministry of reaching the world for Christ, which means I have found a way to still do this, just not on You Version. However, I will not be sharing Sue's devotional here.

or my blog posts of Gratitude every day in November, I will give a Prayer Prompt to Thank God and some Scriptures. Although every day of the year, our prayers should be filled with THANKS to God, it's extra important this month. I like acronyms, so I came up with one for THANKS. I'm not sure how it'll work or if the format fits you & your style of praying, but I'll share it anyways:
T - Thank God for one thing
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalm of Praise
A - Adore Him for an Attribute of God *
N - Name of God **
K - Kind Act you do
S - Supplication: how He can or has supplied for yours or others needs

The initial THANKS will be for November 1st to the 3rd, then I will repost later on Thursday with the ones for November 4th - November 10th added.{did this  10/31} So all of Days 1-10 are here now.

November 1 will be Day 1 and continue like that with each date as that Day. Each day has the "T" part of the acronym of what to Thank God for ... then the rest is the challenge part for you. I'm hoping that the Scripture readings will inspire and help. For the first 2 days I explain a little more. 

                                                   1 Thessalonians 5:18 (day 2)


Day 1 - Thank God for Your Salvation through Jesus Christ  

"Thank Him that no man, no thing, no power in hell can undo what He did on the cross. Thank God Almighty that you have been saved from the sting of death. Thank Him that you will not be separated from our Lord, for you have been saved by the blood of The Great I AM. Praise God for the blood of the Lamb! Ask that He would give you boldness to *share your testimony of salvation with others today, that no one would perish and spend eternity separated from Him." 

Psalm 62:6-7, John 1:14, John 3:16, John 6:47, John 10:10, Galatians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:24

In one of the devotionals that I'm reading for this year, I couldn't help myself from editing this again so I could add the prayer right here for today's THANKS {parts in () added by me}: 
(for the "N") "Blessed Savior, Thank You for Your glorious gift of Grace! Your Word teaches that by grace I have been saved through faith. And this is not my own doing; it's not a result of my works.(Ephesians 2:8-9) Even the faith I needed to believe in You - to receive salvation - is a gift from You. Through Your finished work on the Cross, I've been given the astonishing blessings of eternal Life. (John 3:16) Help me respond to Your amazing generosity(for the "A") with a grateful heart. I can never thank You too fervently or too frequently for grace. 

During this Thanksgiving season, I want to take time to ponder what it means to have all my sins forgiven. I am no longer on a pathway to hell; (Matthew 10:28) my ultimate destination is a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1) This guaranteed heavenly inheritance gives me a great reason to rejoice every day of my life.

As I walk with You today, I'll try to thank You often for the matchless gift of grace. I pray that my gratitude for grace may increase my awareness of the many other blessings You provide - making me even more thankful. In Your gracious Name, Jesus" ... 
(*for the "K" - share your testimony of salvation with at least one other and perhaps show some grace for the ones who make our lives a bit harder) (for the "S" - clearly we need to pray for the ones that still need the salvation of Jesus Christ; and our own need to be bold in this endeavor more each day and eternally grateful as we live and love as Jesus has shown us) 
(for the "H" - there is a Psalm given above - Psalm 62:6-7 and some songs "The Lord is My Salvation" or "Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul" or "Thank You for Your Blessings")

Day 2 - Thank God for Today

"Thank God for the precious gift of today, for today is the day He has made, so let’s rejoice and be glad. Give thanks to Him for each minute He allows breath to fill your lungs. Ask Him to reveal to you the things in life that you can let go of to allow yourself time for what really matters in life."  

Psalm 118:14, Matthew 11:28, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Day 3 - Thank God for your Friends & that He is your Friend; or ask Him to send someone special as a friend
John 15:12-15, Romans 12:10, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

1 Corinthians 1:4-5

Day 4 Thank God for Power Over The Enemy.
When our hearts are full of praise, our lives are full of power." 
Ephesians 6:11-18, 2 Timothy 1:7, James 4:7

Day 5 Thank God for His Perfect Timing.
Romans 8:28, Colossians 3:12

Day 6 Thank God for Your Church. 
1 Corinthians 14:26, Titus 1:5–9, Hebrews 10:25

Day 7 Thank God for His Faithfulness
Psalm 36:5, Psalm 86:15, Matthew 19:26

Day 8 Thank God for Love.
Psalm 136, Psalm 107:1, 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8

Since this is the year of mid-term Elections, I strongly sense an urgency to: 
Thank God for our ELECTIONS and those candidates running in the elections as well as all who serve in our government. For God's Protection of every one!

Thank God for the freedom we have to elect our governing officials and that God's authority be over each one, for God's will & plan to prevail for our country; for the good over the evil; for the truth over the lies; for justice for all. 

Day 9 Thank God for Wisdom.
Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 4:7

Day  10 Thank God for Annoyances. "Some days it can be hard to feel thankful  But no matter the setbacks and aggravations, and no matter how we feel, one thing remains the same--He is present in the trials we face. Even the smallest of trials do not go unnoticed by Him. Thank Him for the hard stuff. Thank Him for using these things to strengthen your dependency on Him and your faith in Him. Pray for trust in Him on the hardest of days and keep praises on your lips." {I've found this keeps us humble and looking to Him}

Isaiah 55: 8-9, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, James 1:2-4

I will need to do a new post for Days 11-20 and then a final post for Days 21-30 because of how long this would be otherwise. Just imagine if I had written more or a Prayer for each one. 

(edited & reposted on 10/31)

(publishing days 11-20 on November 10th, 6 pm)

(publishing days 21-30 on November 20th)

* examples: His faithfulness; His Righteousness (image) 

** like El Shalom; Savior; Messiah; Redeemer ...

(day 2 example) Creator God, I thank You for this day and every day when I wake because You have made this day as a precious gift so I can rejoice and give praise. I thank You for my very breath each new morning and Your new mercies. Great is Your Faithfulness! Today as I go outside, I will thank You for the beauty in all of nature and replant a new tree to remind me of the need for good Light in my life (Your Son) the sun light that helps us grow and Living Water. Thank You that in Jesus Christ we receive both Light, Living Water and Life. Supply others in need of this fresh outpouring of You through me as I go about my day and share Jesus in a smile or a simple thank you. You made my day, help me do the same for someone else. 


show our
for this November to our
and His aMazing Grace

Starting our THANKS GIVING and WORSHIP off with one of my favorites  

Don Moen

{I kept these Prayer Prompts from a previous year in my Notes but I don't know who to give credit} I thank whoever you are or wherever they came from. No copyright infringement intent. 


  1. God, my Savior, today I thank You for the most important gift of all – my salvation. That You loved me enough to leave Your throne and sacrifice Yourself so I would be set free just amazes me. You are the rock I cling to when my world is shaking and my blessed hope of life eternal. Your everlasting love and mercy overwhelm me and I want others to know that they don’t have to go through life alone or try to figure out all their problems with no help. You alone are all we need and life is so sweet with You beside us. ♫Jesus paid it all…all to Him I owe…sin had left a crimson stain….He washed it white as snow♫…in Your precious and holy name…amen....KT

  2. Dear Lord, You are all-knowing and the Alpha and Omega….not only for all time, but also for this day and each one of my days. From this morning until I go to bed, You know my every thought, desire, and worry…thank You for this day and Your promise of walking beside, before, and behind me as I go along. ♫Hand in hand we walk each day, hand in hand along the way; walking thus I cannot stray, hand in hand with Jesus.♫ Thank You for the strength You supply to carry out the demands of the day and also the gentle nudges letting me know it’s time to take a break. You are my dearest friend and I love You so! Please help me, Lord, to discern when my spouse needs help when he doesn’t ask me (or You) so I can pass along those gentle reminders to him and assure him it’s quite alright to fall asleep sometimes when he sits down for a minute. Please guide both of us in the care of our parents so we can make sure their needs are met and give us wisdom in making choices that are the best and aligned with Your will. All praise, honor, and glory to Your holy name…amen….KT

  3. My Everlasting God, today I thank You for the friends You have placed in my life. They have been Your hands and feet to support me when I was falling apart. They have spoken Your words to me when that was all I needed to hear. They held me accountable for the things I forgot or neglected. You know the very special few that I’m referring to and I ask You to help me bless them in the same way. Lord, help us all to see the one who is alone with no one to help them up and let us be beacons of Your love and mercy so they may know how wide, deep, and great that love is and to accept Your most precious gift…..because He is the greatest Friend of all and the One who sticks closer than a brother. ♫What a friend we have in Jesus…all our sins and grief to bear….what a privilege to carry…everything to God in prayer♫ the Name of that precious Friend....amen...KT

  4. All powerful God, El Shaddai, thank You for giving your children power over the enemy. By the authority of Your word as our sword and the power of prayer to storm the heavens, bind, and release, we claim the promise that nothing can come between us and Your love. Your Spirit gives us boldness to speak this and other promises over our loved ones. Remind us of Your faithfulness through the years so we can share Your goodness with those who are in despair and need hope. 🎶 Oh for a thousand tongues to sing….Praises unto Thee….Oh for a thousand hands to raise,
In honor to the King.🎶
    In the powerful name of Jesus, amen….KT

  5. My awesome God who Sees Me – El Roi- thank You for Your perfect timing. From my very beginning, all the way to my end in this life, You see me and know “what” is best and “when” is best for my life to bring You glory. So many times I have raced ahead to what I thought should be, only to find out You had a different timeline planned that was so much better. Other times my thoughts and ideas caused me to procrastinate, only to discover that Your higher ways knew the right timing and my delay kept me from Your best plan. I’ve learned when I lean on my own understanding of a situation, my perception is skewed....and it’s always better to “be still and know” and trust with all my heart the One who knows the end of a matter. Help my impatient self to trust You ALWAYS because You have NEVER failed me. Remind me to extend the same courtesy to others as You alone know their timeline and I certainly don’t. ♫When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.♫ In the name of Jesus, who sees me, knows me, and loves me all the same...amen....KT

  6. Father God, thank You for the church….both the physical one and the spiritual church - Your body of believers. Both have changed throughout the years, but You, Abba, are the same, yesterday, today, and forever. You are our constant…our solid Rock…our strong tower. When we invite others to join with us in worship, fellowship, and studying Your word, we share encouragement, edification, love and hope to this broken world.

    🎶 Let the Church be the Church, Let the People rejoice.
    Oh, we've settled the question,
    We've made our choice.
    Let the anthems ring out, Songs of victory swell
    For the Church triumphant is alive and well.🎶
    In the name of our Cornerstone, Jesus Christ…amen….KT

  7. Oh Lord, Master, and Adonai, thank You for your abounding faithfulness that reaches to the skies! It’s hard to trust anything in this world, especially most people, but confident trust is what we have in You. Your promises are true and sure....Your love everlasting....and Your mercy longsuffering. Even when we are faithless, You remain faithful – for You cannot deny Yourself. ♫All my life You have been faithful...all my life You have been so, so good...with every breath that I am able...i’m gonna sing of the goodness of God.♫ Help us make known to the world that ♫Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father...There is no shadow of turning with Thee...Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not...As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.♫
    In the Name of the most Faithful One...amen...KT

  8. Abba, Father, thank You for Your unconditional and enduring love! You ARE love and we can’t truly know love until we know You. Knowing we are only dust...You love.....knowing we are weak and unreliable...You love....knowing we fail time and time again....You love....knowing we can never offer enough sacrifices to redeem ourselves...You love by sending Your Son as the supreme sacrifice once and for all.
    ♫He left the splendor of heaven
    Knowing His destiny
    Was the lonely hill of Golgotha
    There to lay down His life for me
    And if that isn't love
    Then the ocean is dry
    There's no stars in the sky
    And the little sparrows can't fly
    If that isn't love
    Then heaven's a myth
    There's no feeling like this
    If that isn't love♫
    Abba, too many times I haven’t shown love to others as I should, so please convict my heart before I say unloving words or withhold loving actions just because I’m irritable or aggravated. You have never withheld Your love from me and I claim the promise that NOTHING can separate us from Your love that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Your Son’s precious name....amen.....KT

  9. My All-Knowing and Wise King, thank You for the gift of wisdom. Your omniscience is assurance we can depend on You for guidance in navigating life for Your glory. You know every detail big and small and You never have to wonder or guess about please give me wisdom to release the things that cause my finite mind to worry and fret. Your loving eye watches over me so why should I be afraid? Thank You for wisdom You’ve given when important decisions need to be made and the peace You supply when You want me to be still and wait. Supply wisdom when my loved ones ask for advice and if discernment provides leading from the Spirit, may all involved know if came from You alone.
    ♫Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders,
    Let me walk upon the waters
    Wherever You would call me.
    Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
    And my faith will be made stronger
    In the presence of my Saviour♫
    In the name of Jesus....amen....KT

  10. Jehovah Shalom, thank You for Annoyances. Honestly, Lord, this one is hard to pray sometimes so I definitely need Your peace to help me remember to consider it pure joy so I can grow in the way You have planned for me. Forgive me for my aggravation when my plans are interrupted and help me extend grace and love instead of gripey words and a wrinkled brow. Your ways and thoughts are so much higher than mine so teach me always to pray – Thy will be done. Your will is for Your children to be thankful in all circumstances. ♫Have Thine own way Lord...have Thine own way...Thou art the potter, I am the clay...mold me and make me after Thy will...while I am waiting yielded and still♫ You are always with me...never fail all my needs...bear my burdens....refresh my soul...heal my brokenness...and light my path. In the peace-filled Name of Jesus....amen.....KT


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy