
Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Each and every day, we need to prepare our hearts and attitudes with simple gratitude, no matter what the day holds or what we are facing or have been ... we can still say - "Lord, I give You thanks!"

[reminder: Sue Boldt shares "Morning Moment of Prayer" and has written "Thirty Days of Thanksgiving & Worship") if/when you find yourself unable to pray (and there are others available too]

[image credit: Sue Boldt]

I don't often interrupt a series, or a 30 day long challenge or journey, however the next blog post is NOT until November 20th; and so far not too many of you are adding prayers of THANKS; so as I read the following article by Holley Gerth, I was compelled to share it since it made me think of you (the ones not adding a prayer - at least here) (and perhaps you are praying and giving thanks, just not sharing - which is ok, because pray is between you & God) but maybe a daily prayer challenge online publicly is not to your liking or you are comparing, feeling inadequate or far from feeling gratitude right now because of life's circumstances - well, let me tell you that this is the perfect solution: to praise & give thanks to God - a simple quiet thanks is a start. 

I've been in that place of not thinking I could utter any prayer of thanks or praise because of this situation or that; in the midst of loss, grief, sorrow, suffering, endless circumstances ... and I still have some days like this but I am thankful that I have found giving thanks and praise just for 'one thing' opens my heart and the gates of heaven begins to pour back in & revive my aching spirit and heart - and we always have 'one thing', even if it's the same one: it's a new day and He gives us breath (I might add) & strength to face whatever this day holds and of course, if you know Jesus, then you know HE holds your future... and that's worth a bunch of thank you prayers of praise & thanks. Just say: I thank You Lord for this new day & that You hold me. I give You praise.

[image credit: Sue Boldt]

After reading this "7 Days of Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving" by Holley ... that I received today in my Dayspring email, it was written back on November 7th, probably about the time when you, too were thinking that giving thanks really is a challenge to me because this year or right now __________ (fill in the blank). I'm hoping that Holley can encourage you to try this (for the next 7 days): 

"Let’s start giving thanks now so that we really are ready for Thanksgiving this year. What’s below is a quick and simple countdown that we can go through each day . . 

1. November 18th – Who in your life are you thankful for? Think of at least one person.

2. November 19th – What is a memory that brings you joy? Look back and see God’s goodness in it all over again.

3. November 20th – How have you seen God answer your prayers this year? Pause and reflect on one “yes” you are living in now.

4. November 21st – When do you feel joy? Pay extra attention to one happy little moment in your day.

5. November 22nd – Where can you see God’s hand in your life? 

Consider one way He is taking care of you.

6. November 23rd – Why did Jesus come for us? Revisit His extraordinary love.

7. November 24th – Give thanks for all of the above. "~Holley Gerth, Dayspring

Please follow the link to read Holley's words in its entirety!

... "We don’t have to feel guilty if thankfulness doesn’t come easily. God knows we’re human and He loves us that way. He’s the Giver of all good things — including the grace we need on the days when our attitude tries to compete with our gratitude."~ Holley Gerth

Of course, Dayspring has many more great articles, but I'd also like to call your attention to this one, if you missed it and still need encouragement:

"Begin Today with Thanksgiving"


I know that sometimes some music will help, so let Maranatha Singers lead you into worship today.
It's kind of a cheery song!

See you again to continue with our last 10 days on November 20th

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge -  3
(publishing days 21-30 on November 20th)

but for now
you can join us back here
T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge -  2
in our current one we still have a few more

And a Happy Thanksgiving to Each of You!

{it's already next Thursday, followed by Advent starting already on that Sunday}

The seasons seem to be happening much faster (or is that just me?)


  1. Hi Peggy. I am doing a prayer challenge by myself. Im with family this week but I’m going to try my best to stay on the track I chose. I hope you get back on YV soon. Make a new account if you have too.
    Hugs to you. I wouldn’t be a whole person without Amazing Grace. It is a sweet sweet sound!
    Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Oh Lyn, I'm so glad to see you here, and hear from you again! How wonderful that you are doing a prayer challenge. It's too bad that you're doing by yourself, but your audience is for One anyways so that's what's important. That's nice to hear that you're with family this week (I think). I'm not sure yet about YV, although I do miss my small group of YV friends. I was thinking I might do what you suggested in the New Year. We'll see what God leads me to do. Who knows, He may resolve my issue of being signed out & sign me in again. Big hugs right back at 'cha! And thanks for stopping by. We all need His aMazing Grace! It is so sweet. A very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Lyn, Peggy (hope you see this reply)

  2. Hi Peggy,

    I agree with you .. YV does keep me accountable as well. I am one of those A type personalities and it nags me to death knowing I have something undone. I pray for my mind to stop the madness and let it relax. When things are incomplete or unsettled or I have something in the waiting it drives my anxiety over the top. I am dealing with that right now.
    I am reading a book from Priscilla Shirer "fervent" and it is helping me learn how to get rid of the demons all around us. I am trying to remove the presence of feeling sorry for myself. We must learn how to be grateful for the here and now. Being thankful is something we should always express because it's a course we will never graduate from. I read that somewhere along with some other great advice. No matter we must stay in the Word it keeps our hearts and minds as well as souls accountable in so many ways. I want to share something with you, (it's a study .. not a big one) so email me and I will send it in a reply. How do I send you an email privately?

  3. Thank you Peggy. You are a sweet friend and I wish only the best - of course Praying for many many many blessings over you. Keep in touch. Plz try to make a new log in to YV so we can keep in touch. Just check in every now and again. Hugs♥️
    You can delete after you read if you don’t want these replies on your page. LD


    1. Aw LD you're the sweet friend!!! I saw/read this comment but couldn't find it here then realized it was awaiting moderation (since it's Anonymous) so I had to verify it was ok (not spam). That's why the delay. I only delete to maintain some privacy after read in hopes that not too many others were lurking & reading. Just have more than 1 comment attracts attention to blog & comments. I'm still waiting about starting over on YV again after more than 13 years there. Prayers & abundant blessings for you, too. Big 🤗
      ~ Peggy


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy