
Sunday, November 20, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 3

this one today

1 Chronicles 16:34

- Thank God for one thing -given daily
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalm of Praise
- Adore Him for an Attribute of God 
N - Name of God 
K - Kind Act you'll do
S - Supplication: how He can or has supplied

{if you still have not gotten use to "thanking God" by using this prayer prompt, go back and read the comments in the previous ones - at least the first days 1-10, because a very special prayer warrior person has done so, very well and has shared some really wonderful & beautiful examples. 
These prayers have excelled any expectations I had and blessed me completely! What a God-send!}

from November 20th, "Precious Jesus, I've discovered that thanking You frequently not only awakens my heart to Your Presence but sharpens my mind. So *when I'm feeling out of focus or out of touch with You, I need to make every effort to thank You for something, There is always an abundance of things to choose from: eternal gifts - such as salvation, grace, and faith - as well as ordinary, everyday blessings." ... from Jesus Listens, Sarah Young

This was the perfect words to start off my day with THANKS to God! 11/20
A beautifully penned reminder of exactly what I'm finding to be so true.
I do hope it encourages you give thanks to God for these last 10 days of November
and perhaps it's become a good habit that you can keep going or *as this says.* above.

NOVEMBER 21 - 30

Day 21 Thank God for Your Job. (or ones you've had, or your retirement)
Colossians 3:23, Luke 16:10

Day 22 Thank God for Public Servants.
Galatians 5:13, Philippians 2:5-7, Colossians 3:23

Day 23 Thank God for Your Life.
Psalm 27:4, Psalm 139:13-16, John 6:47, Ephesians 2:10

Day 24 Thank God for Your Family.
Proverbs 1:8, Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 31:15-17, Colossians 3:13 

Day 25 Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 27:1, John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26, Mark 1;8, Romans 8:26

[MN sunset taken on November 19, 2022 from our hill's view]

It's definitely not Autumn in MN, winter cold & snow this past week!
Such stunning beauty though to warm my soul and give God thanks!

Day 26 Thank God for His Help.
Psalm 46:1, Psalm 121, Isaiah 41:13, Philippians 4:13, 2 Timothy 1:7 

Day 27 Thank God for Our World.
Psalm 8:3-4, Psalm 19:1, Psalm 95:4-5, Psalm 104:24-25

Day 28 Thank God for His Protection.
Psalm 91:7, Psalm 121:7, John 6:40, Isaiah 58:8, Ephesians 6:10-18 

Day 29 Thank God for Creature Comforts
Psalm 84:12, Philippians 4:12-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Day 30 Thank God for How the Story Ends
Revelation 21:3-4, Revelation 22:5

already is beginning 
next Sunday, November 27th this year

... so that means, I go from my 31 day journey in October "Taking Refuge in Christ" and seeking to be healthier in RELATIONSHIPS, and before we even finish this 30 day challenge of T.H.A.N.K.S., we will be rushing (it seems) into an Advent of Joy, Hope, Peace and Love to prepare our hearts for Jesus' coming at Christmas. This does not leave me very much room or time to sum up more about the One Word of 2022 for me - RELATIONSHIPS. I still have some saved over at YV which perhaps I can cram into the last week of 2022 between the SONdays of CHRISTmas Day and the one for New Year's Day 2023! Can you believe that already - all ready? Not too sure that I can or that it is approaching so quickly. I'm definitely not ready for this final season of 2022, nor am I even close to completing my work on RELATIONSHIPS, "I've only just begun" or barely scratched the surface, but I truly am learning much! Thankful that God chose that One Word for me to look at, evaluate and re-evaluate as I learn healthy ways to live my life for Him & with Him, which ultimately means better RELATIONSHIPS hopefully, from my end at least, putting into practice; and improving my life His way.  

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 

Colossians 3:15-16  


Blessings on you and your families!

[image credit: Dayspring]

Sending this with a thankful HUG to you & for you!


  1. Replies
    1. Father, our Provider, I thank You for the jobs I had & the ones that my spouse worked endlessly (& hasn't stopped working - always deadlines & projects). The jobs we worked at provide for our retirement, unless the government changes that (an upcoming dilemma being talked about by GOP). You are my Provider! I thank You that I was fortunate to be blessed to leave this country in my 40s and work for You. Truthfully, You did take care of me in Mexico for 20 years. I'm so thankful that I was blessed to be able to go & live on the fixed support provided. Many are in a place of being jobless - yet I see abundant job openings, but You understand their situation & need. I ask that You open the right door for those seeking employment. Direct their steps & open hearts so no one looks down or away from their needs & qualification. Make a way for those who need a job. Thank You for the way You made for me throughout many jobs & years of work - paid or volunteer; there was always work to be done; and I thank You for my open & closed doors because You had a reason that I could not see. I really did not want to write a prayer thanking You for jobs since we are retired, but I realize that because we did work, we were able to retire & without Your provision, I would not have a place to live & retire. So I do thank You. Now my other problem with giving thanks for this is not knowing how to follow my own acronym regarding this. So I know You provide & I know Your many blessings however I also realize that there are people, in this country & certainly in this world, who are not afforded jobs and benefits, so I lift those to You that You provide for them because I know You care for each one. All blessings flow from You. You will complete what You have started according to Your plan. “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..." I humbly ask that You, God "will meet all their needs according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus.” as I give You praise & thanks for jobs. Nothing is too difficult for You!

  2. "Glorious God, I offer You the sacrifice of thanksgiving. I don't want to take any of Your good gifts for granted - not even the rising of the sun. Thankfulness does not come naturally to me, but You've been training me to respond supernaturally.

    Your Word teaches me how important it is to have a grateful attitude... when I approach You with thanksgiving, the Light of Your Presence pours into me, transforming me in the depths of my being. Help me to walk in the Light with You, Lord - delighting in You and practicing the discipline of thanksgiving." Jesus Listens, Sarah Young, November 21

    {these are not my own words, but their most certainly could be ... I prefer this prayer today so I wanted to share this portion of the Jesus Listens prayer for this morning. And also from the previous post from Holley Gerth's words today she suggested this for "November 21st – When do you feel joy? Pay extra attention to one happy little moment in your day." I switch to these when I don't really like the ones on my list like jobs.} Although I tried my best, I can see that I need to adjust my gratitude attitude because I do give thanks to God for jobs.

  3. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the jobs You have given me throughout my life. From the ones in my early years doing work around things I really enjoyed like reading cooking, and baking, to the season of retail work in a field that really pushed this introvert out of my comfort zone but You used it for good as always. In looking back, I understand what I didn’t understand at the time. Then You blessed me and my husband with our own home based business which later brought blessings of time to babysit grandkids and later allowed me to be a caregiver for my parents. When that labor of love changed from part time to full time, You provided so I could retire early and take care of them. You provided more than I ever could have imagined and I am so grateful! So many today either don’t have jobs or can’t hire the help they need to succeed. Please lead and guide these folks to find each other so they both may benefit. You are omniscient and You created each one of us to live an abundant life and bring honor to Your name. We mess this up oh, so often, Lord, so we need Your guidance, Holy Spirit, to know the best choices to make. May we always remember as we enjoy the fruits of our labors, to praise You alone for these blessings. ♫Then sings my soul, my Savior God to great Thou art, how great Thou art...then sings my soul, my Savior God to great Thou art, how great Thou art♫ In Jesus’ Name....amen...KT

  4. My Lord and King, we thank You for the public servants You have placed in our world. They have difficult jobs and many of them carry heavy burdens so we ask for wisdom, honesty, and humility to be the goals they strive to achieve. Some bring honor to Your name, but there are also many who don’t. Convict their hearts to remember they don’t only serve the people, but their Creator first and foremost. Help us always show our appreciation for their sacrifices for some have thankless jobs working behind the scenes. May the ones placed to show mercy and justice draw from Your examples of supreme mercy and honest judgment. May we all live in unity and brotherhood and think of others before ourselves. ♫BIND US TOGETHER, Lord, Bind us together with cords that cannot be broken...bind us together, Lord, bind us together...bind us together with love.♫ In the name of Jesus.....amen KT

  5. Day 22 Thank God for Public Servants.- serve our children, patrol the streets, medicate the sick, come to our rescue in crisis, serve our community, any local, state or federal government employee of a government organization: Firefighters, police officers, public health & safety officials, librarians, teachers (all in education) and volunteers for the Peace Corps, 911 operators, those who keep the water & air clean, forest & park rangers, etc.

  6. God my Maker, thank You for my giving me life. You created my inmost being and knit me together in the womb of my momma….fearfully and wonderfully made with all my days ordained and written in Your book from the very start to the very end. How awesome You are, Lord! You even prepared in advance good works for me to accomplish in Christ Jesus which my mind can’t even fathom! You have always been with me, even when I turned my back on You and went the other way. In Your love and mercy You ran to meet me with open arms when I finally returned home. Home….safe in Your arms is where I want to stay forever….my life completely with the One who gave me life. May I never shy away from letting others know how to experience true life with You because each person is Your handiwork, even if they don’t realize it yet. 🎢 Your Grace is all sufficient,
    It's an all sufficient Grace.
    Your Power and Your Glory
    Are forever on display.
    For Your loving kindness, loving kindness
    Is better than life!🎢
    In the name of the Life-Giver, amen! KT

  7. I may not catch up with sharing my THANKS prayers but I am so thankful that KT has continued to share such beautiful praise & thanks to our Lord God Almighty! Amen to the Life Giver (& Jireh, the Job giver also); where would we be without such a gracious & benevolent Father, Son & Holy Spirit, so worthy of our continual praise & thanks! Glory be to the Father & to the Son & to the Holy Spirit now & forever!

  8. In case you receive these in your email, on Weds. I switched Day 24 & Day 25 so for:

    THURS. Day 24 Thank God for Your Family!!!

    Fri. Day 25 Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
    (which goes well with the following day - and you're welcome to combine)

    Day 26 Thank God for His Help.

  9. Heavenly Father, I thank You for my family and consider them my greatest blessing. From the Christian legacy of my ancestors, to the upbringing I passed on to my children and grandchildren, we have clung to Your word of training up the young ones to know about and respect You so that when they are older they will KNOW You and stay on the right path. You know I’ve made many mistakes with this, but You have always been faithful to bring good out of the difficult. I’ve watched my elders face unthinkable odds, but remain faithful to You through it all. Time and time again You have used those trials to amaze me as You orchestrated a perfect symphony out of seeming chaos and strife. I am in awe of Your power, majesty, and wondrous mercy! Please help my legacy be full of adoration and honor to Your name. ♫… Your presence, your glory, you're welcome in...all honour, dominion...Lord please come, near...we want you, we need you, we live to glorify...Your name♫ And in the Name of Your perfect Son....amen KT

    1. Amen ... and Hallelujah Anyhow!!! Great family legacy & testimony! Thank You Father for this family & KT!

  10. God of all comfort, I thank you for the sweet Holy Spirit. When I was young, there was a lady that always testified thanking God for the “sweet, Holy Spirit”.....I didn’t quite understand that description but I know the choir sang ♫… There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place, and I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord; there are sweet expressions on each face, and I know they feel the presence of the Lord. Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet heavenly Dove, stay right here with us, filling us with Your love. And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise; without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived, when we shall leave this place.♫ As I’ve grown older and closer to You, Holy Spirit, I’ve experienced that sweetness first hand in a loving Comforter who comforts like no other, a gentle Intercessor who releases my intense emotions as pray offerings to my Father, and a heavenly Dove who settles my overwhelmed heart with peace I can’t even explain. Lord, start a revival in me that will spill over into everyone I meet to desire Your Sweet Holy Spirit as their Friend and Helper....their Ally who will be with them Jesus’ name I pray....amen. KT

    1. Praise God for that sweet Holy Spirit! What a precious Spirit (and song) KT! Yes, yes, yes Holy Spirit, won't You reign down on us, fill us, anoint us! Thank You Comforter, send more and more to KT (and thanks KT for such a sweet spirit alive in you, flowing already).

  11. Day 26 Thank God for His Help.

    Day 27 Thank God for our World

    1. O Creator God, I thank You for the World You created "and it was good!" Forgive us Lord for the destruction we have caused in the world. I thank You for the diversity of people; the land & all creation & the bodies of water You made. They too were all good at creation. The world You gave to us was full of good & life; and now Father, it is filled with evil & death.
      The world needs You, Lord more than ever because it (and some of Your people) are crying out for Your hand of mercy, Your power & help. What the world needs now is love - Your agape love! As I started out to write this prayer, the words of a childhood nursery rhyme came to mind: Thank You for the world so sweet; Thank You
      for the food we eat; Thank You for the birds that sing; Thank You God for everything! The words ring true - all but the first line - the world is so far from sweet! We need to repent & do much better with this world & in this world. It really isn't our world, it is Yours & we have done poorly caring for Your world; its people; its lands & waters; its creatures - big & small. This world was made & given in love; this world is so broken & filled with hate. Have mercy Lord! Change our hearts & attitudes & help us care for our world. Show us Father how to do what we can for this world. 🎢 :He's got the whole world in His hands:(3xs) You've got the whole wide world in Your hands!🎢 Thank You Father, keep us in Your hands, the whole world.

    2. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  12. My Lord and My God, I thank You for Your Help. You help when I’m in trouble and call out to You and You help me when I don’t even know I’m in need of help. But really, You know my heart and that I can’t live without You, so I know deep down I’m always in need of Your by day....moment by moment. You are my refuge and strength and the source of all my help, so help me be always ready to share this source with others and declare nothing in my life is possible without You and they should believe and accept these things for peace secured and hope confirmed. You promise to take me by the hand and not to be afraid because You will help me. Whom shall I fear?! Or what? ♫I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God of angel armies is always by my side...the one who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine...the God of angel armies is always by my side♫ You watch over my coming and going now and forever...such assurance! Forgive me when I behave as these promises aren’t true. Help me keep my eyes focused on You and Your word because I can “trust the verse and trust the voice”. Holy Spirit help me to trust You more and follow Your lead! In the Name of the most trustworthy, amen..KT

    1. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ what an all encompassing prayer KT - thank you so much!

      Holy Spirit - our constant Helper; thank You for all the Help You give - asked or not, just like KT prayed. I agree & shout Amen!

  13. Creator of all that’s good, thank You for this world You made for us. All I have to do is step outside to see Your glory and craftsmanship. How awesome You are! We take much of this for granted and mankind has not been a good steward of Your wondrous creation. Teach us to be more mindful of this responsibility and to be more grateful for everything. 🎢 For the beauty of the earth,
    for the glory of the skies,
    for the love which from our birth over and around us lies. Christ, our Lord, to you we raise…this, our hymn of grateful praise. 🎢 in the beautiful name of Jesus, amen…KT

  14. Mighty Warrior and my Rear Guard, thank You for Your protection. Your watchful care has followed me all my life and I was comforted with the assurance that Your love and protection surrounded me. ♫You go before me...You shield my way...Your hand upholds me and I know You love me...Your holy presence surrounding me.... in every season I know You love me ♫ Years ago when my husband traveled for business for weeks on end and I had to stay home and man the fort, my family would show concern and asked if I was afraid to be home alone. I can truthfully say that I never had a restless night due to fear of being alone. I assured my family that my faithful God was greater than any bump in the You provided a wonderful furry friend to keep me company....and access to an ample supply of earplugs! You are my refuge, Lord, in good times and bad! You supply me with weapons, and when the full armor is in place....I am Your warrior daughter standing my ground with Your protection surrounding me. Please help me to stand firm in this battle and to claim protection over my friends and family. You alone are our conquering King! In the Mighty Name of Jesus....amen KT

    1. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Powerful & awesome, mighty prayer warrior!!!

  15. Day 28 Thank God for His Protection.

    Day 29 Thank God for Creature Comforts

    1. Most High Almighty God, El Shaddai - God of the Mountain, God the Destroyer of Enemies, God the Sufficient One; Thank You for Your Protection, when I am aware of it & when I am not, You are my Refuge, You are my Fortress (Psalm 91) under Your wings I find refuge, Your faithfulness is my shield. You go before me, beside me, behind me, around me & with me wherever my feet lead me, You are with me.
      My God, in whom I trust. I am so thankful that You protect me & You have kept me from much harm. When I am afraid or alone, I know You're right there beside me. 🎢 When I’m Alone, When I’m Afraid, When I Have Had All I Can Take; Losing My Grip, I Start To Slip Away, When I Can Hear The Voice Of Doubt, Inside My Head, Screaming Loud;
      Strengthen My Faith, And Help Me Say,
      Today, Today

      I Will Follow, I Will Press On
      Even When The Walk Feels Long
      Your Hands Hold Me Together
      Your Love Is With Me Forever
      Through The Broken, Through The Victory
      I Will Praise You Through It All
      And Run Hard Till The Race Is Done;
      I, I’m Gonna Press On, Press On
      I’m Gonna Press On, Press On🎢
      I praise You & give thanks for Your constant Protection over me; throughout my life, in all the places I have journeyed, You have placed special people & very special companions in my furry family that accompanied me as I traveled long distances from MX to home, back & forth; and while I was there; You were used them to keep me alert and alive; to let me know You were present & cared for us safely. I thank You so much that You rescue & protect us; as we acknowledge Your name & call upon You, You answer, You are with us in trouble & in safe places; You deliver us. May I offer that kind of safety to others through sharing my faith in You, as Protector or as we have been able offer foster teens or others a place to live here in our home in safety. Guard each one of them & us as we offer hearts of refuge to those in need & encourage others to do this to the least of these as You have done for us. Thank You for Your grace & eyes & heart to do this as You direct. "No man is an island, no man stands alone; Each man's joy is joy to me, Each man's grief is my own. We need one another, So I will defend, Each man as my brother, Each man as my friend."

    2. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» Thank you, Lord!

    3. Abba Father, thank You for Your generous creature comforts. As Jehovah Jireh You supply my daily needs abundantly, and then as my Abba You bless me over and above the essentials. None are deserved yet You pour out blessings that stir my emotions because most are things just between me and You. It’s like when I surprise my grandchildren with something I know they want, it gives me great pleasure. Abba, You’ve blessed me so for all my life and placed me in a country of freedom and a family of love. I know others are not as fortunate and many are in great need for even essentials, so who am I to never have been in want? My worship to You is an offering to share my resources with those in need….they are Your resources anyway so open my eyes to share boldly and wisely with others. Let them be aware that each and every good gift comes from You. 🎢 Out in the highways and byways of life,
      Many are weary and sad;
      Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife,
      Making the sorrowing glad.
      Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing.
      Out of my life may Jesus shine;
      Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray.
      Make me a blessing to someone today.🎢 My kind and benevolent Savior…amen ... KT

  16. Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the One who is, who was, and is still to come, thank You for letting Your children know how the story ends! Such blessed assurance! ♫Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God..born of his Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song...praising my Savior all the day long...this is my story this is my song...praising my Savior all the day long♫. And praise You, I do, my soon coming King! The chapters in the story You’ve written for my life have contained everything under the sun, but because of Your Son, the final chapter will last for more sorrow or pain or tears or more darkness...just everlasting joy and glory and peace as we bask in Your presence and light...all of Your promises fulfilled! How could anyone not want that more than anything this old world has to offer? Please help all Your children be beacons for You so the lost will be drawn to Your light before it is too late. ♫There's a little light in all of us by God's design, but you can't be a beacon if your light don't(sp) shine.♫ You are the Author and Finisher of our faith and You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. ♫ I adore You, I adore You, Lamb of God, my Savior, Prince of Peace. I adore You, I adore You...Jesus, You mean all the world to me♫ Amen and amen! KT

    1. Hallelujah... Amen! Hallelujah Anyhow and Glory to our King!
      (more at YV)

      Well done - you completed this challenge well KT! Thank you!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy