
Tuesday, December 27, 2022



This was one of the YV plans I shared at the end of yesterday's post that I am reading. But as usual I was curious to what does this mean, which as you know leads me to Google (unless you think God defines this in His Word). And I found the following:
"... So the definition of "resonant" means to "have the ability to evoke or suggest enduring images, memories, or emotions", so essentially, resonant relationships means, I would guess, enduring or lasting relationships."

Now that ending definitely applies to our RELATIONSHIP with God/Jesus!

Yet I persisted to browse further in the world (Google)

{looks good, but I did not read it, just glanced through it}

{skipped this one too}

I like positive influences but I'm far beyond thinking about any romantic relationship.

My search got a little off course and too worldly from the search for the definition as I looked for "resonance meaning in relationship" that's where I encountered "What is Positivity Resonance ... ?" and "Resonance is Relational"; "Magnetism, Resonance, and Discord" [where I read this in the brief search description: "Resonance (coherence and balance between us) is what allows us to stay with our partner and be at peace with them. Striking the balance between..."] which peaked my curiosity but I still resisted ... I have had plenty of 'discord' but coherence and balance and being at peace ... well, next ... at the bottom of that first search page, I found another definition:   

Resonance is the quality of being “resonant,”  which can mean “strong and deep in tone” or “having a lasting effect.”

Clearly that makes sense, right? That leads me back to what I first boxed ... it surprises me that in the YV reading plan, the author(s) did not define this in the first day's devotional .. but guess what? They have a website and book! {I really should have known this - maybe I need to go back to "Relationship Goals" (another YV plan)} But the reason I chose this plan and like it is because of this "healthy relationships are as important as a good diet and exercise program" AND "this is a 6 day plan to help you 'connect' with others and improve RELATIONSHIPS of all types ..." AND their acronym (what attracted me to this, of course)


Yep, that was it! 

Can you guess, since this is a biblical reading plan, what these letters stand for? 

Day 1's Bible passage is from Matthew 22:36-39

Days 2 through 6 each contain a devotional on each one of the letters: E. Q. U. I. P.  And each day leaves us with a challenge for that word. Since I'm not through with the reading of all of the days yet, I hope you might be curious enough to go and check it out for yourself. Perhaps I will come back later and at least reveal what each letter stands for ... in case you don't check it out. 

I do pray that whatever RELATIONSHIP you need to strengthen (personal, marital, familial; professional, or spiritual) that you may find yourself EQUIPped by the power of the Holy Spirit/ God to change, improve and make it healthy. My RELATIONSHIPs (even after a year with this as my One Word) and reading some very valuable resources; I need more prayer than ever. RELATIONSHIPs are very important to me - at least throughout my life, they have been; yet I
personally have changed much, invested in many, and still need to work on being healthy or be in healthy relationships; and instead I have found as I'm aging that I am isolating more and
more (unlike my old self - extravert - lol no longer) and perhaps COVID 19 pandemic helped me to be content withdrawing from society (in person, anyways) - at times I make some attempts yet I prefer the calm and sole living at peace because otherwise I find too much stress or conflict with the RELATIONSHIPs near and the conflicts that arise. I tend to not know how to interact in a healthy way and I've worked hard on walking away & not reacting, especially in that old flesh. 

I've tried to "CHANGE MY RELATIONSHIP(s)" as best as I can, am and have learned many new ways, however I know I have not yet arrived, but as I read December 27th reading in that book - it was "The Serenity Prayer" which I know all too well from people in recovery, but in my opinion, we all are in a state of recovery (from our sin, whatever that may be) and need to pray this. Most people only know the first part of this prayer. A decade or more ago, I learned there was more and today's devotion shares this too. It mentions that "people in recovery programs use the Serenity Prayer because it summarizes much of what we're doing when we are getting healthy". Certainly I need this for my development and bettering my RELATIONSHIP(s) in a healthy way. The main point at the end of this short devotion tells me: "this requires us to be wise enough to recognize the difference between what we can change and what we cannot change." And so far in my life, there is nothing I can change without God. Only God can change me, as I work on the necessary changes I need, and only God can reach and/or change the other person in any of my RELATIONSHIP(s). I always have needed wisdom and spiritual discernment, but what I seek is Godly wisdom and direction. I have depended on my RELATIONSHIP with God to lead me and direct me but I'm pretty sure there were far too many times that I failed to listen or follow Him and His ways. Yet reconciliation of any RELATIONSHIP needs a foundation and same belief in the power of God through Jesus Christ - I'd say it takes two but actually it takes three: the two individuals with God! I'm still waiting and praying ... I personally know the difference. I will continue to deepen my enduring and lasting RELATIONSHIP with JESUS and trust God to work out the rest. That He change me and that I leave the rest completely in His Hands to do according to His plan and accept it.

I do hope you can read this complete


for I choose 

"... Living one day at a time;

enjoying one moment at a time ..."

It gets a little more difficult at this point:

"...accepting hardships

as a pathway to peace"...

but the final resolve

"...if I surrender to His Will ..."

"...supremely happy with Him forever in the next!"

The most enduring and lasting RELATIONSHIP I know is the one that you & I can have with


[if you don't have this RELATIONSHIP, please scroll down the page and read or let me know in the comments so I can pray for you or with you] Here's some of one I found online (God loves you to just talk with Him and tell Him whatever's on your heart - this is a start):

Lord, I know that You exist in my heart because I totally accept You as my Savior. Your great love for all souls is immeasurable and Your grace for us is only limited by our own acceptance of You. I, a humble sinner, recognize and acknowledge the great cross You endured for all mankind. I give You thanks for Your great suffering and sacrifice by my prayers, acts, love and praises to You Almighty God. I love You so, so much and totally accept Your sacrifice for my sins. I wish to have a prayerful one-on-one personal relationship with You. I humbly ask You my Lord to grant me Your love and grace to keep me in line with Your will, to avoid sins of the mind and flesh and to foster a truly meaningful relationship with You. ... Thank You Jesus!

Any simple words surrendering your life to Him will do,

Accepting Jesus' sacrifice He paid for you to have eternal life on the Cross
to know, love and serve Him with the way you live your life 
following Him, His Word and His Way.
Only through Jesus can you come to know God, the Father.


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Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy